Tenses Flashcards
Trapassato prossimo
2 past actions; one happened before the other
Imperfect of avere or essere plus past participle plus imperfect
Marco era stanco perché aveva studiato fino a tardi la notte prima. Marco was tired because he had studied until late the night before.
I had already seen her
L’avevo gia vista
If then
If & Then
Not likely
Present Conditional - imperfect subjunctive
Cosa farei, se non avessi un’amica come te!
Past conditional- imperfect subjunctive Questa è una situazione che avrebbero potuto evitare se avessero ascoltato i consigli
Reality- simple tenses if I get hungry I’ll eat Se mi viene fame, mangio.
- Type 0- must be able to substitute when for if)
a. connection between two factual actions. In fact, this “if” clause is just apparently hypothetical, since it simply connects a cause to its effect.
b. For Example:
i. Se/Quando l’acqua raggiunge 100° Celsius, (l’acqua) bolle. “If/When water gets to one hundred degrees Celsius, it boils.” Can I substitute “if” with “when?” If the answer is yes, we are dealing with a Type 0 hypothetical period - Type 1- Reality (present and then present; present and then future; future then future (can’t do future then present)- cant substitute when for if
a. Type 1 “if” clause, the condition must take place in a contextually precise, definite situation.
b. The subordinate clauses convey a possibility that will lead to a specific result in the future.
c. For Example:
i. Se mi viene fame, mangio. “If I get hungry, I’ll eat.”
ii. Se Luca arriva prima delle sei del pomeriggio, andiamo al cinema. If Luca arrives before six p.m., we’ll go to the cinema.
d. The tense agreement between the subordinate and main clauses works as follows:
i. We can employ the simple present tense in both the subordinate and main clause. For Example:
ii. Se mi telefoni domani, ti racconto cosa faccio stasera. “If you call me tomorrow, I’ll tell you what I’d do this evening.”
iii. Present and future - Se mi vuoi vedere, me lo farai sapere
iv. “If you want to see me, you’ll let me know.”Future and future
v. Se pioverà, staremo a casa. “If it rains, we’ll stay at home.” - Type 2- Possible condition but not likely
a. (Imperfect subjunctive in subordinate clause, then present conditional) in main clause
b. Se Mario ha la macchina, andiamo a fare una passeggiata in montagna. “If Mario has the car, we go hiking.” (Type I hypothetical period)
c. Se Mario avesse la macchina, andremmo a fare una passeggiata in montagna. “If Mario had the car, we would go hiking.” (Type 2) less lkelt to happen
d. Se avessimo tempo, andremmo a fare shopping. “If we had time, we would go shopping.”
e. Se usassero il dizionario, non avrebbero problemi per trovare le parole giuste.-If they used the dictionary, they wouldn’t have problems finding the right words.”
f. Type 1 or 2?
i. Sì, ha detto che se torna a Milano in tempo, mi chiama.-“Yes, she said that if she gets back to Milan in time, she’d call me.”
ii. However If Giulia had thought that Marcella wouldn’t likely get back in time, she would have said se tornasse a Milano in tempo, mi chiamerebbe, (imperfect subjunctive and present conditional ) - Type 3- Impossible-
a. Imperfect subjunctive (when if clasue impossible or mistake already done) and past conditional
b. The subordinate clause refers to a past condition that wasn’t satisfied; therefore, the action in the main clause did not take place
i. Se fossi stato più attento, non avrei rotto il vaso.-“Had I been more careful, I wouldn’t have broken the vase.”
ii. Se ci fossero state più persone, sarebbe stato un grande concerto. “Had there been more people, it would have been a great concert.”
c. Compare the following sentences:
i. Se Marco arrivasse entro le cinque del pomeriggio, andremmo a giocare a calcio. “If Marco arrived before five p.m., we would go play football.”
