語法句型 Flashcards
聲 noun, not verb (if verb, should have 得)
雨 聲 怎麼樣?雨聲hua-la-la. Tiếng mưa ra làm sao?
笑 聲 怎麼樣?笑聲ha-ha-ha.
search Pleco for "classifier" 份 fèn, for gifts, newspaper, magazine, papers, reports 根 gen1, for long, slender objiects 條 tiáo, for long thin things (ribbon, river, road, trousers) 支 zhi1, for rods, gậy, que 張 zhang1, for flat objects, sheets 本 ben3, for books, periodicals, files 杯 bei1 棵 ke1, for trees, plants, cabbages 束 shù, a bag with two ends tied up, for bunches, bundles, beams of light etc 把 句 ju4 包 bao1 首 道 dao4 塊 kuai4 隻 zhi1, con, cái, chiếc 雙 shuang1 song, đôi 打 da3 輛 liang4 匹 pi1, for horses, mules etc; Taiwan pr. [pi1] 架 jià for planes, large vehicles, radios etc 件 jian4 for events, things, clothes etc 項 xiàng for principles, items, clauses, tasks, research projects etc 套 tao4 碗 wǎn 眼 yǎn 班 ban1 則 ze2 for written items
檔 dang3
任 ren4
一份報 一根香蕉 gen1 xiang1jiao1 一條河 一支筆 一張嘴 zui3 miệng 一本書 一杯咖啡 一棵樹 ke1; shu4 一束花 yi2 shu4 hua1, một bó hoa
一把傘, 一把刀 一句話,一句歌詞 ju4; ge1ci2 ca từ 一包糖果,一包瓜子 一首歌,一首詩 shou3 thủ, bài; shi1, thi, thơ 一道菜 một món ăn 一塊糖,一塊肉, 一塊蛋糕 一隻鳥,一隻狗 一雙手, 一雙筷子 shuang1 đôi 一打鉛筆, 一打可樂 da3 tá, dozen 這輛腳踏車 jiao3ta4che1 這匹“鐵馬“ tie3ma3 今天一早有很多架戰機在試飛 zhan4ji1 chiến cơ; shi4 fei kiện hạng, kiện, điều, mục 一項調查 diao4cha2 bộ, 一整套 zheng3, trọn bộ
chuyến (xe, máy bay) A: 我傳了好幾則LINE訊息給你,你怎麼都「已讀不回」? 把牙刷 把椅子 把鑰匙 張桌子 隻碗 頂帽子 我投資一檔股票 持有五年 大賺超過100% 我第一任男友就嚇到...
mostly negative things?
被 + Verb + Complement
被/叫/讓 + Object + (給) Verb + Complement
太陽被遮住了。zhe1 che
太陽讓烏雲遮住了。để mây che
Have done something for some duration đã học bốn năm rồi Have NOT done something for some duration đã một tuần không ăn rồi Time adverb 有 duration negative verb tuần trước CÓ ba ngày không ăn
(已經) verb 了duration 了 (duration AFTER the verb)
我學華語,已經學 了 四年 了。
(已經) duration neg. verb 了 (duration BEFORE the verb)
他已經一個星期沒吃東西 了。
他上星期 有 三天沒吃東西。(without 了)
một khi…, liền
toàn thân trên dưới
只要靜靜地 一 想, 就讓全身上下動起來。jing4jing4
không những… ,mà còn
不但…,而且 bu2dan4… er2qie3
又 adj1/verb1 又 adj2/verb2
Same subject; with adj/verb only
Same or different subjects
一 measure word 又 一 measure word: one after another
一 measure word 比 一 measure word: (cái) sau so (cái) trước
一天又一天 ngày lại ngày
只要我的撲滿、一天比一天重、我就很滿足了。fu1man3 piggy bank; man3zu2
一 年/首/個/次 比 年/首/個/次
寧願放棄…, 也要… thà bỏ…
do volunteer
我寧願放棄參加夏令營,也要去醫院做志工。Wǒ nìngyuàn fàngqì cānjiā xiàlìngyíng, yě yào qù yīyuàn zuò zhì gōng. hạ lịnh dinh, summer camp; chí công, volunteer
Tuy (nhiên)… nhưng mà lại…
雖然我每天去超市買菜,可是卻不懂烹飪。Suīrán wǒ měitiān qù chāoshì mǎi cài, kěshì què bù dǒng pēngrèn. cooking
(Từ nay) về sau tôi nhất định phải…, để khỏi…
以後我一定要小心謹慎,免得上當。Yǐhòu wǒ yi2dìng yào xiǎoxīn jǐnshèn, miǎnde shàngdàng. cẩn thận; bị gạt
đừng nói…, ngay cả…
別說衣服洗得乾乾淨淨的,就連房間整理得整整齊齊的。Bié shuō yīfú xǐ de gāngān jìngjìng de, jiù lián fángjiān zhěnglǐ de zhěngzhěng qí qí de. chỉnh tề
đáng tiếc tôi cũng không…, vô pháp…
可惜我也不會開車,沒法載你。Kěxí wǒ yě bù huì kāichē, méi fǎ zài nǐ.
