Taste and Smell Flashcards
label the ear diagram..
What is taste called as?
Gustation features-
taste buds- moist MM, chemoreceptors
stimulated by chemical responsible for smell dissolved around oral cavity
What do taste buds consist of?
gustatory cells- surrounded by supporting cells
hair like projection- transmits information to brain
What cranial nerves all contribute to sending impulses to the brain, interpreting taste?
facial nerve (VII)
glosssohpharyngeal nerve (IX)
vagus nerve (X)
What is smell referred to as?
What are features of olfaction?
lines top of nasal cavity, detect volatile, water soluble molecules- as animal breathes
What is the nerve impulse transmitted up to?
olfactory bulb within brain
What type of nerve is the olfactory nerve?
The flehmen response-
vomeronasall/ jacobson organ detects pheromones
Where is the flehmen response located?
nasal chamber
Which behaviour is the flehmen response apart of?
Which type of animals is the flehmen response found in?
amphibians, reptiles, mammals