ii. Se Marco fosse arrivato entro le cinque, saremmo andati a giocare a calcio. “If Marco had arrived before five p.m., we would have gone to play football.”#2 didn’t take place
d. Past conditional conjugations-
i. Avere- avrei avresti avrebbe avremmo avreste avrebbero) s
ii. Essere- Sarei saresti sarebbe saremmo sareste sarebbero
e. Imperfect Subjunctive conjugations
i. Avere- avessi avessi avesse avessimo aveste avessero
ii. Essere-fossi fossi fosse fossimo foste fossero
iii. Parlare- parlassi parlassi parlasse parlassimo parlaste parlassero
iv. Vendere- vendessi vendessi vendesse vendessimo vendeste vendessero
v. Servire- servissi servissi servisse servissimo serviste servissero
f. Formal and Informal Use of the Type III Hypothetical Period.
i. Se lo sapevo saremmo potuti andare al Rolling Stones. “If I knew it, we could have gone to the Rolling Stones.”
ii. However, when speaking at a colloquial, informal level, Italians sometimes use the imperfetto indicativo (“indicative imperfect”) tense in the subordinate clause instead of imperfect subjunctive;
1. (Formal communication, appropriate in both written and spoken Italian): Se avessi saputo che non ti piaceva, non avrei preparato la torta di mele. “Had I known you didn’t like it, I wouldn’t have made the apple pie.
2. (Informal communication, possible only in spoken Italian):
a. Se sapevo che non ti piaceva, non preparavo/avrei preparato la torta di mele. “If I knew you didn’t like it, I wouldn’t have made the apple pie.”
b. We may use the indicativo imperfetto in either the subordinate or main clause,
c. Vorrei tanto visitare Venezia. Ci vuoi andare sul serio?-“I would much love visiting Venice. Do you really want to go there?
What if
“Interrupted Hypothesis” and Forming “What If” Clauses.
a. Però, se avessimo la macchina…-“However, if only we had a car…”
it doesn’t refer to a predetermined cause-effect relationship. Just the subordinate clause
b. The range of emotions this structure expresses is wide and diversified, including anger (Se ti prendo… “If I catch you…”), disappointment (Se solo non mi fossi ammalato… “If only I didn’t get ill”), nostalgia (Se solo avessi ancora vent’anni… “If only I were still twenty…”), and so on.
c. For Example:
- Forming “What If” Clauses (Rhetorical)
a. We form the “what if” using the conjunctions e + se (literally, “and + if”)
b. Use (“imperfect subjunctive”),like in type II conditional sentences. In this case, the subordinate clause is just an open question
c. Contrary to the interrupted hypothesis , this subordinate clause exclusively expresses a rhetorical question or an alternative interpretation of something we take for granted.
d. For Example:
i. Se avessi più soldi… (andrei in vacanza in Australia; comprerei una automobile nuova, ecc.).- “If I had more money… (I’d go on vacation in Australia; I’d buy a new automobile, etc.).”
ii. E se tuo fratello fosse ancora in Italia?-“What if your brother is still in Italy?”
iii. E se la classe politica ci stesse mentendo?- What if the political class has been lying to us?”
iv. Ah Se fossi piu giovane- what if you were younger
Impersonal suggestions to make suggestions
- For Example:
a. Potremmo andare a giocare a calcio, che ne dite? “We could go play football; what do you think?”
b. Si potrebbe andare a giocare a calcio, che ne dite? “We could go play football; what do you think
c. the only difference is grammatical form: the subject of the first sentence is noi (“we”), while the subject of the second sentence is the neutral third person singular “it,” which, since we never state it in Italian, does not have a written form. We infer it from the use of the impersonal forms, such as the particle si or the gerundio (“gerund”) mode. - The second possibility is exemplified in the dialogue in Manuel’s suggestion: …avendo voglia si potrebbe andare da me… (“if it’s fine with you, we could go to my place)
Alternative Way to Form Subordinate Clauses in Hypothetical Periods. (ad avere)
- Ad avere un po’ di cipolla, avrei preparato il “sugo Giulia”.-“If I had some onion, I’d have prepared ‘Giulia’s special.’”