嗎 without ?
這個嗎,讓我再好好的想一想。cái này hả
小梅的生日宴嗎,我們都知道了。yan4 yến
呢 without ? 表示加強,確定的語氣。
Biǎoshì jiāqiáng, quèdìng de yǔqì.
記得帶傘,外面正下著雨呢!bên ngoài đúng đang mưa đó!
了:不耐煩,勸只等的語氣。Bù nàifán, quàn zhǐ děng de yǔqì Impatient, persuaded only wait for the tone
好了,別哭了,他已經把書還給你了。đừng khóc mà
別再說了,我已經聽得很多了。đừng nói nữa mà
không (cái này), thì (cái kia)
Tā bùshì dì yī míng, jiùshì dì èr míng, biǎoxiàn fēicháng yōuyì. ưu dị
luôn… trong đó, tổng cộng
Lián xīngqírì zài nèi, zǒnggòng kě fàngjià jiǔtiān.
『哪』的後面一定要有量詞,『什麼』後面一定沒有量詞。liang4ci2 lượng từ
衣服讓孩子(給)弄臟了。nong4 zang1
強盜叫警察(給)抓住了。qiang2dao4 jing3cha2 zhua1zhu4
(Counter/Word Type, Pronunciation?)
衣服讓孩子(給)弄臟了。nong4 zang1
強盜叫警察(給)抓住了。qiang2dao4 jing3cha2 zhua1zhu4
` ` ` v
In spoken or in colloquial writing, bei4 is often replaced by rang4 or jiao4, but only if an agent is involved. In these cases gei3 may also be used directly before the verb. bei4 doesn't usually go with gei3. In colloquial speech, gei3 may be used to replace bei4 in sentences where the agent is not specified. The bei4 (rang4/jiao4) is often used to narrate an unpleasant event. Adverbials of manner or location in bei4 sentences may precede either bei or the verb. In the latter case, the adverbial becomes more emphatic. (Unit 2 The 被 structure)
Definition, Pronunciation
送,還,賠,借 (Definition, Pronunciation) 朋友送給我一瓶酒。ping2 他還給我們一張郵票。you2piao4 保險公司賠給他們一筆錢嗎?bi3 他借我兩鎊錢。bang4 他借給我兩鎊錢。
` ‘ ‘ ` tống hoàn, bồi, tá
The verbs song4, huan2 and pei2 may be suffixed by gei3 w/o any change in meaning.
The verb jie4 usually means ‘to borrow’ mượn, but when suffixed with gei3, it means ‘to lend’ cho mượn.
(Unit 3, Dative constructions with direct and indirect objects)
使,讓(叫/教),令 (Definition, Pronunciation) 這個消息使我很高興。 她的話使他很難過。 兒子的行為讓父親著急。 這件事叫/教我不安。 這個消息令人高興。 她的話令人失望。
The verb shi3 or rang4 (and sometimes more colloquially, 叫 jiao4 or its variant 教 jiao4) may also be used with a second verb which is derived from an adjective.
Note: ling4 may be used in a similar way but has a more formal tone, particularly when used with ren2 ‘people/one’.
(Unit 4, Causative constructions)
你等了 他 多久?
你姐姐當了多少年 (的)護士? or 你姐姐當護士當了多少年?
你和你朋友跳了幾個鐘頭 (的)舞?or 你和你朋友跳舞跳了幾個鐘頭?
(Counter/Word Type, Pronunciation?)
你等了 他 多久?
你姐姐當了多少年 (的)護士? or 你姐姐當護士當了多少年?
你和你朋友跳了幾個鐘頭 (的)舞?or 你和你朋友跳舞跳了幾個鐘頭?
verb with object, interrogative expressions
When there is an object with the verb, if it is a pronoun it precedes the interrogative expression (duration questions); if it is a noun it follows the interrogative expression with or without 的。
One cannot say: *你和你朋友跳舞了幾個鐘頭?
(Unit 9 More interrogative expressions)
Purpose. The second action explains the purpose of the first action (qu4/lai2).
More colloquially, qu4 and lai2 may be placed at the end of the sentence.
(Unit 5, Serial constructions)
朋友送給我一瓶酒。ping2 他還給我們一張郵票。you2piao4 保險公司賠給他們一筆錢嗎?bi3 他借我兩鎊錢。bang4 他借給我兩鎊錢。
` ‘ ‘ ` tống hoàn, bồi, tá
The verbs song4, huan2 and pei2 may be suffixed by gei3 w/o any change in meaning.
