Teaching And Learning Chinese As A Foreign Language -- Janet Zhiqun Xing, Hongkong University Press, 2006 Flashcards
Đừng làm vậy mà.
Nị sao có thể làm vậy được hả?
妳怎麼會這樣做呢?disbelief, dismay at what has done
Pp 45-46
Pg 47
p 74-76
The palatal sounds (j, q, x) only occur before high front vowels i and ü (the front rounded vowel ü often has its two dots omitted after the palatal sounds because the back front vowel u never occurs after the palatal sounds.
The retroflex sounds (zh, ch, sh) only occur before the remaining vowels a, e, u, and i. (The i sound after zhi, chi, shi4 is a low front vowel; it is different from the after the palatal sounds [ji, qi, xi].)
Many Chinese native speakers either do not or cannot distinguish retroflexes from dental sibilants (z, c, s), such as in words 四 vs. 試,春 vs. 村, and 找 vs. 早.
P 97
Characters and words
Six principles, 六書: pictographic 象形 tượng hình, indicative 指事 chỉ sự, ideographic 會意 hội ý, picto-phonetic 形聲 hình thanh, mutually interpretive or notative 轉注 chuyển chú, and phonetic loan 假借 giả tá
Indicative characters use symbols to express abstract meanings, such as using a point above the horizon line to indicate the concept of “over, above, on”. The combination of pictographic and indicative principles produces ideographic or associative characters (e.g. ri4 + yue4 = ming2). The most productive principle in constructing characters is the picto-phonetic method for it can take any existing pictographic form and combine it with any existing phonetic form to create a new character. This is why about ninety percent of Chinese characters belong to this category in modern Chinese. Mutually interpretive and phonetic loan are mostly used to extend the meaning of existing characters.
Nine styles of Chinese characters, picture uploaded to Google Drive
P 102, 104-105
loan words p. 120-124
天快亮了。我起床就給你做早點。 嗯,今天我得早點上班,所以隨便吃點就走。 你就這麼對待一天最重要的一頓飯嗎? 我就是不想吃,你就別囉嗦了。 你這人怎麼說不吃就不吃了呢? 不吃就是不吃,你怎麼沒完沒了? 我好心好意,你就這樣對待我? 好好,就算我不好,行了吧?就這麼點事,何必呢? 你們男人就是沒有一個好東西! 唉,就是論事,別瞎扯!【說完就走了】 你就別再回來! p. 45-46
Tiān kuài liàngle. Wǒ qǐchuáng jiù gěi nǐ zuò zǎodiǎn.
Ń, jīntiān wǒ dé zǎodiǎn shàngbān, suǒyǐ suíbiàn chī diǎn jiù zǒu.
Nǐ jiù zhème duìdài yītiān zuì zhòngyào de yī dùn fàn ma?
Wǒ jiùshì bùxiǎng chī, nǐ jiù bié luōsuole.
Nǐ zhè rén zěnme shuō bu chī jiù bù chīle ne?
Bù chī jiùshì bù chī, nǐ zěnme méiwán méiliǎo?
Wǒ hǎoxīn hǎoyì, nǐ jiù zhèyàng duìdài wǒ?
Hǎohǎo, jiùsuàn wǒ bù hǎo, xíngle ba? Jiù zhème diǎn shì, hébì ne?
Nǐmen nánrén jiùshì méiyǒu yīgè hǎo dōngxī!
Āi, jiùshì lùn shì, bié xiāchě![Shuō wán jiù zǒule]
nǐ jiù bié zài huílái!
Nominal clauses
我最喜歡我媽媽從一個賣很多兒童的喜歡看的書的書店買的書。P 163
I like the book that my mother bought from a store where they sell a lot of children’s book that many children actually like to read.
Informal 老爺子 老師 問 女的 老婆 特別 不同 好玩 炒魷魚 get fired 泡妞 pao4niu1 毛病 打笛 da3di1 take taxi 你幹嘛? 早就聽說過您。 Fashionable: loan words and accented words borrowed from the dialects of Taiwan, Hongkong, Guangzhou
Formal P 171-172 父親 先生 請教 婦女 太太 別緻 bie2zhi4 biệt trí 區別 qu1bie2 khu biệt 有意思 解僱 be laid of 跟女孩子在一起 缺點 坐出租汽車 (mainland) 您在做什麼? 久仰久仰 (久聞大名) cửu ngưỡng
by the way
順便說一下 p 187
spoken texts 好 (favorably),對,嗯 (least),就是 (most),行 不,不對,不過,得了,哼 哪,那麼,天哪 的確,是的,當然,對 不過,但是,就是,可 那,然後,後來 真的,啊,呵,怪,唉呀 瞧,嘿 哼 唉,嗨,天哪 對了,得了,唉,嘿 喂,嘿,你說,唉 嗯,唉,啊 好吧,好了
p 189 agreement disagreement consequence confirmation transition sequence surprise drawing attention disbelief disappointment interjection initiation responding concluding
得了 de2le
“Đủ rồi”
That’s it! You stop. Let’s first listen to Lao Da’s opinion.
Tôi còn không biết nị hả?
You? You don’t think I know you? What do you know?
Discourse functions of sentence final particles
吧 soliciting agreement (i.e. suggestion, modesty,
啊/呀 reduced forcefulness (i.e. confirmation, command,
麼 insistence (i.e. obviousness, assurance, exhortation)
了 end of discourse
呢 coherence, dính liền (i.e. response to expectation, turn-taking signal)
p 224-227
supposition, agreement)
warning, impatience) reduced or soften a tone
不需要麼。Of course, there is no need. (obviousness)
…, 就好了麼 you would be okay. (assurance)
再喝一杯麼。(You sure) can have another drink. (exhortation: urging someone to do something)
拜託(啦) (I’m) counting on you. (expressing gratitude)