the gut microbiome Flashcards
the gut is
the most heavily colonised organ in the body
surface area of GI tract
surface area of a tennis court- 200m^2
where more than…. of all microbes in the body are found
are there more strict anaerobes or facultative aerobes and aerobes
more strict anaerobes
which two phyla dominate the gut
- bacteroidetes
- firmicutes
how many bacterial species
where the most bacterial species
the colon
colonisation begins
at brith during passage through the birth canal
–>Intestinal microbiota of infants shows similarities with the vaginal microbiota of their mothers. Infants delivered through caesarean have diff gut microbiota composition compared to vaginal delivered babies.
what effects gut microbiome
genetics and diet
what collectively make up inflammatory bowel disease
crowns disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC)
investigating links between microbipme, host and IBD
nod2 and CD
3 polymorphisms in nod2 associated with CD- each polymorphism results in reduced activation of NF-kB in response to bacterial peptidoglycan
intracellular sensor for bacterial peptidoglycan
Nod2 function is required
for optimal defence in expression very important antimicrobial peptide- critics component of the innate immune system
obesity and gut microbial ecology
associated with a large shift in the relative abundance of the taxa present- 50% reduction in bacterodeites and a significant increase in firmicutes
–> in mice and human