Possessions Flashcards
What does PICOP stand for
Person In Charge Of Possession
What does OTM stand for
On Track Machine
What does ES stand for
Engineering Supervisor
What does SWL stand for
Safe Working Leader
What does FTAP stand for
Flexible Train Arrival Point
In a standard possession setup where does the possession area start and finish
Possession starts from the possession limit board one side to the possession limit board on the other side
Who controls movements within a possession
Max 25 mph
Who controls movements within the worksite
Engineering supervisor ES
Safe working leader SWL
Max 5mph
Where do you find information about possessions
They are published in the WONs
What colour armband does a PICOP wear
Yellow armband with red writing
What colour armband does the Engineering Supervisor ES wear
Yellow armband with blue writing
What is the minimum distance between worksites
Who controls the distance between worksites
Person In Charge Of Possession
What’s the distance between the protecting signal and the possession limit stop board
Usually 400m
What lights are used when waiting outside the worksite and while inside the worksite
Waiting within the possession but outside the worksite is reds on both ends
Within the worksite is normal lights
What should you do with TPWS while in a possession
TPWS should be temporarily isolated
What does a standard line possession set up look like
Signal at danger, entrance signal
Usually 400m or more until
Possession limit board with 3 dets under
Then worksite marker board
Then the worksite
Then worksite marker board facing opposite way
Another possession limit board with 3 dets
Usually 400m until the protecting signal, exit signal.
Who controls each part of the possession
Signal - possession limit board = signaller
Possession limit board - worksite marker board = PICOP
Worksite marker board - worksite marker board = ES or SWL
What must you do if you have to pass over a level crossing within a possession.
The person who controls the area will have instructions for any level crossings.
You must not cross over a level crossing unless instructed to do so
Can you pass a signal at danger within a possession
Only if authorised by the PICOP or by the ES or SWL if within a worksite
What is a protection zone
Some smaller work jobs can be completed with a protection zone.
A protection zone is a work area that is only protected by stop signals.
There is no PICOP,
There is an ES or SWL.
A protection zone will be published in the WON.
How would you find out all the details relevant to a possession you are entering or working within
T3 pack