Chronic Kidney Disease Part 1 Flashcards
Hallmark of DM nephropathy
persistent albuminuria > 300 mg/24 hours
dm retinopathy + absence of clinical or laboratory evidence of other kidney or renal tract disease
microalbuminuria=urinary albumin excretion of > 30 mg/24 hours and less than 300 mg/24 hours in 2 of 3 samples
DEFINICAO MICROALBUMINURIA= presnca de albuminuria maior q o valor normal mas nao detectavel no dipstick 30-300mg/dia
According to the American Diabetes Association, for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, urine albumin should be assessed annually, starting from the point of diagnosis.
Microalbuminuria is associated with kidney dysfunction and atherosclerotic cardiovascular events.
Healthcare workers need to encourage changes in lifestyle and initiate therapy when microalbuminuria is discovered.
If treatment with an ARB or ACE inhibitor does not sufficiently control proteinuria in patients with chronic kidney disease, further control of proteinuria can be done by adding mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists (MRA), such as spironolactone or eplerenone.
However, MRAs are associated with an increased risk of hyperkalemia.
A new agent finerenone which is a nonsteroidal MRA decreased proteinuria while causing lower rates of hyperkalemia.
The current diagnosis of microalbuminuria also includes a urinary albumin/creatinine ratio (UACR) ranging between 2 to 20 mg.
In addition to the individual variability, one should be cautious that some cases have an elevated UACR at baselines, such as males, African Americans, Asians, smokers, people with higher muscle mass, patients with urinary tract infection, and genital leakage.
first pathologic sign in dm nephropathy type 1 dm and proteinuria
glomerular basement membrane thickening
Microalbuminuria develops from a dysfunction of the GBM permitting albumin to enter the urine. inadequate control of blood sugars inhibits this enzyme, reducing the negative charge on GBM and allowing excessive amounts of albumin to leak out. Advanced glycosylation end-products can also neutralize the negative charge of albumin by binding with the proteins of both the GBM and mesangial matrix.[6] Additionally, hyperglycemia initiates the glycation of GBM and podocyte receptors interfering with the charge on GBM.[1][2][6]
The current hypothesis, known as the ‘Steno hypothesis,’ is that systemic vascular endothelial dysfunction initiates the development of microalbuminuria and cardiovascular disease, as there is a strong correlation between these three variables.
Therefore, having comorbidities that cause endothelial damage is considered a risk factor. These include increased age, insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, obesity, hypertension, decreased physical activity, and smoking.[5] Some studies predict a genetic component linking together microalbuminuria, atherosclerosis, and even nephropathy. An increased UAE rate was seen among patients with a deletion-deletion polymorphism of the ACE gene.[6]
Microalbuminuria has been associated with patients who have type 1 or type 2 diabetes. For patients with type 1, the prevalence of microalbuminuria within the first three years after diagnosis is only 6%; however, after five years, it is 41%. In type 2, the prevalence is 20% to 25% for newly diagnosed and long-standing diabetics.[8][9] In patients with uncontrolled hypertension, microalbuminuria was seen in 47.4% of patients; whereas, in patients with controlled blood pressure it was 36.7%.[10]
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Microalbuminuria arises when GBM, a complex sieve, leaks an increased amount of albumin. The proposed mechanism is a combination of glomerular size enlargement, GBM thickening, mesangial expansion, and podocyte foot process effacement. Microalbuminuria can also occur via inadequate tubular reabsorption.[2][7]
Dysregulated enzymatic metabolism of the extracellular matrix is the pathogenesis behind developing endothelial damage.[3][8] Thus, at vascular places, other than just the renal system, the albumin can either leak out of or enter the vessel wall. When this happens, albumin can stimulate inflammation, lipid accumulation, and atherosclerosis, which eventually could form fixed albuminuria and decreased kidney function.[7]
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There are structural changes at the level of GBM that lead to microalbuminuria. However, these are heterogeneous and may even be present in patients with normoalbuminuric diabetes. The GBM alterations are typically seen in type 1 diabetes, but not type 2.[8]
Furthermore, researchers found no correlation between increased GBM permeability and any histological changes. Since the majority of the GBM dysfunction is through altered charge selectivity, not size, it would not appear on histology.[2][8]
arteriolar hyalinosis usually seen within
3 to 5 years
exudative lesions in type 1 DM nephropathy pathology
arteriolar hyalinosis, bowmans capsular drops, hyaline caps
45-59 ml/min GFR
stage 3a
GFR 30-44
stage 3b
GFR 15-29
stage 4
GFR less than 15
stage 5
BP target in CKD with proteinuria
less than 120/80
education on RRT and hepatitis B vaccination
Stage 4
AVF creation
stage 5
Goal for Acei or ARB treatment
urine protein level < 0.5 g/day
target for weight loss in obese patients
dietary salt restriction
<5 g (90 meqs sodium per day)
protein requirement for normal adults or those with uncomplicated CKD
0.8 g protein/kg/day
CKD patients with complications
0.6 g protein/kg/day or 0.3 g/kg + ketoacids or a mixture of aminoacid
CKD patients with loss of muscle mass
0.8 g protein/kg/day
CKD with proteinuria
< 0.8 g protein/kg/day + 1 g protein/g proteinuria
at least 3 episodes of itch in a 2 week period that causes difficulty for the patient or as itch that occurs over a 6 month period in a regular pattern
associated with hyperparathyroidism or elevated Ca x Phos
main regulator of systemic iron hoemostasis
increase in PTH secretion immediate effects
increase in 1a hydroxylase activity,
bone turnover,
ca reabsoprtion
decrease in renal po4 reabsorption
more than 3 rbc/hpf in atleast 2 of 3 freshly voioded midstream clean catch urine
asymptomatic hematuria
imaging to localize and control source of bleeding
diagnostic when there is any suspicion of upper tract disease
retrograde pyelography
glomerular hematuria + active urine sediment + wbcs/casts
nephritic syndrome
hallmark of nephritic syndrome
glomerular hematuria
definitive finding in nephritic syndrome
rbc casts
principal underlying abnormality in nephrotic syndrome
increased permeability of the glomerular capillaries
most common underlying systemic disease causing nephrotic syndrome
Diabetes Mellitus
1+ urine dipstick protein is equivalent
30-100 mg/dL
most common urine lipid
esterified cholesterol
birefingent birght cross like appearance in polarizing microscope
type of RTA associated in obstructive uropathy
type 4
test of choice to diagnose obstructive uropathy
renal ultrasonography
stage 1 hypertension
benzene ring-shaped cysteine crustals
coffin lid crystals
imaging procedure of choice for stones
noncontrast helical CT scan