TRACK FORCE PROTECTION & Permanent Way signs S09 Flashcards
What are permanent Way signs?
Reflectorized signs on left-hand side of tracks
used when restricted speeds are required for extended periods
How are drivers advised when a permanent way sign has been put place?
(Weekly operational notices)
Found on paperlite every Tuesday
What hand signals are used for track force protection?
Yellow - WARNING
Red - STOP
Green waved slowly - CAUTION
What must a driver do when Yellow has signal is given ?
- Reduce speed
- Sound along whistle
- Press MAD button
- Look out for the inner flaggie (red flag)
How must a driver respond to a red hand signal?
Stop the train prior to the signal
How must a driver a respond to a green hand signal
All clear to proceed at normal track, speed, speed of last signal aspect
How must the driver respond to a green hand signal waved slowly?
Proceed with caution
Speed is 25 max
If they suddenly display a red hand signal, you must stop
If they suddenly hold the Green signal steady you my resume, normal track speed
What are the three areas for track force protection?
- Inner suburban
- Suburban
- Country
Which areas is the inner suburban area bounded by?
Up end of Richmond
Up end of Jolimont
Up end of North, Melbourne
East/west bypass lines b/w SSS & Melb. Yard
What is the location of the OUTER hand signaller in the inner suburban area?
Two signals in the rear of the point of works, and displaying a yellow hand signal
What is the location of the inner hand signal in the inner suburban area?
100 m from the point of work,
displaying a red hand signal, steady green or green waived from side to side
Are ATWs required for the inner suburban area track force protection?
Where does the suburban area extend from?
From Up end of Richmond to up home signals @ Dandenong Frankston and Sandringham
From up end of North Melbourne to up Home signals @
Altona Junction
From Up end of JolliMont (nth side)
What must the OUTER hand signaler display & location for the suburban area?
1200 m from point of work
3 x signals in the rear of works if within 1200 m
signal box if within 1200m
Yellow H/S
Are ATWs required for suburban area. TFP?
3 x 10m apart
Where does the outer hand signaler go in automatic Signalling areas (SUBURBAN TFP)?
3rd fixed signal, after the point of works, even if under 1200 m from point of works
(Still need 3 ATWs & Yellow hand signal)
If there is a signal box, less than 1200 m from point of works, what must the hand signaler instruct the signaler to do?
Keep the appropriate signals at stop
What is the location of the inner hand signal in the suburban TFP area?
200 m From point of works
With red hand signal or green hand signal, or Green hand signal waved
Within suburban or country locations, where there is insufficient distance to provide protection, due to obstruction being within 400m of a fixed signal, What must the inner hand signalerdo?
Is there a need for an outer hand signaller?
No need for outer hand signaler
Inner hand signaler must:
1. Remain at the signal
2. Instruct signaler to keep signal at stop
3. Stop any trains until obstruction has been removed, and driver advised of distance to worksite
Once driver advised, hand signal must:-
1. Inform signaler that the signal can be placed to proceed
2. Display appropriate hand signal
- if obstruction is b/w 400 & 1200m the only difference is the last part the hand signaler displays a WARNING hand signal
TFP COUNTRY AREAs commence from?
(4 answers)
Altona Junction
St Albans
What must the outer hand signaler do for country TFP?
Place 3 ATWs 10 m apart
Be 2000 - 4000 m from the point of works
OR 3 fixed signals (if within 2-4000m)
OR signal box (if within. 2-4000m )
Display a yellow hand signal
Where must the INNER flaggie be in country TFP and what do they display?
200 m from point of work
Display either red, steady green, or wave green hand signal
If there is an obstruction between 400m & 2,000 m of a fixed signal, country ?
Inner flaggie to Remain at the signal until driver notified
Flaggie tells signaler to put signal to proceed
Driver proceeds once flaggie displays warning signal after signal at proceed
At what intervals does the memory aid device sound and flash yellow?
When activated device slowly flashes, yellow
Audible tone every 10 seconds
How must a driver respond on exploding ATWs?
Reduce speed
Sound along whistle
Press, MAD button
Look out for inner flaggie being prepared to stop if displays RED hand signal
When else can we push mad button?
To assist memory for other safe working requirements
- Passing auto signal at stop
- Temporary speed restrictions
- Arriving at a station when previous signal was a warning and signal ahead, not in view
What must a driver do on sighting the lookout or workers in track force protection?
Sound along whistle
The Lookout will give an ALL-right hand signal to indicate the work party is aware of the approaching train
What must a driver do if the lookout does not given all right hand signal?
Reduce the speed of the train, and sound the long whistle again
How are drivers informed of permanent way boards (temporary speed restrictions) ?
(And/ or when these are cancelled)
WON (Weekly operational notice)
Paper light
posted at depots
distributed in circulars
What is this, where is it placed and what does it indicate?
- Warning board
- A yellow reflectorized fishtailed board with a red W
- Placed 1200 m before point of work
- MAX speed b/4 passing caution board ahead
What is this? Where is placed? What does it indicate?
- Caution board
- Yellow reflectorized circular board with a red C
- 200 m before point of repair
- Max speed permitted between caution board and normal short (NS) or normal sign (N)
What is this? Where is it placed? What does it indicate?
- Normal short board
- White reflectorized rectangular NS’
- 200 m after point of work
- Applies to trains less than 200m (8 cars)
- My resume normal speed in front of train passes it
What is this? Where is it placed? What does it indicate?
Normal board
- 1200 m off the point of work
- White reflectorized RECTANGULAR sign with N
- My resume normal speed once reaching sign
- For trains greater than 200m in length
Which letter indicates passenger trains on the following signs?
Which spray do we follow?
(G is for goods trains)
How do we respond when permanent way boards are overlapping?
The NS & N boards will be applicable for both the speed restrictions
How must the driver respond if ATW’s are on the track without hand signalers in attendance?
Sound another long whistle
Reduce speed of the train even further
Look out for any signs of workers in the area
Be prepared to stop at any time
Report to TC immediately and act under instructions
When can the track force protection and work group travel on a revenue, or non-revenue train to get to the work location?
Where it is not possible to provide a position of safety for the workers due to cuttings embankment or tunnels
TFP coordinator travels in lead
Senior network controller will inform driver
How will the train be secured at point of works?
(for TFP works with the crew traveling in the train to the point of works)
Park Brakes ON
Reverser OFF (comeng)
TFPC places RED flag on controls
Driver makes regular PAs
(SNC will give authority to move train once works completed)