Conversation 2 Flashcards
The project is in the experimental phase and its success could depend on different factors
Il progetto è in fase di sperimentazione e il suo successo potrebbe dipendere da diversi fattori.
The distrust factor is surely a stumbling block to overcome
Il fattore diffidenza è sicuramente uno scoglio da superare.
Took place one of the most awaited moments
ha avuto luogo uno dei momenti più attesi
The country will have (must) to face (bear) in the years to come
Il Paese dovrà sostenere (or affrontare) negli anni a venire
Sostenere- to bear, support or sustain
La sostengo- I support her
It struck me
Mi ha colpito
Of course
In seguito
Even if she was awake I wouldn’t pass her to you (phone)
Pure se era sveglia non te la passavo
I don’t care
Non me frega niente
It’s not funny
Non fa ride
You look good
Te vedo bene
I am great
Sto alla grande
I am so very ready
I kept (continued) calling you Marco
ho continuato a chiamarti Marco
Ok, I’ll tell her I’ll call her later
Vabbe Le dico che la richiamo dopo
Dico is a communication verb so must use indirect pronoun for her (le)
Chiamare uses direct pronoun
I resolve everything
Risolvo tutto io
Risolvere to solve, resolve or settle
That is exactly what I expect
È esattamente quello che mi aspetto
Ci mancherebbe
Certo, ci mancherebbe, we’re saying, “sure,” “absolutely,” “absolutely no problem,” “Don’t mention it,” “by all means,” or something to that effect.
Ci mancherebbe” is an Italian expression that can mean “sure,” “absolutely,” “no problem,” “don’t mention it,” or “by all means”. It can also be used as a response to someone apologizing, to say “no problem,” “don’t worry,” or “no apology necessary”.
As it should be
Come è giusto che sia