name this toxin producer:
toxin: Botulin
action: neurotoxin
symptoms: double vision, difficulty in breathing and swallowing, fatal, FLACCID PARALYSIS
Clos. botulinum
name this toxin producer
toxin: tetanus
action: neurotoxin
symptoms: spasms, respiratory distress, fatal
Clos. tetani
name this toxin producer
toxin: diptheriae
action: inhibits protein synthesis
symptoms: heart damage, kidney damage, fatal, DTAP
Corv. diptheriae
name this toxin producer
toxin: Staphylococcal Enterotoxin
action: induces vomiting
symptoms: vomiting, DTAP
S aureus
name this toxin producer
toxin: Erythrogenic Toxin
action: vasodilation
symptoms: maculopapular rash, scarlet fever
S. pyrogens
name this toxin producer
toxin: exfoliatin
action: intradermal separation
symptoms: exfoliation of skin, scalded skin syndrome
S. aureus
name this toxin producer
toxin: choleragent
action: water loss across the gut
symptoms: massive diarrhea
V. cholera
name this toxin producer
toxin: alpha toxin
action: splits lecithin
symptoms: hemolysis of RBC
C. perfringens
name this toxin producer
toxin: anthrax toxin
action: increased vascular permeability
symptoms: pulmonary edema, hemorrhage
B. anthracis
name this toxin producer
toxin: Pertussis toxin
action: complex cytotoxic effects
symptoms: paroxysmal cough, restricted airway, DTAP
B. pertussis