What must a driver do if a train is stopped in a section for any reason?
After ensuring the train is not derailed or not fouling a parallel running line, the driver must:-
Secure the train
TEC call
State the circumstances
State The exact location of the train
PA inform passengers
(Then fault finding)
Declare train disabled if no fault found
When relief is required from the rear, and the relief train is at a signal box location
Will a train authority be required, and who will issue it?
TC will issue TA - will be dictated to driver or handed by signaller
Relief from the rear when relief train is already in the single line section will a train authority be required?
The relief train will proceed as per signal aspects
When the relief is Rescuing from the advance when will the train controller issue a train authority?
When driver of disabled train has protected, the train
At an attended location how’s the train authority issued?
The train authority will be dictated to the signaller who will hand it to the relief driver
What must the driver of the relief train ensure when at an attended location and the train authority is handed ?
Remember to sign the butt
How would a train authority be issued at an unattended location?
It will be dictated to the relief driver by TC
When on ATC what is the EXCEPTION/authority to pass the Home departure signal at stop?
(HD signal remains sleeved at stop)
Use the exception ‘to assist a disabled train’
(To get the Train Authority)?
What is the authority to pass the signal protecting the disabled train on ATC?
Same rules apply as per ABS.
What is the maximum speed for a trying to pass a home departure signal that is sleeved at stop?
Extreme caution as per R1S3
And R1S3 for any following auto signals required to be passed
What is required to clear the section once a relief has been combined with rescuing train, entering from rear or advance?
A train authority
Is a train authority required if the relief is already in the single line section?
What is the authority to pass the signal, protecting the disabled train on ATC?
If driver is located at an auto signal, the driver of the disable train will pilot the relief train under R1S3
If protecting driver is located in advance of auto signal, relief, train will be verbally authorized by TC to perform R1S3
What is the speed when a train is being piloted to the disable train for the driver?
What are the five Cs of the relief procedure?
Couple up
Cancel the DRA
Continuity test (check EMY brake in lead)
Contact TC to move combined trains
Is a train authority required, when combined trains are to continue towards the advance (original direction of travel)?
Just operate train according to signal aspects or operational or defect speed restrictions, which ever is Lower