Glue Flashcards




Glue words

  1. Secondo te/me- according to you/me
  2. Prima di tutto, secondo, in fine/in ultimo(finally/lastly-ultimately) alla fine finally
  3. In piu, inoltre- moreover/ also
  4. Oltre a- besides
  5. Fianco a -next to
  6. Sebbene although
  7. Tutto sommato pero (all things considered though)
  8. Anche se- even though
  9. Eppure even though
  10. Tuttavia however
  11. Pero- though
  12. Dunque- therefore
  13. Per caso state parlando di- by chance are you speaking about
  14. Per caso hai sentito – by chance did you hear
  15. Hai forse detto- By any chance have you said
  16. Avete mai provato -have you ever tried-
  17. Neanche – not even/neither
  18. Mi scusi and scusate formal (scusa informal)-
  19. Figurati don’t mention it
  20. Ovviamente -obviously
  21. Quindi therefore or then
  22. Macari perhaps
  23. Anche -also, even
  24. Propria own
  25. Proprio cosi just (like that)- exactly- really
  26. Non sapevo proprio I really don’t know
  27. Altrimente otherwise
  28. Chissa who knows
  29. Particolarmente especially
  30. Effitivamente effectively actually
  31. Ragione right
  32. Esatto exact
  33. Perfetto perfect
  34. Ci. In it
  35. Ho fame
  36. Sono stanco
  37. Come se- as if
  38. Ovunche. Anywhere
  39. Spiacente. Sorry
  40. Quasi. Almost
  41. Pure. Too, even
  42. Puittosto. Pretty
  43. Communque anyway
  44. Almeno at least
  45. Soltanto just or only
  46. Forse maybe
  47. Sopratutto mainly
  48. Sottolineare underscores
  49. Spesso often
  50. Affinche so that
  51. Tranne except
  52. Ovvero that is, in other words
  53. Essatamente exactly
  54. Non e neanche- not even
  55. Il fine settimana- weekend
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