any mod of the base sequence of a gene the produces an alteration in the encoded protein or any change in the cell’s genotype
a mutation occurring spontaneously due to cellular mistake and or lack of repair of mistake
spontaneous mutation
a mutation induced by the exposure to a mutagenic agent
induced mutation
This is when a point mutation occurs, but it doesn’t change the organism. It may be a mutation that doesn’t occur on a gene so the codons aren’t affected, or it may code for a similar amino acid that still functions correctly.
silent mutation
in this mutation, a codon is altered in such a way that it leads to a premature stop before the protein is done?
nonsense mutation
when one DNA nucleotide is changed so that a different amino acid is inserted into a protein
missense mutation
a genetic mutation caused by a deletion or insertion in a DNA sequence that shifts the way the sequence is read. A DNA sequence is a chain of many smaller molecules called nucleotides
frameshift mutation
what are the two types of induced mutations?
mutagenic agents
this type of light can cross link adjacent pyrimidines and is a form of induced mutation?
ultraviolet light
this type of induced mutation can cause chain breakage?
this type of induced mutation can distort base attacking resulting in small deletions and insertion?
this type of induced mutation leads to the deamination of cytosine and adenine, so they pair with A and C instead of G and T?
nitrous acid
this type of induced mutation can modify C so that it pairs like T?
name the type of mutagen:
UV light
physical carcinogen
name the type of mutagen:
5-bromouracil 2-aminopurine nitrous acid hydroxyl amine nitrogen mustard nitrosoguanidine acridine
chemical carcinogen
name the type of mutagen:
insertion sequence
biological carcinogen
the following mechanisms are examples of what?
genetic elements from two separate genomes or parts of genomes are brought together in one unit
exchange and resegregation
asexual reproduction
sexual reproduction
genetic recombination
this type of genetic recombination?
naked DNA taken up especially in GI
this type of genetic recombination?
direct transfer from F+ to F-
1) donor cell (F+)
2) recipient cell (F-)
3) sex plus and cytoplasmic bridge
this type of genetic recombination?
can be generalized or specialized
the process by which foreign DNA is introduced into a bacterial cell by a virus or viral vector.
An example is the viral transfer of DNA from one bacterium to another and hence an example of horizontal gene transfer
what are the nutrient requirements for bacteria?
this is the term used to describe bacteria highly specialized to the environment metabolic requirements and is primarily pathogenic bacteria? name an example?
Leuconostoc mesenteroides
in terms of nutrient classification, what are the two types of energy source and carbon source?
light and chemical
CO2 and organic carbon
bacteria that use light for food?
bacteria that uses chemicals for food?
chemotrophs that can use organic (heterotrophs) or inorganic (autotrophs)
bacteria that uses CO2 for food?
autotrophs (lithotrophs)
bacteria that uses organic carbon for food?
heterotrophs (organotrophs)
pH range for most bacteria?pathogens?
acidic range for most fungi?
opt growth in acidic range?
withstands low pH?
produces acids?
this is an example of basophilic bacteria?
natronomonas pharaonic
in terms of osmolarity, most pathogens and bacteria show significant growth here?
show significant here?
hypertonic solutions
most bacteria are able to survive but do not grow optimally due to cell wall, beta lactams take advantage of this
this type of media is highly defined with an exact known?
chemically defined media
this type of media provides all generally required nutrients in unknown amounts?
general purpose media
what are the examples of media?
enriched media
selective media
differential media
transport media
this type of media is used for:
brain heart infusion
blood agar
enriched media
this type of media is used for:
medium containing substance that prevents the certain bacteria from growing?
selective media
name this media:
medium containing substance that allows you to ID the growth of certain org?
differential media
name this media?
medium designated to allow survival of organisms without growth of org
transport media
Mycobacterium Tuberculosis has this type of oxygen requirements?
obligate aerobes
C. Botulinum and C. difficle has this type of oxygen requientment?
obligate anaerobes
E. coli, S. aureus has this type of oxygen requirement?
facultative anaerobes
Campylobacter, Helicobacter pylori have this type of oxygen requirement?
temp range for this type of bacteria at -5 to 20 C?
temp range for this type of bacteria 20-40 C?
temp range for this type of bacteria 60 C?
autoclave at what degree C or PSI?
121 deg C or 15 PSI
what are the steps in ID of bacterial culture?
obtain a pure culture determine cell shape and arrangement determine differential staining characteristics determine cultural characteristics determine biochemical characteristics
leads to genus and species
equation for growth rate and generation?
final=inital x 2^n
how to quatify bacterial growth?
growth rate and generation
methods of measuring culture growth CFU/ml