Exam Question Prompt Flashcards
Testing DRA
DRA should be on when you turn train on, set it to off
Set stage one brake or hold in hill start if fitted
Put train in forward
Take notch one power
Listen to the revs
Turn DRA on
Revs should drop to idle.
Off power
Put in full service braking
Put train in neutral
When do you set DRA
When leaving the cab
Changing ends
Being relieved by another driver
Relieving another driver
Being held at stop boards
When stopped at a station with no staring signal and the last signal was single yellow
If DRAs defective
Tell the train operators control at your first convenient opportunity
Carry out instructions given
Never start a journey from a maintenance depot with defective DRA
Stepped brake test
With train on and drive selector in neutral.
Move the brake selector down through each step from step 3 to 2 to 1 then momentarily release watching the brake cylinder change accordingly
Then back up through the stages to full stage brake
DSD test
Put train in forward
DRA off
Take step 1 brake
Take foot off DSD and get beeping warning, after 5-10 seconds the emergency brakes are initiated.
Check gauge to see brake demand
Replace foot to cancel brake demand and reset
Failure to reset will give in cab warning and message on GSMR then notify the signaller
DSD defective ?
Tell the signaller
Get permission for train to start a journey in that condition
Permission given
Competent person = normal line speed
No competent person = 60mph
Booking on for duty must have docs
Working timetable, including amendments if any
Special traffic notice STN
Public timetable
Traction manual
Before booking on for duty checklist
Adequate rest /sleep
Followed drug and alcohol policy
Equipment check
Next turn of work check
Must carry equipment list
Train drivers licence, card and paper
Personal ID card
Drivers keys including master key, BR1 key and carriage key
Hand lamp
High visibility vest
Signalling & TPWS irregularity form RT3185
Drivers report form
Emergency Special Working ticket NR3190
Full PPE including spare glasses of required
TPWS bullet points
Installed early 2000 in response to 1999 rail safety regulations
Purpose = stop train if passes a signal at danger TSS
Approach a signal at danger too fast OSS
Reduction in permissible speed to fast OSS
Approach buffer to fast OSS
Doesn’t prevent driver from SPAD
Fitted = passenger lines at stop signals protecting a crossing
Non passenger at stop signals protecting a crossing with passenger line
Approach to buffer stops
Permissible speed reductions
Activation or intervention
Self test on start up
Activation at buffer stops
Temporary isolation switch
Full isolation switch
Competent person speeds
AWS bullet points
Came in in the 1950s
Now used at signals at danger
Semaphore distant signals not stop
Level crossing warning boards
Temp/emrg speed restrictions
Permissible speed reductions Morpeth
Picks up polarities and fields
Self test on start up
Temp isolation switch
1-13 faults wrong side faults
Competent person and speeds
Temporary block working bullet points
Hand signaller at start red flag and det
Will give instructions and issue RT3184
Yellow flag to proceed
Temporary isolate TPWS inform guard
Max 50mph 15mph over points if 1st
Check signals are on ticket cross off
Stop at exit signal on ticket
Met by hand signaller with red flag and det
Write cancelled on ticket give to hand signaller
Signal may be able to pulled off if not hand signaller will show yellow flag reinstate TPWS
Emergency special working bullet points
Stop at entrance signal. Speak with signaller fill out RT3190
Once happy with instructions pass protection signal at danger
Temporary isolate TPWS and inform the guard
Max 50mph 15mph over points if 1st
Check signals are shown on ticket and cross them off
Stop at exit signal as shown on ticket
At exit signal, may be end of ESW board set up
Contact signaller follow instructions
Cancel ticket hand in at end of shift
Reinstate TPWS pass exit signal at danger continue at caution
Single line working bullet points
You will be met by a pilot
Pilot gives you RT3193 ticket with all information about SLW
Check all info is correct
Enter section on the personal authority of the pilot. Pilot may come with you
Right direction = obey all signals
Line speed unless told otherwise
Wrong direction = 50mph ignore signals and AWS warnings in this direction
Obey all level crossing instructions
If first through stop and tell track workers of SLW
If pilot doesn’t come with a hand signaller will meet you before the exit cross over hand signaller will direct you back on to normal line cancel ticket hand in at end of shift
High speed coasting set up
You will be brought down to a stop two signal before high speed coasting
Told about the coasting and that boards have been fitted
You will then be able to get up speed before the high speed coasting warning board 400m before the lower pan board
Pans must be lowered before this board
Then coast
Raise pan board, raise pan when pans are past this board upto 80mph
Or do not raise pan board slow to 20mph before raising pan
Possession set up
Protecting signal at each end kept at danger
Signaller control from that signal to possession limit board 400m
Possession limit board to worksite marker board controlled by PICOP yellow armband red writing 25mph
Worksite marker board to worksite marker board controlled by ES / SWL yellow arm band with blue writing 5mph
Same other side of worksite
More than one worksite 100m min between
3 dets under each possession limit stop board
Detailed in the wons
Waiting outside the worksite but in the possession red lights front and back.
Inside worksite normal lights
What tickets relates to what
RT3183 = single line working you’ll be given it by the pilot
RT3184 Temporary block working, pilot will issue
RT3185 signalling AWS/TPWS irregularity ticket, you should always carry one
NR3190 emergency special working ticket, you should always carry one
RT3177 modified working ticket, you should always carry one
Reasons for examining the line
Signal defect
Person on or near the line
Unauthorised movement
Track defect
OLE damage
Recover disabled train
Tunnel damage
Bridge strike
When told to proceed at caution what must we consider
Curvature of the line
Weather conditions – poor visibility
Low adhesion
Braking capability
Dangers to approaching trains
Large animals within boundary fence
Other animals on or near the line
Damage to structures
Emergency indicator light not working
Defect (track defect)