- In all three types of Italian “if” clauses, we may form the subordinate clause using the a (or ad when the following infinitive starts with the vowel a) + infinitive structure.
- We normally use this informal, exclusively in the spoken language and should avoid using it in formal speech and writings.
- As for the gerund, the subject of both phrases must be the same. Additionally, since the structure a + infinitive is impersonal, we explicitly state the subject of the sentence only in the main clause.
a. Se avessi tempo, (io) andrei al cinema. “If I had time, I’d go to the cinema.”
b. Ad avere tempo, andrei al cinema. “If I had time, I’d go to the cinema.”
Expressing Personal Opinions with the Hypothetical Period
- Giulia says :se ci portassero presto il dolce potremmo partire tra dieci minuti. Using the type II hypothetical period, she conveys her personal opinion about the connection of cause and effect.
a. In other words, she doesn’t really believe that the waiter will serve the dessert soon, though it is still possible. The connection between the main and independent clause is the same as the type I period: if they bring the dessert soon, they’ll leave in ten minutes.
b. The only difference between the type I and type II “if” clauses is that the speakers use the former when they believe that the condition expressed in the subordinate clause is less likely to happen. Both type I and II statements take place at the moment they are uttered: they do not refer to time in any way
Polite requests with hypothetical
Using Polite Requests with the Hypothetical Period.
- Pensavo che se volete potremmo andare alle Biciclette, c’è musica jazz stasera.
“I was thinking that if you want to, we could go to the Biciclette; they put on jazz music this evening.” - On the contrary, saying Se hai tempo, potremmo andare a ballare (“If you have time, we could go dancing.”) does not only convey the aforementioned cause-effect relation but also an implicit courteous request to the interlocutor.(potremmo instead of possiamo)
- Do not mistake the present conditional we use in type I “if” clauses for the present conditional we use in type II “if” clauses. The former conveys polite requests or suggestions in the affirmative form, while the latter simply obeys the type II “if” clause tense agreement structure
Tenses overview
1. Simple tenses- present, future, imperfect, conditional, subjunctive (present/imperfect), past remote and imperative
2. compound tenses (with past participle):
a. passato prossimo (Present Perfect tense), ho parlato
b. trapassato prossimo (Past Perfect tense), expresses an action that occurred before a simple past action; imperfect + past participle
i. non sono andato al cinema perche avevo gia visto quell film- I didn’t go to the movie because I already saw the film
c. Futuro anteriore (Future Perfect tense).avro parlato- will have
d. Past conditional- Would have; conditional + past participle
e. Subjunctive passato- opinion- subjunctive + past participle
i. Expresses an event prior to the event expressed in the main clause
ii. Mi sembra che lui abbia detto la verita- it seems to me that he told the truth
f. Subjunctive trapassato
i. express an opinion of an event prior to event in main clause
ii. Mi sembrava che lui avesse detto la verita- it seemed to me that he had told the truth
- PRESENT (I speak)
a. ARE- Parlo parli parla parliamo parlate parlano
b. ERE- Vendo vendi vende vendiamo vendete vendono
c. IRE- Servo servi serve Serviamo servite servono
- FUTURE (I will speak)(take off last letter for ire and ere; Are become er (parlero)- 2 n for loro )
a. Parlero parlerai parlera parleremo parlerete parleranno
b. Vendero venderai vendera Venderemo venderete venderanno
c. Serviro servirai servira Serviremo servirete serviranno
d. Irregular- Terro I will keep (hold)Terrai TerraTerremo terrete Terranno
i. Vorro -I will want (voglio);
ii. Terro- I will hold (Tengo I hold tieni)
iii. Verro Verra I/she will come (vengo vieni viene she comes)
iv. Vedrero- I will see (vedro I see vedi, vede )
e. Saremo venuti -we will have come
Future perfect
- Future perfect (use with essere/avere)(use after appena; non appena; quando; dopo che
a. Anch’io tornero a casa appena le prove dell’orchestra saranno terminate- I will also return home as soon as the orchestra rehearslas will be over
b. Dopo che ti avro accompagnato all’aereoporto andro da un Vecchio amico- after taking you to the airport, I will visit an old friend of mine
c. Expresses a future action that is completed before another future action. In other words, this action will be over and done with before another future event occurs.
