How must a parallel line be protected?
- REC call to inform TC
- LTR urgent message
- ETCJC on opp. line if o/h is ok
- RED light/flag in front of train
- flash b/w HIGH - LOW beams
- any other steps necessary
When a relief train is rescuing a derailed train from the rear (ABS/BI-ABS) will it need a train authority?
Not to get to the derailed train but it will need a TA to to return to the rear
On ABS/Bi-ABS, will a TA be required for relief train to get to the derailed train from the advance?
(On Bi-directional ABS signals will be set up for one way so all signals will be at stop on both ABS systems)
What three things may be required to relieve a derailed train?
- Into the section to get the passengers
- Uncouple the derailed train, and bring out the 3 cars that did not derail
- Once the 6 Car-train is re-railed bring out the complete train
(ABS) How must the driver of the derailed train protect the train when relief is coming from the rear?
RTA if required
Secure train and full cab unattended
Take DRA, radio, red hand signals
Red marker lights to the rear
Go POP -, 500 m or NFS @STOP
Display RED hand signal
Inform TC train is protected
What is the authority to pass a signal protecting the derailed train?
If driver of derailed train is at the signal protecting the train:
If an auto - R1S3
If HS - low speed caution/ correct authority
Get piloted to train - max 15km
If driver not at the signal (but at 500m POP)
- if auto- Obtain permission by TC to do R1S3
- if HS - get low speed caution / correct auth.
- be piloted to train
What is the speed of the relief train to travel to the derailed train?
Speed is as per signal aspects until reaching the signal protecting the train, which will be at a maximum of 15 km an hour thereafter
When can the combined trains be moved?
Once authority has been granted by TC
(Relief from advance DOUBLE line ABS)
What is the exception to pass a signal that is unable to be put to proceed And low speed, caution cannot be worked due to being a wrong line move?
Apply the exception
‘track circuited with no low speed caution’
How can a relief train enter the section (from the advance DOUBLE line ABS) to rescue a derailed train,
if there is no fixed signal protecting the entrance to the section?
The controlling signaler will give verbal authority and/or a green hand signal
(Track circuited with no low speed rules)
At what speed is the driver of the relief tain to proceed to the derailed, or obstruct train (double line ABS from the ADVANCE) ?
Reduce speed until 2 km from the derailed train then STOP
then piloted max 15 km an hour
Double line ABS relief from ADVANCE
At what speed does the driver of the relief train proceed?
Reduce speed until 2 km then stop
Then be piloted 15 km/h
How must a driver protect a parallel line when derailed?
Make urgent LTR message
ETCJC for opp. line (unless O/H disarranged)
RED flag front of train
High low beams / short sharp whistles
(Do what is necessary to protect train)
When a train is required to return to the rear beyond station limits, due to an obstruction, is a TA required & who will dictated the TA?
The signaler to the rear where train will be traveling to will dictate the TA
Plus red lights on the front of the train
At what speed, must a train move when returning to the Rear?
Extreme caution
With frequent use of the whistle and max 15km/h over level crossing
When train arrives at the station in the rear due to an obstruction, or when rescuing, what must do prior to reaching the area?
It must be stopped not less than 100 m from the station platform or points
What authority must a train have to set back in the metro controlled area?
Verbal authority from the senior network controller