What aspects do home, dwarf and disc signals display?
What aspects do distant signals display?
- Caution
- Proceed
What aspects, do siding dwarfs and calling on signals display?
• normal
• proceed
What is the difference between 2 position signals and 3 position signals??
2 position signals take you to a specific track
(Each signal has its own track)
3 position signals tell you the state of the next signal
What are the types of two position signals?
• light
• disc
What are the classes of two position signals?
• Disc
• Dwarf
• Distant
• Home
• Calling on
What do 2 position home signals protect
• Stations
• signal boxes,
• Sidings
• level crossings
• junctions
Aspects and meaning of Home signal
- Points, unknown
- Track may be occupied
- Must not proceed past signal
- Next signal unknown
Home signal
- Points, if any are set
- Track is clear
- Proceed at track, speed or speed as required
- Next signal unknown
Distant signal
- Track might be occupied or obstructed
- One or all of the home signals ahead, will be at stop
- Train must be driven, expecting the next signal to be at stop
Distant Signal
- All Other signals ahead are also proceed
DISTANT signal, at proceed?
- Must be secured at caution
- Light must be obscured
- Hand signaller placed at the signal
- 2x ATW’s 10 m apart
- must exhibit a red hand signal inform driver of circumstances until permission is given to proceed
What is the purpose of a calling on signal?
🔴. 🔴
🟡. ⚫️
It allows a train to enter an occupied road when the track section is track circuited
It only applies to the same track as the home signal above it
Calling On signal Aspect?
follow the home signal aspect : STOP
(Calling on light extinguished)
Calling on signal aspect?
- Advance, cautiously, past signal, being able to stop short of any obstruction
What are disc signals used to control train movements from?
Running Line to running line,
running line to siding
siding to siding
Siding to running line
What is a disc signal?
A red circular target that can be turned to the side
It can be placed on the ground, on a post with other discs, or on a post with other classes of signals
Disc signal aspect, and meaning
(Red light in centre of disc by night)
- Points not set
- Track may be occupied
- Must not proceed
- Next signal unknown
Disc signal aspect, and meaning
(Red disc turned to the side)
(Green light by night)
- Points are set
- Track might be occupied
- SPEED: “reduced speed cautiously “ prepared to stop at any time
- Next signal unknown
What is the speed at siding locations?
What is the speed from running Line to running line?
(unless otherwise specified)
What is the speed when a disc signal is placed to proceed?
There is no specified speed, but must be able to stop short of any obstruction on the track
Siding speed is at a max of 15
How far must a driver proceed once entering a track where disc signal is at proceed on the same post as a home signal?
Until the next stop indication, buffer stop Or obstruction.
What are 2 position dwarf signals used to control train movements from?
Running Line to running line,
running line to siding
siding to siding
siding to running line
What are the two different types of dwarf signals?
A standard two position dwarf signal
Sliding dwarf, signal (fitted on the same post as a Home signal)
What colors can a 2 position dwarf signal display?
🟢 or 🟡
(When yellow light is extinguished the signal is in the Normal position
What type dwarf, signal aspect and meaning?
- Points not yet set
- Track might be occupied
- Must not proceed
- Next signal unknown
Light type dwarf, signal aspect, and Meaning
- Points are set
- Track might be occupied
- Speed “reduced speed cautiously” prepared to Stop
- Next signal unknown
Dwarf signal on the same post as a Home signal Aspect
- Points are set
- Track might be occupied
- “Reduced speed cautiously”
- Next signal unknown
Light type dwarf signal on the same post as a home signal aspect
- Points not set
- Track might be occupied
- Must not proceed, unless authorized home signal is a separate signal
- You must obey the aspect displayed on the Home signal
(Dwarf extinguished)
What is the purpose of a light type dwarf signal on the same post as a Home signal?
- Allows train into a sliding
- Indicated by the word ‘siding’ fitted
- dwarf used For shunting movements into sidings only
- proceed signal WILL NOT allow movement to the mainline
- when dwarf is extinguished home signal aspect must be obeyed
(If home signal above is green with yellow siding light also illuminated it must be treated as irregular and at STOP)
How are multiple signals fitted to the same post to be read?
From top to bottom, then left to right