i. Partirò per la Svezia solo quando avrò trovato lavoro.-“I will leave for Sweden only when I will have found a job.”
ii. Io avrò detto “I will have said”; Tu avrai detto “You will have said”; Lui/Lei avrà detto “He/She/It will have said”; Noi avremo detto “We will have said”; Voi avrete detto “You will have said”; Loro avranno detto they will have said
iii. Future of probability. Expresses uncertainty or doubt about something that has already occurred. In other words, we use it to speculate or guess about what could have been.
iv. In English, we express probability with such words as “probably,” “can,” or “must.” This is the reason why we translate statements like cosa sarà successo?, which we express in Italian through the future perfect, into “What could have happened?” For
v. Sarai stato stanco ieri dopo quella corsa.-“You must have been tired yesterday after that run.”
vi. Se hai mal di mancia avrai mangiato qualcosa di strano -you have a stomachache, you must have eaten something strange.”
vii. Dove hai preso questo souvenir? Non ricordo, l’avrò comprato in Italia.-“Where did you get this souvenir? I don’t remember; I must have bought it in Italy.”
viii. Io sarò andato/andata-“I will have gone” “I must have gone”; Tu sarai andato/andata; “You will have gone” “You must have gone”; Lui/Lei sarà andato/andata; He/she/it will have gone” “He/she/it must have gone”; Noi saremo andati/andate”We will have gone” “We must have gone; Voi sarete andati/andate; “You will have gone” “You must have gone”; Loro saranno andati/andate; “They will have gone” “They must have gone”
- CONDITIONAL- (I Would speak) (take off are ere ire)
a. ARE- Parlerei parleresti parlerebbe Parleremmo . Parlereste parlerebbero
b. ERE- Venderei venderesti venderebbe Venderemmo vendereste venderebbero
c. IRE- Servirei serviresti servirebbe Serviremmo servireste servirebbero
d. (Avere-I would have)(Essere-I would be)
i. Avrei Avresti Avrebbe Avremmo Avreste Avrebbero
ii. Sarei Saresti Sarebbe Saremmo SaresteSarebbero
e. Irregular- Verrebe he would come (conditional)
- CONDITIONAL PAST (perfect) talking about the past but at that moment in the past you brought up the future (I Would have spoken)-
a. Motion verbs use essere and participle has to gender and plural agree (agree with object)
i. Sarebbe venuto (he would have come)
ii. Saremmo dovuti salire we should have climbed
iii. avrei parlato
iv. Avrei dovuto studiare I would have studied
b. Reflexive verbs always use essere
c. Past Conditional- If-Clauses
i. We may use the past conditional tense to express future actions that, according to the speaker, will not take place
ii. Se non fosse andata in bagno saremmo arrivati in tempo.”If she hadn’t gone to the bathroom, we would have arrived on time.”
iii. Se avesse prestato attenzione ai miei consigli, Luca non avrebbe perso il portafoglio. “If he had paid attention to my advice, Luca wouldn’t have lost his wallet.” (Avesse and fosse are imperfect subjunctive)
d. Sarei venuta volentieri, ma ho già promesso ad Elena di uscire con lei. “I’d gladly come, but I’ve already promised Elena to go out with her.”
e. Maria sarebbe tornata (feminine singular) la settimana succesiva. “Maria would have come back the following week.” - Mentre pensavo alla mia ragazza sapevo che mi avrebbe chiamato. “While I was thinking about my girlfriend, I knew she would call me.”
- I passeggeri aspettavano sul treno, sapendo che sarebbero arrivati in ritardo. The passengers were waiting on the train, knowing they’d arrive late.
