How must an Irregularly displayed signal be regarded?
At its safest aspect, which is 🛑
When detained at a signal at stop or irregularly displayed, what information must be given to TC/ AC/ signaller?
Signal no.
Position of train
What information must the signaller give to the driver when detained at a signal at stop?
-Duration of delay
- Reason for delay
- If blocking facilities have been applied
What must a driver do if they cannot contact the signaler?
Contact train control
Procedure when detained at a signal at stop
- sound a long whistle
- PA
- contact signaller/TC/ AC etc.
- give Train no., sig. no., location
- signaller: -duration & reason for delay + if blocking facilities
- if no answer Driver contact TC
- inform pax reason/ duration
- inform TC if not satisfied with reason for delay
Signal Irregularities (list 9)
• Absence of a signal aspect, where normally shown
• Imperfectly displayed signal
• Flickering
• disc Not turned correctly
• A white light instead of a colored light
• 2 signals displayed where only 1 should be
• Co-actors conflicting with actual signal
• Reverting to stop prior to passing
• Anything other than what is specified in the book of rules (e.g. a pink signal or 2 greens on a home)
Who do we report signal irregularities to?
Train control
What must you do when driving a train and noticing an irregular signal?
Attempt to stop the train prior to the signal and call train control
R1S3 to pass Auto
Obtain Correct authority to pass home, disc or dwarfs
If unable to stop prior to the signal contact Train control, advise circumstances including tripping, and follow the instructions given
How can drivers be informed about signal irregularities?
- Issue of CAN notice
• via transmitted radio message
If a home signal has a light extinguished, what must a driver do?
-Contact the controlling signaller and get the correct authority to pass the signal
- notify TC of any delays
What must a hand signaller do when a Home signal is defective a proceed?
- Obscure the light
- Place 2 ATWs 10 m apart
- Display a RED hand signal
- Inform driver of circumstances
- DISC OR DWARF = as above but NO ATWs
What must a driver do when there is a Home signal defective at proceed?
- home
-disc/ dwarf
- PA
- obtain, correct authority to pass
- Proceed with extreme caution to the next fixed signal
- no need for PA;
- follow Hand signals;
-,obtain correct authority to pass
What must a hand signaller I do when automatic signal, is defective proceed?
-.Obscure light
- Place 2 ATWs 10 m apart
- Exhibit red hand signal
- Inform driver of circumstances
What must a driver do when automatic signal is defective at proceed?
- PA
- R1S3
- Proceed with extreme caution to NFS
What must a driver do when an automatic signal reverts to stop?
Attempt to stop prior to signal
Advice TC
Follow R1S3
What must the driver do if a HOME/ disc/ DWARF signal reverts to stop prior to passing?
-Attempt to stop prior
- PA
- Contact signaler or TC
- Obtain correct authority to continue or return
What must a driver do when wrong routing is identified?
- Stop the train prior to the signal
- Communicate with the signaller
- Ask the signal to give the correct route
- If unable to stop act under the instructions of controlling signaller and TC
- Set back with correct authority or continue on the wrong route to terminate (act under instructions)
What must a driver do if the train is wrong routed onto an unwired track?
- Apply emergency brake
- Lower Pantos
What is required if a train must pass a home signal @ stop that is protecting a tramway?
A signallers caution order
What must you do if detained at a home signal with no letter ‘A’ being displayed when in the metrol controlled area??
Contact the area, controller and follow their instructions
If it is switched out, they will switch in and work the signal
If the area controller cannot be contacted, remain on the train, do not pass the signal (TOTS) continue to attempt communication with AC
When does an illuminated A display?
It is only displayed when the signal box is ‘ switched out’ & only with a stop aspect
What could be some reasons for an illuminated letter ‘A’ to not be displayed??
- Globe is blown
- Failure of the circuitry to the points or signals
- Signaler is in attendance ‘switched in’ box
- Points not laying correctly due to a failure
Locally controlled Illuminated A locations ?
Brighton Beach
Remotely Controlled Illuminated A locations?
Broadmeadows (CGB)
Somerton (CGB) (AKA Roxborough park)
Locations with Special Instruction Illuminated A?
(Annett Key)
Failure of Illuminated A with COMMS LOCALLY CONTROLLED procedure?
- long WHISTLE
- PA
- contact signaler
- if no ans. Contact TC
- TC checks if signaller on duty (signal box switched in)
- if yes signaller authorises movt
- if not TC instructs driver check points & gives verbal permission
- exchange names
Failure of Illuminated A -No COMMS LOCALLY CONTROLLED procedure?
- sound a long WHISTLE
- PA
- NO COMMS = secure train
- full cab unattended
- check signal box ‘closed’ sign
- TC will ask driver to check points set
- TC will issue VERBAL instructions to pass HS
- exchange names
- Incident report
When authority has been given to pass a home signal, at stop where there is a level, crossing, how must the train proceed?
Train must be drawn up slowly towards the crossing until the boom barriers have operated, and are protecting the crossing
Failure of Illuminated A NO COMMS with BOTH Signaller & TC (LOCALLY CONTROLLED) ?
(All attempts to make contact with both have failed)
- sound a long WHISTLE
- PA
- Secure train
- full cab unattended
- check signal box for ‘CLOSED’ sign
- attempt to contact using Passenger Emy Intercom on a platform (if available)
- ensure signaller not on duty
- ensure no C/E qualified to operate equipment at location
- inspect points check they are set
- call R1S3 number (document details)
- proceed at EXTREME CAUTION
- contact TC next opportunity
- incident report
- PA (no need for whistle no one will hear it)
- remain on train (TOTS)
- continue to attempt COMMS
- continue to adhere to signal aspect (no way of knowing if location is ‘switched out’ )
- driver to protect train
- Incident report
TC must
- Prevent any train movements through the area
- Inform station and signaling staff at either end of the sections
- Locate the train through any means possible
- Keep trying to communicate with the driver
Failure of illuminated letter A summary sheet
If a co acting signal is displaying a different aspect to the actual signal, what must the driver regard the signals as?
Defective and at the safest aspect, which is stop (how would we know which one is the defective one)
How must the driver respond to an irregular aspect sequence?
Bring the train to a stand using emergency break if necessary
Report the irregular sequence to TC immediately