The verb jie4 usually means ‘to borrow’ mượn, but when suffixed with gei3, it means ‘to lend’ cho mượn.
(Unit 3, Dative constructions with direct and indirect objects)
了, comment or summing up
好了。That’s it. Xong rồi. Được rồi. (e.g. Some job has been done; some discussion should end, etc.)
算了,算了。Okay, okay. (e.g. It’s no longer worth making a fuss about.)
別生氣了。Đừng giận nữa.
起床了。Dậy được rồi.
le is generally used after an adjective or a verb (or verb phrase) at the end of a sentence when the speaker sees a situation as having come to a stage which requires comment or summing up.
(Unit 8, Sentence particle 了)
衣服讓孩子(給)弄臟了。nong4 zang1
強盜叫警察(給)抓住了。qiang2dao4 jing3cha2 zhua1zhu4
` ` ` v
In spoken or in colloquial writing, bei4 is often replaced by rang4 or jiao4, but only if an agent is involved. In these cases gei3 may also be used directly before the verb.
bei4 doesn’t usually go with gei3.
In colloquial speech, gei3 may be used to replace bei4 in sentences where the agent is not specified.
The bei4 (rang4/jiao4) is often used to narrate an unpleasant event.
Adverbials of manner or location in bei4 sentences may precede either bei or the verb. In the latter case, the adverbial becomes more emphatic.
(Unit 2 The 被 structure)
了, imminent action, intention or change
我走了。Tôi đi đây. 來了。I'm coming. (Tôi) tới đây. 飛機快起飛了。 (天) 要下雨了。 火車馬上就要開了。 le is frequently used with expressions of imminent action, intention or change, often with adverbs such as 快 kuai4, (就) 要, etc. (Unit 8, Sentence particle 了)
verb with object, interrogative expressions
你等了 他 多久?
你姐姐當了多少年 (的)護士? or 你姐姐當護士當了多少年?
你和你朋友跳了幾個鐘頭 (的)舞?or 你和你朋友跳舞跳了幾個鐘頭?
When there is an object with the verb, if it is a pronoun it precedes the interrogative expression (duration questions); if it is a noun it follows the interrogative expression with or without 的。
One cannot say: *你和你朋友跳舞了幾個鐘頭?
(Unit 9 More interrogative expressions)
In alternative-questions, hai2shi4 rather than huo4zhe3 should be used.
(Unit 11, Conjunctions and conjunctives linking clauses in compound sentences (1))
即使… 也…
哪怕/就算… 也…
即使你很忙,也得抽空來一趟。to find time
Even though, although, even if
Conjunctions like na3pa4 and jiu4suan4 refer to potential rather actual events.
(Unit 12, Conjunctions and conjunctives linking clauses in compound sentences (2))
Adverbials of manner are derived from adjectives of two or more syllables. 地
她在認真得學舞蹈。 朋友熱情得招待了我。 奶奶慢慢地上了火車。 爸爸急匆匆地跳上了公共汽車。 孩子很快地睡著了。 火車非常早地到達了倫敦。
(Monosyllabic adjectives must be reduplicated or suffixed with reduplicated sound-connotative phonaesthemes or modified by a degree adverb.) These adverbials are placed before the verb in the sentence and are usually followed by the particle 地 (see Unit 16).
(Unit 15, Adverbials (summary))
Both monosyllabic and disyllabic adjectives may be used as adverbials of manner in imperatives.
慢走!Take care!
They are not suffixed with 地.
(Unit 15, Averbials (summary))
的 is also used to form part of the comment of a topic-comment structure generally in conjunction with 是
With nouns: 這本雜誌是英文的。 那把椅子是木頭的。 With non-gradable adjectives: 我說的那個人是男的。 這是真的,不是假的。 With verbs: 我的頭髮是新燙的。 這雙鞋是破的。 With clauses: 這個日記本是她送給我的。 那個菜是媽媽做的。 With reduplicated adjectives or verbs or set expressions, in these cases without 是: 山路高高低低的。 桌子上亂七八糟的。
Non-gradable adjectives are adjectives which cannot be modified by a degree adverb like 很, etc.
Note: Gradable adjectives as predicatives/comments of course do not require 是 or 的:
(Unit 16, 的,得,地 (summary))
是… 的
他們是去的北京。They went to Beijing.
他們是去北京。They are going to Beijing.
我是為你著想。zhuo2xiang3 consider
This structure is regularly used to emphasize the time, place, manner, purpose, etc. of an action that has taken place (see Basic Chinese, Unit 19).