- Avrei comprato una casa -I would have bought a house
- IMPERFECT- (Used to speak)(ongoing in past- not just once)
a. Parlavo parlavi parlava Parlavamo parlavate parlavano
b. Vendevo vendevi vendeva Vendevamo vendevate vendevano
c. Servivo servivi serviva Servivamo servivate servivano
d. Era stato had been ; Aveva avuto had had
e. Dicevate you were saying
f. Irregular- Dicevate- you were saying
g. while I was sleeping you watched TV; mentre dormivo guardavi la TV
h. I was speaking. Parlavo italiano
i. He wanted to eat- lui voleva mangiare -I had to sell- Io dovevo vendere tutte le mie cose per comprare questa macchina
j. Eravamo venuti we had come
- Trapassato prossimo (pluperfect- past perfect)
a. Conveys unlikeliness of an action ; to convey the completeness of a past action in relation to another past event.
b. Subject + Auxiliary Verb (imperfect) + Main Verb (past participle)
- Avete deciso di prendere la macchina, se avessimo preso l’aereo eravamo arrivati You decided to take the car; had we taken the plane, we would have arrived
- Quando sono arrivato da Marco era già finito il primo tempo.-“When I arrived at Marco’s place, the first half was already finished.”
- Quando sono arrivati i miei amici, avevo già mangiato.-When my friends arrived I had already eaten
c. Examples
a. I had spoken-Avevo parlato
b. She had come -Lei era venita
c. Li avevo portati I brought them
d. L’Avevano guardata-they had watched it
e. I dolci mi erano piacuti molto -I had liked the desserts a lot
Passato prossimo
Past Prossimo (I spoke) action in recent past or distant past still affecting the present
a. Drop are ere ire
i. Ato Uto Ito
1. Ho parlato.
2. Portato brought
3. Tenuto kept
4. She came- lei e venita
b. Irregular- Vissuto lived; Preso. Taken
c. Can use imperfect and passato prossimo together
i. Mentre studiavo, e arrivato un mio amico- while I was studying (not completed) a friend of mine came (completed action)
Past remote
Passato Remoto
a. The remote past tense is typically used to talk about history or in literary texts. It is is formed by one word. It is used for events that happened in the distant past
b. Ere- ei esti e emmo este erono
c. Ire- ii isti i immo iste irono
d. Are-ai asti o ammo aste arono
f. Avere. Ebbi avesti Ebbe avemmo aveste ebbero
g. Essere. Fui fosti fu fummo foste furono
h. Parlai parlasti parlo parlammo parlaste parlarono
i. Dieci anni fa andai (passato remoto) in Egitto, “ma l’anno scorso sono andato in vacanza in Spagna- Ten years ago, I went to Egypt, but last year, I went to Spain on vacation
j. Irregular past remote verbs
i. chiudere (“to close,” “to lock”)
1. Change the stem’s last letter to -s: chius- (only for I, he/she/it, and they)
2. Chiusi chuidesti chuise chuidemmo chuideste chuisero
ii. Chiedere, accorgere alludere correre ridere
iii. “Gli”- Scegliere spegnere cogliere (to gather)
1. Colsi cogliesti colse cogliemmo coglieste colsero
iv. Gn (spegnere)
1. Spensi spegnesti spense spegnemmo spegneste spensero
e. However, some verbs of the first and the third singular and the third plural persons have an alternative ending: (io) -etti, (lui/lei) -ette, and (loro) -ettero
f. ricevere (“to receive) Io ei etti ; Tu ricev-esti “You received”; Lui/Lei ricev-é/ette “He/She/It received”; Noi ricev-emmo “We received”; Voi ricev-este “You received”; Loro ricev-erono/ettero
g. Verbs ending in -cere, -gere, -dere, and -ndere take the endings -si, -se, and - sero, as in vincere (“to win”), io vinsi, lui/lei vinse, loro vinsero; piangere, (“to cry”), io piansi, lui/lei pianse, loro piansero; ridere (“to laugh”), io risi, lui/lei rise, loro risero; and spendere (“to spend”), io spesi, lui/lei spese, loro spesero.
