Tables Flashcards
Na transport in the tubules
PCT - 60%
LOH - 30%
DCT - 7%
CD - 2-3%
Proximal tubule Na transporters
B: NaKATPase, KCC3/4
LOH Na transporters
A: NKCC2, ROMK, Claudin
DCT Na transporters
B: NaKATPase, ClCK-2, Kir, KCC4
K transport in tubules
DCT 65%
TAL 25%
Ca transport in tubules
PCT 70% → Ca transport proximal tubule paracellular, TRPV5, V6
TAL 20% → Clauding 16, 19
DT 8%
Mg transport tubules
PT 20%
TAL 70% paracellular 16, 19
DT 5%
Mg transport DCT
Phos transport proximal tubule
Bicab reabsorption tubules
PT 80% A: NHE3, AQP1
B: NBce1, NaKATPase
TAL 15%
CD 5%
DCT Type A intercalated cell Hco3 reabsorption
A: HKATPase, HATPase
B: kAE1, KCC4, Clc-2-K-Barttin
DCT Type B Intercalated cell Hco3 reabsorption
B: HATPase, Clc-K2, AE4
IgA: predictive of ESKD or 50% decline in GFR
Mesangial hypercellularity, tubular atrophy./interstitial fibrosis
IgA: not predictive endocapillary hypercellularity
IgA: predictive of rate of decline in kidney function segmental sclerosis
Chronic lesions in SLE
GIFT - Glomerular sclerosis, Interstitial fibrosis, fibrous crescents, tubular atrophy
Acute lesions in SLE
Fibrinoid necrosis, cellular crescents karyorrhexis, endocapillary hypercellularity, subendothelial deposits, wireloop lesions, rupture of GBM
Treatment of SLE Class II
proteinuria >3g, steroids + CNI
Class 3 SLE Treatment
Corticosteroids + cyclophosphamide/MMF
Class IV SLE treatment
Azathioprine 1.5-2.5 mkd
MMF 1-2 g/day
low dose steroids
or CNI if intolerant to aza and MMF
Class V SLE treatment
corticosteroids + cyclophosphamide, CNI, MMF, azathioprine
1st line initial therapy in SLE
cyclophosphamide or MMF
Maintenance therapy in SLE
Class 3 or 4 initial therapy options for cyclophosphamide
IV 0.5-1 g/m2 monthly for 6 months, 500 mg q2 weeks for 3 months, 1-1.5 mkd po 2-4 months
Cause of hypercalcemia: High PTH, Uca less than 100 mg/24h, FeCa < 0.01
FHH, NSHPT, Lithium
Cause of hypercalcemia: High PTH, UCa>200 mg/24h, FeCa> 0.01
primary or tertiary hyperparathyroidism
Cause of hyperCa: low PTH, low PTHRP, high 25(OH), high 25 (OH)2
Vitamin D overodse
Cause of hyperCa: low PTH, low PTHrP, low 25 (OH), high 25 (OH)2
Granulomatous disorders
Cause of hypercCa: low PTH, low PTHrp, low 25 (OH) and 25 (OH)2
LOH, milk alakali syndrome, immobilization, vitamin A, Drugs
Cause of hyperca: Low PTH, high PTHrP
Cause of hypoca: Normal Crea, Low PTH
hypoparathyroidism, low Mg, genetic
Cause of hypoca: Normal Crea, High PTH, Low Vitamin D
Vitamin D deficiency
Cause of hypoca: Normal Crea, high PTH, normal vitamin D, Normal 1, 25 (OH)2D
pseudohypoparathyroidism, Vit D dependent rickets
Cause of hypoca: Normal Crea, high PTH, normal vitamin D, High 1, 25 (OH)2D
Vit D resistant rickets
Cause of hyperK: TTKG>8
advanced kidney failure; dec ECV
HyperK: TTKG <5, TTKG <8 after fludrocortisone
HyperK: TTKG <5, TTKG > 8 after fludrocortisone, low aldosterone, low renin
DM, GN, NSaids, b-blockers
HyperK: TTKG <5, TTKG > 8 after fludrocortisone, low aldosterone, high renin
AI, ACE, Ketoconazole
HypoK: UrineK < 15 mmol/day, 15 mmol/g/Crea, metabolic acidosis
GI K losses
HypoK: Urine K < 15 mmol/day, 15 mmol/g/Crea, Normal acid base
profuse sweating
HypoK: Urine K < 15 mmol/day, 15 mmol/g/Crea, Metabolic alkalosis
remote diuretic use, vomiting
HypoK: Urine K > 15 mmol/day, 15 mmol/g/Crea, TTKG >4, low/normal BP/volume, Metabolic acidosis
HypoK: Urnie K > 15 mmol/day, 15 mmol/g/Crea, TTKG >4, low/normal BP/volume, Metabolic alkalosis, UCl>20, UCa/Crea <0.15
HypoK: Urnie K > 15 mmol/day, 15 mmol/g/Crea, TTKG >4, low/normal BP/volume, Metabolic alkalosis, UCl>20, UCa/Crea > 0.20
Bartter Syndrome
HypoK: Urnie K > 15 mmol/day, 15 mmol/g/Crea, TTKG >4, low/normal BP/volume, Metabolic alkalosis, UCl < 10
extrarenal losses
HypoK: Urnie K > 15 mmol/day, 15 mmol/g/Crea, TTKG >4, high BP/volume, Low aldosterone, normal cortisol
Liddle, licorice, AME
HypoK: Urnie K > 15 mmol/day, 15 mmol/g/Crea, TTKG >4, high BP/volume, low aldosterone, high cortisol
Cushing syndrome
HypoK: Urnie K > 15 mmol/day, 15 mmol/g/Crea, TTKG >4, high BP/volume, High aldosterone, Low Renin
