Cranial Nerves Flashcards
What are the 12 different cranial nerves?
Vestibulcochelar/ Auditory
What is the function of Olfactory?
Sensory – smell, carries smells from the olfactory bulbs to the brain
What is the Optic function?
Sensory – sight, from each side cross over the optic chiasma to opposite sides of brain- brain interprets information from both sides
What is the Oculomotor function?
Motor – eye muscles, supplies extrinsic muscles of the eye, allowing minute/ delicate movements
What is the trochlear function?
Motor – eye muscles, supplies extrinsic muscles of the eye (dorsal oblique)
What is the trigeminal function?
Mixed (Both)
Sensory – head/face carries information from the skin around the eye
Motor – supplies muscles face for mastication
What is the abducens function?
Motor – eye muscles (extrinsic)
What is the facial function?
Motor – face muscles (e.g. ears, lips, eyelids) facial expression, movement of lips, ears and skin around eyes
What is the vestibulcochelar/ auditory function?
Sensory – balance and hearing, carries the sensation of balance from the semi-circular canals of ear
What is the glossopharyngeal function?
Mixed (Both)
Sensory – taste
Motor – tongue muscles, pharynx and larynx
What is the vagus function?
Mixed (Both)
Sensory – pharynx and larynx
Motor – larynx
Carries parasympathetic motor fibres to heart + visceral organs
What is the accessory function?
Motor – muscles e.g. trapezius, brachiocephalicus
What is the hypoglossal function?
Motor – supplies muscles of the tongue
What nerves classes as both sensory and motor?
trigeminal, glossopharyngeal, vagus