h. Verbs ending in -ggere take the endings -ssi, -sse, -ssero, as in leggere (“to read”), io lessi, lui/lei lesse, loro lessero, and in reggere (“to hold”), io ressi, lui/lei resse, loro ressero.
i. Sometimes double the last consonant of the verb’s stem, as happens for volere (“to want”), io volli, lui/lei volle, loro vollero; cadere (“to fall”), io caddi, lui/lei cadde, loro caddero; rompere (“to break”), io ruppi, lui/lei ruppe, loro ruppero; and sapere (“to know”), io seppi, lui/lei seppe, loro seppero.
SUBJUNCTIVE (fear, doubt, opinion, point of view, hope, possibility)
a. Use it in a subordinate clause when the conjunction che (“that”) introduces the secondary clause.
i. I want I think I believe; it’s necessary (sembra che) that (e necesario che gli utenti scrivano la password qui )
1. No, ma spero che tu non sia ancora al supermercato.- “No, but I hope you’re not still at the supermarket.”
2. Sono felice che Lucia abbia risolto il suo problema. I am glad is an opinion
3. Non ti credo, sebbene tu sostenga di poter provare le tue parole I don’t believe you, even though you maintain you can prove what you say.” Secondary clause irrelevant info (even though)
ii. Fear, doubt ,unreality & opinion
1. Sembrava Che ; Hai paura che ; Allora fingiamo che let’s pretend that
2. Unreality
a. Se lo desideri, illuditi che non sia successo niente.- If you wish so, then pretend that nothing happened.”
b. Ho l’impressione che tu “I have the impression that non mi stia ascoltando. you are not listening to me.”
iii. The will to do something or the expectation about what is expressed in the secondary clause
1. Pretendo Che – I expect that
2. Mi aspetto che il suo cane non abbai tutta la notte “I expect that your dog doesn’t bark all night long.”
3. Voglio che la mia opinione “I want to make my point sia chiara! clear!”
4. Will: Chiedete che partano “You tell them to leave at subito. once.”
5. Expectation- Pretendo che mi vengano date spiegazioni convincenti!
6. Temo I fear that (subjunctive)
iv. Impersonal expressions:-Third person of the verb essere (“to be”) + either adjective or noun
1. È impossibile che i tuoi amici si siano persi.- (literally) “It’s impossible that your friends got lost.”
2. È strano che Mario non sia ancora arrivato.-(literally) “It’s strange that Mario hasn’t come yet.”
3. Impersonal verbs are verbs that do not grammatically refer to real subjects (i.e., real people), but express the opinion of the speaker from an impersonal viewpoint. Impersonal verbs are conjugated at the third singular person.
a. Basta che voi siate felici. “It suffices that you are happy.”
b. Bisognava impegnarsi di più per passare “You needed to commit yourself more to l’esame. pass the exam
v. After the following indefinite pronouns and conjunctions: chiunque (pronoun, meaning “whoever”/”whomever”), qualunque (pronoun, meaning “whoever,” “whatever,” “whichever”), ovunque/dovunque* (as a conjunction, meaning “wherever”), comunque* (as a conjunction, meaning “no matter”).
1. Chiunque voglia venire è il benvenuto. “Whoever wants to come is welcome.”
2. When dovunque and comunque are used as adverbs,don’t have to conjugate the following verb (if any) at the subjunctive mood.
