What is the authority to rescue a DISABLED train on all ABS (includes MURL) & ATC
From the advance & rear ?
*N.B. All ABS means both double line & Bi- Directional.
Otherwise it will be clearly specified in the following questions
Train Authority
What is the authority to enter the section to rescue a disabled/ derailed train from the REAR on all ABS
Including the MURL?
Proceed aspects
(Except derailed only in the MURL)
What is the speed to rescue a disabled/ derailed train on all ABS from the rear including the MURL?
Signal aspects
(Except derailed - only in the MURL)
What is the point of protection for disabled/ derailed on all ABS & ATC from the rear?
500m or NFS
(Next Fixed Signal)
What is the point of protection when rescuing a disabled / derailed / (obstructed - protection to rear of train) on Double line ABS
from the ADVANCE ?
What is the speed when rescuing a disabled or derailed train on Double Line ABS from the advance?
Reduced speed to 2km (from disabled train)
STOP then 15km/h to the point of protection
What is the Authority to Enter the Section (not the authority to rescue) when rescuing a Disabled/ derailed (& obstructed returning to rear) on all ABS
from the ADVANCE ?
(Track Circuited with no Low Speed Caution)
What is the speed when rescuing a disabled or derailed train on Bi-Directional ABS from the advance?
Signal aspects / R1S3 - EXTREME CAUTION
What is the point of protection when rescuing a Disabled/ derailed or obstructed (returning to rear) on Bi- Directional ABS from the advance ?
500m or NFS
What is the authority for an obstructed train to return to the rear on all ABS & ATC?
Train Authority
What is the speed for an obstructed train when returning to the rear on all ABS & ATC ?
Extreme caution
(You are moving back to where you came from)
What is the authority to enter the section when returning to the rear when obstructed, or rescuing from ADVANCE a disabled or derailed (on ALL ABS & in the MURL) ?
(Track Circuited with no low speed caution)
(Except derailed only in the MURL)
What is the authority to rescue a DISABLED, DERAILED (or OBSTRUCTED to return to rear)
From ADVANCE or from the REAR on all ABS/ ATC/ MURL?
Train Authority
(Except derailed only in the MURL -must act under instructions from AC)
What is the authority to enter the section on ATC for disabled/ derailed (or obstructed to return to rear) from ADVANCE or from REAR?
TA (Assisting a Disabled Train exception)
What is the speed on ATC when rescuing a Disabled/Derailed train from the REAR?
Signal Aspects
(However its Extreme Caution whilst passing a Home Departure signal)