Strategy Module 4 - Business Strategies and the Strategic Planning Process Flashcards
What is a business strategy and what question does it address?
A business strategy builds a competitive focus in one line of a business and addresses the question, “how do we win in this market?”
What is an intended strategy?
The agreed-upon strategy arrived at through the formal planning process.
What is an emergent strategy?
A strategy created from new ideas and conditions.
What is a discarded strategy?
A strategy that deemed inappropriate due to changing circumstances.
What is a realized strategy?
The implemented plan, or “what actually happened.”
What does the strategic planning process define?
The organization’s future direction, permanence targets, and approaches to achieve the targets in a formal written statement.
What are the steps of the strategic planning process?
- Establish the mission, vision, and values
- Develop objectives
- Analyze the external environment
- Identify the competitive advantage
- Determine the competitive position
- Implement the strategy
- Evaluate the performance
What is a mission statement?
An articulation of a view of a realistic, credible, and attractive future for the organization that clearly states the reason for the existence of the business and differentiates the organization from the competition.
What is a vision statement?
A clear compelling statement about the future that serves to unite an organization’s efforts.
What is the purpose of a values statement?
- Conveys a sense of identity for employees
- Generates employee commitment to something greater than themselves
- Adds to the stability of the organization as a social system
- Serves a frame of reference for employees to make sense of organizational activities and to use a guide for appropriate behavior.
What is the purpose of a balanced scorecard?
They organize objectives into four categories: financial, customer, learning and growth, and internal business process.
What is SWOT analysis?
A SWOT analysis is an environmental analysis that examines the strengths and weakness of a company (the internal environment) as well as its threats and opportunities (external environment).
What is a competitive advantage?
A firm’s characteristics that enable it to earn higher rates of profits than its competitors by utilizing its resources.
What resources does an organization have at its disposal?
- Tangible assets (assets that have substance and can consumed)
- Intangible assets (assets that are not concrete, such as reputation)
- Capabilities (the collective skills, abilities, and expertise, and core competencies)
What is a value proposition?
A statement of benefits your products or services provide in the marketplace.