3. Ho cercato il tuo portafoglio dovunque. “I looked for your wallet everywhere.”
b. Conjugations:
i. Are verbs- iii iamo iate ino
1. Ire ere verbs- aaa iamo iate ano
2. Ti dico Che le chiavi non sono qui. Se ci fossero le vedresti , no?
3. Credo che la nonna beva birra
4. Avere- abbia abbia abbia abbiamo abbiate abbiano
5. Essere- sia sia sia siamo siate siano
6. Volere -Che io voglia Che tu voglia Che lui/lei voglia Che noi vogliamo Che voi vogliate Che loro vogliano
7. Potere- Che io possa; Che tu possa; Che lui/lei possa ;Che noi possiamo ; Che voi possiate ; Che loro possano
8. Dovere- Che io debba/deva Che tu debba/deva Che lui/lei debba/deva Che noi dobbiamo Che voi dobbiate; Che loro debbano/devano
9. Stare- Stia; stia; stia;stiamo; stiate; stiano
c. The tense agreement depends on the action expressed in the secondary clause
i. Four different tenses: presente (“present”), passato (“perfect”), imperfetto (“imperfect”), and trapassato (“pluperfect”).
1. Present Subjunctive Mood
a. Use when main clause verb is conjugated in the presente tense and the action of the secondary clause takes place simultaneously,
i. Mi dispiace, ma credo che io debba andare ora.-“I’m sorry, but I think I have to leave now
ii. Credo che io debba andare ora. “I think I have to leave now.”
2. Italian Pluperfect Subjunctive
a. Use when main clause verb is conjugated in any past indicative tense and the action of the secondary clause has taken place before it.
i. Se avessi saputo che usciva, sarei partita prima dal supermercato.- If I had known she was going out, I would have left the supermarket earlier.”- (If I had known takes place before leaving supermarket)
ii. Speravo che Luisa avesse voluto venire con te. “I hoped Luisa had wanted to come with you.”
iii. Ero contenta che voi aveste ritrovato il vostro portafoglio. “I was happy you’d found your wallet.” (Finding wallet happens before I was happy)
iv. Che io fossi stato “I had stayed”- (Stare- to stay)
v. Che avessi amato I had loved
- Imperfect Subjunctive
a. Use when main clause verb is conjugated in any past indicative tense and the action of the secondary clause takes place simultaneously.
i. Scusami del ritardo, pensavo aprissi tu.”Sorry for the delay, I thought you were going to open.”
ii. Pensavo che voi arrivaste in tempo. “I thought you arrived on time.” (Simultaneous past actions )
b. Conjugations
i. Parlassi Parlassi Parlasse Parlassimo Parlaste Parlassero
ii. Vendessi vendessi vendesse vendessimo vendeste vendessero
iii. Servissi servissi servisse servissimo serviste servissero
iv. Essere- Fossi Fossi Fosse Fossimo Foste Fossero
v. Piacessi, piacessi, Piacesse Piacessimo Piaceste piacessero
vi. Stare- stessi; stessi; stesse; stessimo; steste; stessero - Past Subjunctive
a. Present in main and then past action in secondary
b. Credo che sia uscita a fare la spesa. “I think she went out to buy groceries.
i. The act of buying groceries happened before I think (present)
ii. Credo Che io sia stato I think that I was
iii. Credo che io abbia avuto I think that I had
iv. Lavoro duramente durante Il guorno cosi che possa (subjunctive) rilassarmi la sera
Essere in past
Use of Essere
i. Reflexives always use essere
ii. Movement- Entrare Arrivare Andare; Morta ;Vivere-Ero Visuto had lived
iii. Piacere
iv. Diventare become
v. Rimare. Rimasti
vi. Ricordare uses essere
vii. Passare to pass
viii. Occupare
Mai Gia in past
Mai, Gia ,appena ancora
1. go in between verb and past participle
2. Era gia andato
I doubt that’s someone can blame her
Dubito che qualcuno possa biasimarla
(Dubbio- doubt (noun)
That’s right, if we had gone to dine sooner, we would have been already there.” (Arrived)
Particle Ci and the Type III Hypothetical Period. Già, se fossimo andati a cenare prima, ora ci saremmo già arrivati.
