Speeds And Lineside Signage Flashcards
Where can you find details of all line speeds
Table A diagrams in the sectional appendix
What does a standard speed board look like
Red circle, white background with black speed number (mph)
Red circle, black background with white speed numbers (kmh)
What does a reduction in speed warning sign look like
Upside down triangle, yellow border
White background black speed number (mph)
Black background white speed number (kmh)
What is the length of a speed restriction
The length of the restriction plus the length of your train
What do tilting train speed boards look like
Either red circle, yellow background with black speed number across the middle and EPS at the top
Or yellow sign with black speed numbers and EPS at the top
What do speed boards referring to diverging junctions look like
Standard speed board with arrow pointing the direction of the junction
What is the set up of a speed reduction indicator
AWS magnet 180 metres before the speed warning board.
Then suitable braking distance before the speed commencement board
If a speed warning board has two sets of numbers on it, one above the other. What does each number mean
The highest number will be at the bottom and relate to passenger trains, parcel and postal trains and light locomotive.
The lower number at the top relates to all other trains
Some permissible speed boards relate to different train categories and will have the code marked on the board. These are
HST = high speed train
MU = multiple unit trains
DMU = diesel multiple units
EMU = electric multiple units
SP = sprinter
What do temporary speed restriction warning board look like
Yellow board with black speed numbers and yellow board across the bottom, sticking out either side with two white reflective circles (normal)
If the yellow board across the bottom is the same width as the side this indicates limited clearance
Where can details on temporary speed restrictions be found
Published in the WON’s
What does TSR stand for
Temporary Speed Restriction
What does a temporary speed indicator commencement board look like
Yellow square with black speed number on it
What does a temporary speed termination board look like
Yellow rectangle with a black T in the middle
Yellow rectangle with black A in the middle (acceleration board)
What is the basic set up for a temporary speed restriction
AWS magnet 180 metres before the TSR warning board, then suitable braking distance (can vary depending on traction, speed reduction, gradient etc)
TSR commencement board
Speed restricted Track
TSR termination board
What does S.P.A.T.E stand for
Speed Previously Advised Terminated Early
What does a SPATE board look like
Yellow rectangle with black diagonal line across
If a TSR is terminated before the published time where will the SPATE boards be placed
Over the TSR warning and commencement boards
When can a AWS magnet be placed nearer then 180 metres
When there is no suitable place around the 180 metres mark due to infrastructure or other AWS magnets
What’s the minimum distance from a warning board you can place an AWS magnet
45 metres
What must you do if you notice any incorrectly placed, missing or more restrictive TSR warning or commencement indicators
Report it to the signaller immediately, stopping your train to do so if required
What does ESR stand for
Emergency Speed Restriction
An emergency speed restriction ESR is a speed restriction which is temporary and has……
Been published but times and speeds are different than that stated in the WON
Over run, or applies at a time not shown in the WON
Re-imposed after being eased, removed or withdrawn
Not shown in the WON
Has only been shown in the amendment to the WON
What does an emergency speed restriction indicator board look like
Large yellow rectangle with black chevrons on it and two flashing white lights, one above the other
What does a normal ESR layout look like
AWS magnet 180 metres before the emergency reduction of speed board (EROS)
Then AWS magnet 180 metres before the TSR warning board, the service braking distance, then commencement board, speed restricted track, termination board
How long will the emergency speed indicator board stay in place
Until the speed restriction appears in the WON
The speed restriction is withdrawn
Why might it be necessary to impose a Emergency Speed Restriction over a wide area
Due to
High winds
Overhead line damage
Condition of the track
High air temperatures affecting the infrastructure
Where would information about ESR be published
Late notice case
What is a temporary speed restriction
A line speed restriction, the details of which have been published in the WONs
How does a termination board work
Termination board marks the end of a temporary or emergency speed restriction. Your train must be completely past the board before you accelerate.
What does a TSR acceleration board look like and how does it work
A yellow square with a black A in the middle
Marks the end of the speed restriction You can start accelerating when the front of your train is level with the board
What does a permissible speed acceleration board look like
Red circle with white background and black letter A in the middle
Marks the end of restricted speed. Allows acceleration of the train to new permissible speed when front of the train is level with sign
What does an oval permissible speed sign mean
Denotes limited clearance.
What does a possession limit board look like
Red octagon sign with white “STOP” across the middle with red light above
What does a signal reminder sign look like
Red triangle with white background and black explanation mark in the middle
Distance from signal info below
What do countdown markers look like and what do they mean
Three White rectangles with three, two, one diagonal red stripes on them.
Counting down from 300m to 200m and 100m away from a signal, junction etc
What does a start and finish of low adhesion sign look like
Start = yellow triangle, white background with black leaf in middle
Finish = yellow square with black leaf in the middle crossed with red cross
What do whistle boards look like
Old style = cut out yellow W
New style = white circle with black W in the middle
What are the rules when responding to a whistle board
Use the low tone for around 2 seconds
Sound as you pass and not before
Only sound horn between 06:00 - 23:59 unless an emergency or there’s someone on or near the line
If making a wrong direction movement you must sound horn when passing the whistle board that applies to right direction movements
What does a temporary/emergency speed limit repeater board look like and where would it be placed
It’s a yellow square with a black R in the middle. Used with the temporary speed reduction warning sign
Placed at the end of a platform, connection from siding or dead end platform to remind driver of the speed restriction ahead
Placed more than 300m away from the commencement board
What does a neutral section warning board and indication board look like
Warning board = black square with two capital Ts back to back in white
Indication board = white square with two capital Ts in black back to back
What does a gradient sign look like
A post with a white sign and level written in black on one side
Another white sign on the other side at an angle with a number on it eg 460
This means the gradient is 1 for every 460 traveled. Lower the number steeper the gradient