Emergency Special Working (ESW) Temporary Block Working (TBW) Flashcards
What is Emergency Special Working
A method of working that allows trains to move during signalling failure
Where can ESW be used
It only applies to double track lines fitted with Track Circuit Block regulations
What’s the difference between ESW and TBW
ESW driver communicates directly with the signaller,
No hand signaller, instead an ESW ticket is used
What does an “End of ESW” sign look like
Yellow sign with black EW diagonally crossed in red
When must you carry an RT3190 Emergency Special Working ticket
Always, must be completed by driver at entrance signal.
Must be handed in at the end of shift
What happens at the ESW entrance signal
You’ll call the signaller before you enter the section and complete the ESW ticket.
The signaller with pass you the instructions for you to complete the ESW ticket
Operate the TPWS temporary isolation switch
What speed must you go through the ESW section
50 mph max and 15 mph over points, crossings etc
What must you do at the end of ESW signal
Stop, there will be no hand signaller but should be a sign
Reinstate TPWS
Contact signaller, let them know you’ve arrived
Cancel your ESW ticket
Follow any signaller instructions
Does ESW replace TBW
Emergency special working is a quicker more effective version of TBW where there is no hand signallers and the driver speaks directly with the signaller
Who authorises ESW
Network rail
Who decides what counts as an “easily identifiable” location for the exit signal
Network Rails, competent person
What happens if you don’t have an ESW ticket
Signaller will authorise you to pass each signal one by one
When and where can TBW & ESW be implemented
Only in track circuited colour light signal areas when passing two or more failed signals
What colour hand signal will you get to proceed in temporary block working
What must you remember to do before you enter and exit TBW or ESW
Tell your guard
Temporary isolate the TPWS
What must you do when approaching a level crossing within a TBW or ESW zone
Approach at caution, make sure it’s safe to cross. You’ll get a green hand signal if locally controlled by crossing attendent
At the end of temporary block working what must happen for you to leave.
Stop at last signal
Write cancelled across the RT3184 ticket
Hand to the hand signaller
Tell guard
Reinstate TPWS
Watch hand signaller remove detonator
Hand signaller will either give you a yellow flag to proceed or the signaller may clear the signal
How must you proceed when leaving a TBW or ESW area
At caution, for as far as you can see the track to be clear at a speed obeying all further signals
What happens with AWS as you pass through a TBW or ESW area
You will still get the AWS warnings, acknowledge and disregard them
If you’re the lead driver in a tandem train what must you do when entering a TBW or ESW area
If TBW the hand signaller will take TBW ticket RT3184 and show it to the other driver
If ESW you must complete ESW ticket NR3190 and show it to the other driver
What must you do if your train fails while in a TBW or ESW section
You must contact the signaller immediately.
If the signaller can’t be reached you must use emergency protection to the rear of your train
When can you enter a TBW or ESW section without a ticket
Removing part of a divided train
Remove a train that has proceeded without authority
In TBW where would you find details of any crossing attendants provided
These would be detailed on the TBW ticket
Which ticket relates to TBW (temporary block working)
What must you do with your TBW ticket RT3184 on leaving the TBW section
Write cancelled on it and give to the hand signaller
Do not take it with you, the ticket becomes the token for the section
While travelling through TBW In poor visibility with a pilot do you need a hand signaller at the end of the section
In poor visibility yes,