The electromagnetic spectrum Flashcards
What is radiation
It is the emission of energy from a source which can travel to an object which absorbs the radiation. Most objects that absorb radiation become a little warmer as the radiation affects the atoms the object is made of. If radiation passes through an object we say it is being transmitted through an object.
What happens when a wave travels through a medium or into a new medium
When light hits a surface and bounces off at the same angle
The transfer of energy from a wave to matter as the wave passes through it
When radiation is given out
An object that produces radiation
A line that shows that path taken by radiation
A way of describing and thinking about a scientific idea that helps us to understand it
What is the electromagnetic spectrum
It is a family of transverse waves that travel in a vacuum at 300 million m/s
Longest Wavelength/Low Frequency - Shortest wavelength/High frequency
Radio waves
Infrared radiation
Visible Light
Ultraviolet (UV)
Gamma rays
Gamma rays
Emitted from the nuclei of atoms
It is ionising (can change the atoms inside our cells)
Used for medical imaging, cancer treatment and sterilising medical equipment
Can cause cancer
Emitted when electron in atoms lose energy
It is ionising (can change the atoms inside our cells)
Used for medical imaging for hospitals and airport security
Can cause skin and tissue cancer
Ultraviolet (UV)
Emitted when electrons in atoms lose energy
High energy frequencies are ionising
Used to kill bacteria, causes fluorescence, tanning (sunbeds)
Visible light
Emitted when electrons in atoms lose energy
Light reflects off objects
Used for seeing and communication
Very bright light can damage eyes
Infrared radiation
Emitted from bonds between vibrating atoms
Causes heating
Used for heating, carrying signals in fibre optic cables, remotes
Can cause burns
Emitted by electrons oscillating (moving back and forth)
Causes heating at some frequencies
Used for heating, communications (phones), GPS, radar, SKYTV
Can cause heating at higher frequencies
Radio waves
Emitted by electrons oscillating (moving back and forth) in electrical circuits
Causes signals to be transmitted back and forth
Used for communications such as TV and Radio
How does electromagnetic radiation affect atoms?
Gamma rays. X-rays and ultraviolet can knock electrons off atoms and turn them into ions. Also, x-rays, ultraviolet and visible light can cause electrons in an atom to jump to a higher energy level. This energy was released when the electron jumps back to a lower level. Infrared radiation waves are absorbed by the bonds of molecules. they can also be re-emitted by the bonds of molecules. Microwaves cause molecules to move. Radio waves cause atoms in wires to move, creating an alternating current.