What is single line working?
When one line of a double one system is closed to normal traffic for track repair or due to an obstruction - The other line is used in both directions instead
What is a pilot?
A competent person who has been appointed to give permission for Trains to operate in both directions
Who gives instructions to the pilot?
The controlling signaller at the end of the section
Can I try and enter the single one section without the personal permission of the pilot?
What must the signal at H and other signaler do to the signals, applicable to trains entering upon the single line?
Keep them at the stop position
What must occur with train drivers proceeding in the direction of the shingle line working do at the attendance signal box or station in the Rear?
They must be stopped, and verbally informed that the single line working is in operation beyond the next station
What must happen to the signal governing the entrance to the single line section during single one working?
It must be sleeved at stop
When can the pilot give permission for a train to enter that section?
Once the controlling signal has given the pilot permission that any turnouts or crossovers are set for the intended route
What can the pilot authorize you to do during single line working has started and is in force?
The pilot can only authorize you to pass the fixed signal governing the entrance to the line
What are the instructions of the pilot?
The pilot carries a single line working form , which details the area where the line is blocked, and the specific signals which the driver may pass, at the stop position.
How can a pilot man be identified?
They wear a RED pilot man badge with the word pilot men in white letters on the left arm above the elbow
OR a red flag may be used instead
Is a driver allowed to read the pilots form
Does the pilot have to accompany the driver along the single line working area?
The pilot may also dispatch the driver
Normally, when there is more than one train proceeding in the same direction, the pilot will dispatch the first trains and travel in the last train
Can the pilot authorize the driver to exit past the signal at stop in the single line section which is under control of the signaller?
For a driver to exit the single line section, they must have a authority from the signaller using a Red hand signal to stop or a Green hand signal to proceed or a proceed aspect on the signal where there is a signal.
If a crossover is now facing points, instead of trailing points, at what speed must they be traversed?
15 km/h and they must be point clipped if they are not interlocked with the signaling
At what speed must trains travel, when working over the single one during single line working?
Cautiously at reduced speed
Whistle being used frequently
When traveling in the wrong direction, darkness, Inclement weather, or passing through tunnels What must be displayed on the front of the train?
Red marker, lights, hazard lights if fitted
When running on the non-signal direction on the single line will boom barriers and flashing lights and bells, operate normally at level crossings?
What must occur and at what speed?
A competent employee may be appointed to manually operate these with an all right hand signal given to the driver, when they are fully operated.
Speed of the train must be under 15 km/h passing over the Crossing.
When single line working is in place Where a line is obstructed, how many metres from the obstruction is a red hand signal placed at either end of the obstruction?
What warnings are in place when the obstructed line is under the cover of Absolute Occupation in single line Working?
A flag signal is placed at the entrance to the area of absolute occupation, and will place
3 ATWs 10m apart &
Exhibiting a RED hand signal
(The opposite end is protected via red hand signal 400m away from the obstruction)
Single line working diagram
Where there is a automatic block signaling in use, do the fixed signals applicable to the single line apply to train movements over the single line?
How is single line working canceled?
Pilots may request the driver to stop at locations within the single line section so that various persons working in that section can be informed that normal double line rules will be restored on both lines.
Normal running, can only be resumed once everyone working on the line has been informed