Tooth Anomalies (p. 306) Flashcards
What is gemination?
What are the potential results of gemination?
A tooth splits itself by splitting the tooth germ.
- Form two twin teeth
- Become a bifid (two crowns) with a single root
What is fusion?
When two or three adjacent tooth germs become 1 while developing and are joined at the dentin. Either partially, or all the way down the root.
What is concrescence?
When, why, and where does it occur?
The fusion of the teeth along the cementum. After the roots have formed, possibly by trauma, most often occurs in maxillary molars.
What is dilacerated?
Why does it occur?
A tooth with a sharp bend of curve in the root or crown, due to problems during development (Jester’s shoe)
What are accessory roots?
Extra roots
What are dwarfed roots?
Very short roots when compared with their crowns
What are extra cusps?
Extra cusps on the lingual surface
What is a lack of cusp?
Uh… lacking a cusp. Like the maxillary second molar.
What are supernumeraries?
Extra teeth which can be normal or abnormal
What is a supplemental tooth?
Supernumerary that resembles a normal tooth
What is a conical tooth?
Supernumerary that looks like a cone
What is a tubercle tooth?
Supernumerary tooth that is very small