Imperfect subjunctive + past participle then
Past Conditional
I would say so
Direi di sì!
it seems to me that Engineer Iacobelli does not share our enthusiasm.
mi sembra che l’ingegnere Iacobelli non condivida il nostro entusiasmo.
although the engineer worked hard
sebbene l’ingegnere abbia lavorato sodo (duro?)
I think your behaviour is not very nice
penso che il suo comportamento non sia molto carino
for whatever thing you may need
per qualunque cosa di cui abbiate bisogno
Interestingly, indefinite expressions like qualunque, ovunque, chiunque, comunque (ending in -unque) generally trigger the subjunctive.
I hope that I arrive in time for the 8am lesson
Spero di arrivare in tempo per la lezione delle otto.
(No subjunctive because I am subject of both clauses)
It’s probable that Mauro hasn’t done the shopping this week
È probabile che Mauro non abbia fatto la spesa questa settimana.
(Passato prossimo in subjunctive)
If only (I wish) I lived (or you lived) in a country where it never rains
Magari vivessi in un paese dove non piove mai!
Although he was very tired, he drove for another 2 hours
Sebbene fosse molto stanco, guidò per altre due ore.
If I had more free time, I would play tennis every evening
Se avessi più tempo libero, giocherei a tennis ogni sera.
(Imperfect subjunctive, present conditional)
Type 2 if then-unlikely but not impossible
I think I am right, but Pietro thinks I am wrong
Penso di avere ragione, ma Pietro pensa che io abbia torto.
A senator was killed
un senatore è rimasto ucciso
I will act on your behalf (your carrier)
ti farò da portavoce
I fear that she will tend to support in an opportunistic way
Temo che tenderà ad appoggiare in modo opportunistico
It has been removed
è stata(o) rimossa(o)
È stata qui she was here
È stata felice she was happy
I would like that you also consider my point of view not only yours
Vorrei che (subjunctive trigger) tu considerassi anche il mio punto di vista, non solo il tuo.
I thought that I was right but Marta thought that I was wrong
Pensavo di aver (or: avere) ragione ma Marta pensava che avessi torto.
It seems that the adoption of these super eyes can make (render) faster and more efficient the police intervention process (law enforcement)
Sembra che l’adozione di questi “super occhiali” possa rendere più veloce ed efficace il processo di intervento delle forze dell’ordine.
If it hadn’t been so cold during the winter, at this time (or: by now) there would be a
lot of flowers.
Se non avesse fatto così freddo durante l’inverno, a quest’ora ci sarebbero molti fiori.
Imperfect subjunctive
- If it’s (there is sun) sunny tomorrow, we can go to the seaside with my cousins.
- If I hadn’t done it , I would have regretted it.
- Linda would have not lost her mobile phone, if she had stayed (remained) at home.
- If Tommaso were a good friend, he would tell you what to do.
Se c’è (or: ci sarà) il sole domani, possiamo (or: potremo) andare al mare con i miei
cugini (or: le mie cugine).(can use present on both sides)
2. Se non l’avessi fatto, mi sarei pentito/a (or: me ne sarei pentito/a). Trapassato subjunctive and past conditional (impossible)
3. Linda non avrebbe perso (il suo) cellulare (or: telefonino), se fosse rimasta (or: stata)
a casa. (Past conditional and Trapassato subjunctive- impossible)
4. Se Tommaso fosse un buon amico, ti direbbe che cosa (or: cosa; or: che) fare.
Imperfect subjunctive and conditional
If Italy had been in the final
se l’Italia fosse stata in finale
I was going out to go dancing
Stavo uscendo per andare ballare
How do you take it
Tu come La prendi?
(Eg what kind of pizza)
I didn’t know that now you were so attentive to the environment
Non sapevo che ora fossi così attenta (o) all’ambiente!
It was found
It has been found
È stato trovato (era- not competed action)
Era stato trovato- trapassato- 2 past action and one came before the other Ero stato malato prima che tu venissi
I knew that They would make me try strange things
Sapevo Che Mi avrebbero fatto provare cose strane