Pronominal Verbs Flashcards
I can do it
ce la faccio
ce la fai
ce la fa
ce la facciamo ce la fate
ce la fanno
I did it
ce l’ho fatta
ce l’hai fatta
ce l’ha fatta
ce l’abbiamo fatta
ce l’avete fatta ce l’hanno fatta
The La pronoun causes fatta
C’e la faccio I can do it
I was late but I managed to get the train./ I was late but I made it to the train.
Ero in ritardo ma ce l’ho fatta a prendere il treno.
I’m tired, I can’t do it anymore!
Sono stanca, non ce la faccio più!
I am leaving (going away)!!!
me ne vado
te ne vai
se ne va
ce ne andiamo ve ne andate se ne vanno
andarsene. It comes from the verb andare, to which the reflexive pronoun si and the invariable particle ne are added. Si changes to se for the same phonetic reasons discussed above and somehow has a reflexive meaning, whereas ne conveys the idea of “away from a place”.
I went away!!!
me ne sono andato/a
te ne sei andato/a
se n’è andato/a
ce ne siamo andati/e ve ne siete andati/e se ne sono andati/e
Go away!
It’s late! Why are the guests not leaving yet?
È tardi! Perché gli ospiti non se ne vanno ancora?
not to care at all, to not give two boots about (something).
Fregarsene di (qualcosa): This is a very Italian verb (often accompanied by the famous gesture of the hand moving under your chin, from your neck towards the tip of your chin) and, it should only be used in very informal, familiar contexts. This verb is conjugated in the same way as andarsene.
Me ne frego!
I don’t care!
Chi se ne frega!
Who cares!
Me ne vado
Te ne vai
Se ne va
Ce ne andiamo
Ve ne andate
Se ne vanno
Me ne frego
Te ne freghi
Se ne frega
Ce ne freghiamo
Ve ne fregate
Se ne fregano
me ne frego di te- I don’t care about you
They saw the fine but they didn’t care
Hanno visto la multa ma se ne sono fregati.
to have something to do (with something).
Entrarci (con qualcosa):
This verb is used with the invariable particle ci which is elided to c’ to avoid the clash between two vowels.
Ma questo cosa c’entra?
But what has this got to do (with it)?
Luigi non c’entra niente con questa situazione.
Luigi has nothing to do with this situation.
Piantala di dire queste sciocchezze!
Stop saying all this nonsense!/ Stop saying all these stupid things!
To stop doing something
Piantarla / smetterla (di fare qualcosa): to quit (doing something), to stop (doing something).
These two verbs are similar in meaning to the verb smettere “to stop”, but they come across as stronger and convey the idea of someone being annoyed and fed up with someone or something. Piantarla, in particular, is very informal and should only be used in spoken language.
Smettila di fare rumore!
Stop making noise!
Smettila di mangiare tutti questi cioccolatini!
Stop eating all these chocolates!
Notice that in these examples the pronoun la is attached to the verb because they are all in the imperative. Otherwise, it would simply go in front of the verb:
La pianti?/ La smetti?
Will you stop it?
Patrizia parla sempre: non la smette / pianta mai.
Patrizia is always talking: she never stops.
to have it in (for someone).
Avercela (con qualcuno):
This verb contains two invariable particles: ci (ce) and la and it works like farcela. Ce l’hai con me oggi?
Are you mad at me today?
Ce l’ho con te!
I’m annoyed with you! (also: I’m talking to you!)
La professoressa ce l’ha sempre con me.
The teacher is always mad at me./ The teacher is always picking on me.
to do everything possible, to make every effort, to give one’s all.
Mettercela (tutta): Per questo esame, ce l’ho davvero messa tutta.
For this exam, I really gave my all.
Forza ragazzi: mettetecela tutta!
Come guys, do your best!
to take offense, to get offended (by someone because of something), to get angry, to get upset, to get in a paddy.
Prendersela (con qualcuno per qualcosa):
When conjugating this verb, la does not change whereas the reflexive pronoun si (se) must agree with the subject. Because there’s a reflexive pronoun, essere is used as an auxiliary verb for compound tenses and la affects the past participle, which is always in its feminine singular form.
Non me la prendo mai.
I never take offence.
La mamma se l’è presa con Michele per la situazione.
Mum got annoyed at Michele because of the situation.
Ve la siete presa per il mio commento?
Did you take offence because of my comment?
Penso che Leo se la sia presa.
I think that Leo took offence.
get by, to cope, to manage
This verb works in the same way as prendersela. Here are some examples:
Com’è il tuo giapponese? - Me la cavo!
How is your Japanese? - I (can) get by!
Sono sicuro che te la cavi benissimo!
I’m sure you (can) get by very well!
Com’è andato il colloquio? - Me la sono cavata!
How did the interview go? - I managed!/ I got by!
If I were you, I wouldn’t get offended by the boss’s comments.
Se fossi in te, non me la prenderei per (non mi offenderei) i commenti del capo (or: della capa).
Are you still getting ready (preparing) or were you about to leave the house?
Ti stai ancora preparando o stavi per uscire di casa?
The professor doesn’t want us to continue working on this project.
Il professore non vuole che (noi) continuiamo a lavorare su questo progetto.
I thought I gave it my all, but I was wrong.
Pensavo di avercela messa tutta, ma mi sbagliavo.