Note that 的 is not present if the action is not in the past but is going to take place
(Unit 16, 的,得,地 (summary))
If the adverbial is to be highlighted, 是 is placed immediately before the adverbial (and if the action of the verb in the sentence refers to the past, with 的 coming either at the end of the sentence following the verb or between the verb and its object if there is one).
If an aspect marker is present, 是 by itself is sufficient for the intensifying purpose and 的 does not have to occur at the end of the sentence.
(Unit 20, Idiomatic uses of 是)
這個消息使我很高興。 她的話使他很難過。 兒子的行為讓父親著急。 這件事叫/教我不安。 這個消息令人高興。 她的話令人失望。
The verb shi3 or rang4 (and sometimes more colloquially, 叫 jiao4 or its variant 教 jiao4) may also be used with a second verb which is derived from an adjective.
Note: ling4 may be used in a similar way but has a more formal tone, particularly when used with ren2 ‘people/one’.
(Unit 4, Causative constructions)
Purpose. The second action explains the purpose of the first action (qu4/lai2).
More colloquially, qu4 and lai2 may be placed at the end of the sentence.
(Unit 5, Serial constructions)
好了。That's it. Xong rồi. Được rồi. (e.g. Some job has been done; some discussion should end, etc.) (我的話)完了。 時間到了。 算了,算了。Okay, okay. (e.g. It's no longer worth making a fuss about.) 別生氣了。Đừng giận nữa. 不要說話了。 起床了。Dậy được rồi. 咱們開始了。
了, comment or summing up
le is generally used after an adjective or a verb (or verb phrase) at the end of a sentence when the speaker sees a situation as having come to a stage which requires comment or summing up.
(Unit 8, Sentence particle 了)
我走了。Tôi đi đây. 來了。I'm coming. (Tôi) tới đây. 飛機快起飛了。 (天) 要下雨了。 火車馬上就要開了。
了, imminent action, intention or change
le is frequently used with expressions of imminent action, intention or change, often with adverbs such as 快 kuai4, (就) 要, etc.
(Unit 8, Sentence particle 了)
In alternative-questions, hai2shi4 rather than huo4zhe3 should be used.
(Unit 11, Conjunctions and conjunctives linking clauses in compound sentences (1))
即使你很忙,也得抽空來一趟。to find time
即使… 也…
哪怕/就算… 也…
Even though, although, even if
Conjunctions like na3pa4 and jiu4suan4 refer to potential rather actual events.
(Unit 12, Conjunctions and conjunctives linking clauses in compound sentences (2))
她在認真得學舞蹈。 朋友熱情得招待了我。 奶奶慢慢地上了火車。 爸爸急匆匆地跳上了公共汽車。 孩子很快地睡著了。 火車非常早地到達了倫敦。
Adverbials of manner are derived from adjectives of two or more syllables. 地
(Monosyllabic adjectives must be reduplicated or suffixed with reduplicated sound-connotative phonaesthemes or modified by a degree adverb.) These adverbials are placed before the verb in the sentence and are usually followed by the particle 地 (see Unit 16).
(Unit 15, Adverbials (summary))
慢走!Take care!
Both monosyllabic and disyllabic adjectives may be used as adverbials of manner in imperatives.
They are not suffixed with 地.
(Unit 15, Averbials (summary))
With nouns: 這本雜誌是英文的。 那把椅子是木頭的。 With non-gradable adjectives: 我說的那個人是男的。 這是真的,不是假的。 With verbs: 我的頭髮是新燙的。 這雙鞋是破的。 With clauses: 這個日記本是她送給我的。 那個菜是媽媽做的。 With reduplicated adjectives or verbs or set expressions, in these cases without 是: 山路高高低低的。 桌子上亂七八糟的。
的 is also used to form part of the comment of a topic-comment structure generally in conjunction with 是
Non-gradable adjectives are adjectives which cannot be modified by a degree adverb like 很, etc.
Note: Gradable adjectives as predicatives/comments of course do not require 是 or 的:
(Unit 16, 的,得,地 (summary))
他們是去的北京。They went to Beijing.
他們是去北京。They are going to Beijing.
我是為你著想。zhuo2xiang3 consider
是… 的
This structure is regularly used to emphasize the time, place, manner, purpose, etc. of an action that has taken place (see Basic Chinese, Unit 19).
Note that 的 is not present if the action is not in the past but is going to take place
(Unit 16, 的,得,地 (summary))
If the adverbial is to be highlighted, 是 is placed immediately before the adverbial (and if the action of the verb in the sentence refers to the past, with 的 coming either at the end of the sentence following the verb or between the verb and its object if there is one).
If an aspect marker is present, 是 by itself is sufficient for the intensifying purpose and 的 does not have to occur at the end of the sentence.
(Unit 20, Idiomatic uses of 是)