What is the authority to rescue a DISABLED train on all ABS (includes MURL) & ATC
From the advance & rear ?
*N.B. All ABS means both double line & Bi- Directional.
Otherwise it will be clearly specified in the following questions
Train Authority
What is the authority to enter the section to rescue a disabled/ derailed train from the REAR on all ABS
Including the MURL?
Proceed aspects
(Except derailed only in the MURL)
What is the speed to rescue a disabled/ derailed train on all ABS from the rear including the MURL?
Signal aspects
(Except derailed - only in the MURL)
What is the point of protection for disabled/ derailed on all ABS & ATC from the rear?
500m or NFS
(Next Fixed Signal)
What is the point of protection when rescuing a disabled / derailed / (obstructed - protection to rear of train) on Double line ABS
from the ADVANCE ?
What is the speed when rescuing a disabled or derailed train on Double Line ABS from the advance?
Reduced speed to 2km (from disabled train)
STOP then 15km/h to the point of protection
What is the Authority to Enter the Section (not the authority to rescue) when rescuing a Disabled/ derailed (& obstructed returning to rear) on all ABS
from the ADVANCE ?
(Track Circuited with no Low Speed Caution)
What is the speed when rescuing a disabled or derailed train on Bi-Directional ABS from the advance?
Signal aspects / R1S3 - EXTREME CAUTION
What is the point of protection when rescuing a Disabled/ derailed or obstructed (returning to rear) on Bi- Directional ABS from the advance ?
500m or NFS
What is the authority for an obstructed train to return to the rear on all ABS & ATC?
Train Authority
What is the speed for an obstructed train when returning to the rear on all ABS & ATC ?
Extreme caution
(You are moving back to where you came from)
What is the authority to enter the section when returning to the rear when obstructed, or rescuing from ADVANCE a disabled or derailed (on ALL ABS & in the MURL) ?
(Track Circuited with no low speed caution)
(Except derailed only in the MURL)
What is the authority to rescue a DISABLED, DERAILED (or OBSTRUCTED to return to rear)
From ADVANCE or from the REAR on all ABS/ ATC/ MURL?
Train Authority
(Except derailed only in the MURL -must act under instructions from AC)
What is the authority to enter the section on ATC for disabled/ derailed (or obstructed to return to rear) from ADVANCE or from REAR?
TA (Assisting a Disabled Train exception)
What is the speed on ATC when rescuing a Disabled/Derailed train from the REAR?
Signal Aspects
(However its Extreme Caution whilst passing a Home Departure signal)
What is the point of protection on ATC for a disabled/ derailed/ (obstructed train to return to the rear) from the ADVANCE or from the REAR?
500m or NFS
What is the point of protection for
Bi-directional ABS
when rescuing from the ADVANCE (protection to rear of disabled Train) for Disabled/ Derailed/ Obstructed?
500m or next fixed signal
What is the speed when rescuing a disabled/ derailed train on ATC from the ADVANCE?
Signal aspects:
(R1S3) Extreme Caution
What is the point of protection in a rescue from the REAR or ADVANCE in the MURL for a disabled train?
Next Fixed Signal
What is the speed in a rescue when in the MURL coming to the advance of the disabled train (OR obstructed train returning to rear)?
Trip up
Secondary circuit
When rescuing a DERAILED train in the MURL, from the REAR or ADVANCE,
What is the point of protection, the speeds and the authority to enter the section?
Act on the instructions from the area controller
What is the authority for an obstructed train to return to the rear in the MURL?
Train authority with all signal numbers applicable
What is the speed for an obstructed train to return to the rear in the MURL?
+ trip raised
+ running on secondary circuit
Single line working pilot ON the disabled train :
What is the authority to rescue a disabled train from the Rear or from the advance?
Train authority
How must a derailed train be rescued when under Single line working & pilot ON/OFF the disabled train ?
Act under Train Control instructions
What is the authority to return for an OBSTRUCTED train when under Single line working PILOT ON or OFF the train ?
Special instructions from the Rail safety manager
Single line working pilot on the disabled train:
What is the authority to enter the section when rescuing a disabled train from the REAR, or from the ADVANCE?
Train Authority and verbal instructions to pass the signal from the signaler
Single line working pilot ON or OFF the disabled train:
What is the SPEED when rescuing a disabled train from REAR/ ADVANCE?
Reduced speed to 2 km
then 15 km/h to protection point
Single line working pilot ON or OFF the disabled train:
What is the point of protection when rescuing a disabled train from the rear?
500m or NFS
Single line working pilot ON or OFF disabled train:
What is the point of a protection when rescuing a disabled train from the ADVANCE?
500 m
SLW PILOT NOT on the disabled train:
What is the authority to rescue a disabled train from the REAR / ADVANCE?
PILOT’s Authority & written Instructions from TC
(Same as a TA)
SLW PILOT NOT on the disabled train:
What is the authority to enter the section when rescuing a disabled train from the rear or advance?
Pilots authority
Do you need a train Authority to rescue when already in the section?
Train Authority Sheet