HypoK: Urnie K > 15 mmol/day, 15 mmol/g/Crea, TTKG >4, high BP/volume, high aldosterone, high renin
RAS, Malignant hypertension
Metabolic alkalosis, UCl> 20, UK > 30, HTN, low renin
primary hyperaldosteronism
Normal or micronodularity and B masses in Adrenal CT
idiopathic hyperaldosteronim vs GRA
Unilateral hypodense nodule > 1 cm in Adrenal CT, > 40 years old, with no lateralization
GRA screening
Unilateral hypodense nodule > 1 cm in Adrenal CT, > 40 years old, with lateralization
adrenal adenoma, primary adrenal hyperplasia
Unilateral hypodense nodule > 1 cm in Adrenal CT < 40
adrenal adenoma, PAH
Hyponat, hypovolemic, UNa < 30
Extrarenal losses
Hyponat, euvol, UNa>30
glucocorticoid deficiency, hypothyroidism, SIADH
Hyponat, Hypervol, UNa < 30
Nephrotic syndrome, cirrhosis, heart failure
>30 nsuf renal
Metabolic alkalosis, UCl < 2o
Met alk, UCl>20, UK < 30 meq
Met alk, UCl>20, UK > 30 meq, normal BP
Barter, Gitelman, Diuretics
Met alk, UCl>20, UK > 30 meq, high BP, high renin, high cortisol
cushing syndrome
Met alk, UCl>20, UK > 30 meq, high BP, high renin, normal cortisol, high renin in renal vein
renovascular htn. JGA tumor
Met alk, UCl>20, UK > 30 meq, high BP, high renin, normal cortisol, normal renin in renal vein
malignant hypertension
Met alk, UCl>20, UK > 30 meq, high BP, low renin
primary aldosteronism, licorice
Chains involved in alport syndrome
chains involved in tbmd
a chains in anti-gbm
a3 chain
Tx of MCD
corticosteroids (pred 1 mld or 3 mkd for 4-6 weeks)
cycophosphamide 2-2.5 mkd for 8 weeks
cylosporine 3-5 mld
tacrolimus 0.05 - 1 mld for 1-2 years
MMF 500-1000 mg BID 1-2 years
prednisone > 4-16 weeks
CNI 4-6 months
MMF + dexamethasone
IV/oral steroids + cyclophosphamimde
MPGN Type 1
oral cyclophosphamide/MMF
low dose alternate day or daily corticosteroids < 6 months
AntiGBM tx
steroids + cyclophosphamide + plasmapharesis
Pauci Immune Tx
MPP 7 mkd then pred 1 mkd for 1st month then alternate day 4-5 months; oral pred 2 mkd; cyclophosphamide
rituximab + corticosteroids + plasmapharesis
maintainance: azathioprine 1-2 mkd, MMF 1 g BID, methotrexate 0.3 mk/week
Predictors of Likely failure of fluid restriction in Hyponatremia
UOsm > 500, UNa + UK > Serum Na, 24H Urine vol < 1500 ml/day, Inc in serum Na <2 in 24 hours on fluid restriction < 1 L/day
Acute rejection Banff
Glomerular inflammation, Interstitial inflammation, Vascular inflammation, Tubulitis
Chronic rejection Banff
Interstitial fibrosis, Tubular atrophy, allograft glomerulopathy (GBM duplication), Mesangial matrix increase, Arterial fibrointimal thickening, Arterial hyalinosis, peritubular capillary
HSP Class Subtypes
Class I: Minimal alteration
Class II: Pure mesangial proliferation
Class IIIa: Focal <50% crescents
Class IIIb: Diffuse < 50% crescents
Class IVa: Focal 50-75% Crescents
Class IVb: Diffuse 50-75% crescents
Class Va: Focal > 75% crescents
Class Vb: Diffuse > 75% crescents
Class VI Membranoproliferative
RPGN Types
Type I: Anti-GBM
Type II: Immune complex
Type III: Pauci-immune
Type IV: Type I + III
Type V: Anca negative, pauci immune renal vasculitis
DM Classification
Class I: GBM thickening
Class II: Mesangial expansion
Class IIa: mild
Class IIb: severe
CLass III: Nodular sclerosis
Class IV: Advanced DM sclerosis
Factors increasing risk of osmotic demyelination
Serum Na < 105
Advanced Liver Disease
simple benign cyst
Bosniak Cat I
benign with thin septa. fine rim like calcification or uniform high density less than 3 cm
Bosniak Cat II
multiple septa
thick area or nodular calcification
high density ctsts > 3 cm
follow up at 6-12 mos
Bosniak Cat IIF
thickened irregular walls with enhancement, dense irregular calcficiation
Bosniak Cat III
clearly malignant
nephrectomy <5-6 cm
Bosniak Cat IV
absolute contraindications to renal biopsy
uncontrolled htn
bleeding diathesus
cystic disease
uncooperative patient
Bartter Syndrome Type 1
Bartter Syndrome Type 2
Bartter Syndrome Type 3
Bartter Syndrome Type IV
Bartin (B subunit of Clc-Ka and Clc-Kb
Bartter Syndrome Type V
Clc-Ka and Clc-Kb