Reflexive Verbs Flashcards
mi, ti, si, ci, vi, si
alzarsi to get up
chiamarsi to call oneself
coricarsi (coricare) to lie down
farsi la doccia to shower (oneself)
lavarsi to wash oneself
mettersi to place oneself (not to put on)
pettinarsi to comb oneself
pulirsi to clean oneself
sbarbarsi to shave oneself
sedersi to sit
spogliarsi to undress oneself
svegliarsi to wake up
vestirsi to dress oneself
voltarsi to turn oneself around
Intransitive reflexives
(The subject is not the object of the action like in typical reflexives)
Anna falls asleep early in the evening
Anna si addormenta presto la sera.
Mi sono innamorato di Francesca. I fell in love with Francesca.
Luca si è accorto di avere sbagliato. Luca noticed that he was wrong.
Mi pento di avere urlato. I repent (regret) having screamed.
abbronzarsi to tan
accorgersi to notice something
addormentarsi to fall asleep
annoiarsi to get bored
arrabbiarsi to get angry
divertirsi to have fun
inginocchiarsi to kneel
innamorarsi to fall in love
lagnarsi to complain
nascondersi to hide
pentirsi to repent
ribellarsi to rebel
vergognarsi to be bashful
Reciprocal reflexives
The friends know each other well.
abbracciarsi to hug each other
aiutarsi to help each other
amarsi to love each other
baciarsi to kiss each other
conoscersi to know each other (or to meet)
piacersi to like each other
salutarsi to greet each other
sposarsi to marry each other
Gli amici si conoscono bene.
ci conosciamo we know each other
I feel
Mi sento
I got used to it
Mi sono abituato
I complain
Lamentarsi- mi lamento- I complain )
I expect
Mi aspetto
I wonder
Mi chiedo
farsi la barba to shave
Mi faccio la barba (I shave my beard)
farsi i capelli to cut one’s hair or get one’s hair done
farsi coraggio to hearten oneself/give oneself courage
farsi in là to move over
farsi in quattro to bend over backwards
farsi vivo/a/i/e to get in touch
farsi largo to push through a crowd
farsi bello/a/i/e to primp
farsi un nome to make a name for oneself
farsi valere to assert oneself
farsi conoscere to make oneself known
farsi notare to draw attention
farsi il segno della croce to make the sign of the cross
farsi capire to make oneself understood
farsi pregare to make someone beg
farsi vento to fan oneself
farsi desiderare to make someone wait
farsi gli affari propri to mind one’s business
mi faccio gli affari propri
farsi la macchina, la casa nuova to buy oneself something (a car, a new house)
farsi male to hurt oneself
(mi faccio male- I get hurt)
I am missing the bread in order to make a sandwich
Mi manca il pane per fare un panino-
Mancare- to miss or lack
(Works like Piacere)
Time was approaching to go
Si avvicinava l’ora di andare
I forgot to call you
Mi sono scordato di chiamarti
I expect that you will (come to get me) pick me upwith the car at 8, ok?
Mi aspetto che tu venga a prendermi con la macchina per le otto, va bene?
I get bored when I don’t do anything
Mi annoio quando non faccio niente
So, have you gotten used to your job?
Allora, ti sei abituato a questo tuo lavoro?
To show off
mettersi mostra
To boast
He refused to get (do) vaccinated against Covid
si è rifiutato di farsi vaccinare contro il Covid-19
To afford (reflexive)
To allow
Mi Permetto
Ti Permetti
Si Permette
Ci Permettiamo
Vi Permettete
Si Permettono
Is held
Si tiene
It took place
Si è svolta
(Svolgere carried out, took place)
To meddle
I get bored
Mi annoio
(Sono annoiato)- I am bored
È noioso- it is boring