pronouns Flashcards
Indirect pronouns
Indirect Pronouns
(Mi ti gli le ci vi Gli/loro)
Le formal
Loro formal
- Verbs that take Indirect objects (giving or communication verbs)
a. Dare (to give); regalare (to gift); prestare (to lend/ to borrow) restituire (to return); passare (to pass); mandare/ inviare (to send) scrivere (to write); telefonare (to phone) chiedere (to ask); rispondere (to answer, to reply)
i. Telephone to someone (a) Mark, telefoni a Silvia più tardi?- Mark, will you phone Silvia later?
ii. Sì, le telefono stasera.- Yes, I’ll phone her this evening.
iii. Hai scritto a Ricardo -
b. interessare “to be interesting to someone”, restare “to be left to someone” (piacere and servire) - Maria ha dato un regalo allo zio Davide. “Maria gave a present to Uncle David.” Davide is the indirect object because it’s the answer to the question “To whom?”. If the preposition a is before an article, it combines with the definite article.
- Quando Maria va in ufficio, il suo capo le offre sempre un caffè.
When Maria goes to the office, her boss always offers her a cup of coffee.”
Direct Pronouns
Direct Pronouns and infinitive
(Mi ti lo la ci vi le li )
- Sono contenta di vederti in forma adesso.
- Maria è testarda. Vuole sempre averla per vinta. “Maria is stubborn. She always wants it her way.”
- Sara invita le amiche alla sua festa di compleanno. Le invita alla festa. “Sara invites her friends to her birthday party. She invites them.”
- Attach pronoun at end of infinite unless modal verb involved (potere etc) you can do it either way (before or after)
- Vorrei invitare zia Luisa a pranzo. Certo! E’ una buona idea invitarla!
A: “I’d like to invite Aunt Luisa for lunch.” B: “Yes! It’s a good idea to invite her.” - Mi puoi accompagnare? Puoi accompagnarmi?”Can you drive me there?”
a. Avere- to possess with pronoun (Lo and La- L’ho l’hai)- li le.-Li and le hai)
b. Ce l’hai la lista della spesa?-“Do you have the shopping list?”
c. When you avere with a direct pronoun, you place the particle ce before the pronoun.
i. A: Hai un cappotto per l’inverno?- B: No, non ce l’ho (lo = un cappotto)
”Do you have a coat for the winter?” B: “No, I don’t have it.” - non le metto da quando andavo all’asilo
I have not worn them since I was at nursery/kindergarten - Direct Object pronoun before verb then even if avere ending must relate to gender and number- Li ho visti- I saw them (doesn’t apply to indirect)
Direct and indirect combined
Direct and Indirect combined
- Mi ti vi can become me te ve when put in front of “lo”, “la”, “li”, “le”, or “ne”:
a. Me lo; te lo etc.. - Gli/Le
a. Glielo volevo prestare.”I wanted to lend it to him.” “I wanted to lend it to her.” (need to use gli for both him and her for phonetic reasons)
b. Glielo consiglio (formal to You) - Past- Gliela ‘ho scritta (a-for cartolina-agreement)
Possessive Pronouns
Possesive Pronoun
1. Di chi è questa macchina? È mia. “Whose car is this? It’s mine.”
2. Che te ne pare/sembra? (“How does it sound to you?/What do you think?” Literally, “How does it look to you?”)
3. Voglio tingere le pareti di casa in blu. Che te ne pare?”I want to dye my home walls in blue. How do yo
- Chiunque voglia venire è il benvenuto. “Whoever wants to come is welcome.”
ovunque/dovunque* (as a conjunction, meaning “wherever”), comunque* (as a conjunction, meaning “no matter”).
- When dovunque and comunque are used as adverbs,don’t have to conjugate the following verb (if any) at the subjunctive mood.
- Ho cercato il tuo portafoglio dovunque. “I looked for your wallet everywhere.
whoever,” “whatever,” “whichever”
Coloro or quelli
Myself yourself him/herself, ourselves, yourselves, theirselves
me stesso/a, te stesso/a, lui stesso, lei stessa, se stesso (oneself) noi stessi/e, voi stessi/e, loro stessi/e
io mi lavo=I wash myself
Lavo me stesso.
tu ti lavi=you wash yourself
lui/lei si lava=he/she washes him/herself
noi ci laviamo=we wash ourselves
voi vi lavate=you wash yourself
loro si lavano=they wash themselve
I guarantee to you (formal)
le garantisco
Her answer surprised me
La sua risposta mi ha stupito
She was staring at me with her mouth open
Mi fissava (fissare) con La bocca aperta
Fissare fix, set, secure, attach, fasten, stare
I don’t give a shit
Non me ne frega niente
I gave them to her
Glieli Ho dati
Tell it to me (formal)
Me lo dica lei