Emergencies, Train Accidents, Fires, Obstructions, Collisions, Divisions, Floods Flashcards
The term train accidents includes
Division of train
Fire on train affecting other trains
Fire on train causing evacuation
Collision with trains
Collision with obstruction
Collision with road vehicle
Collision with person
accidents are the direct result of
Social and management pressures
What is RIO
Rail incident officer
What is a TOLO
Train operating liaison officer
What are the 3 sides of the fire triangle
Where must you not stop a train if there is a fire on board
In a tunnel
On a viaduct or bridge
On a level crossing
In a station (depending on severity)
Where emergency services can’t reach
What does a start and end of high fire risk zone signs look like
Start = yellow circle with black tree shape in the middle top to bottom
End = yellow circle with black line down the middle
What type of call to the signaller must you make to report a fire
Always an emergency call
Even if you used a mobile phone
What must you do if the signaller says you have signal protection
Still lay track circuit clips on all effected lines
What must you do before tackling a fire involving electrical equipment
Isolate the electrical supply
When you become aware of a fire on your electric train you must
Drop the pantograph (shut off diesel engines)
Stop the train in suitable location
Box contact the signaller
What might you see on another train that would prompt you to contact the signaller
Door not closed properly
Insecure load
Train on fire
Hot axle box
Headlamp not lit
Tail lamp missing or not lit
Train sounding the distress warning
Driver or guard with red hand signal
Hazards on (headlights flashing)
What are the 3 types of evacuation
Controlled evacuation
Uncontrolled evacuation
Emergency evacuation
How would you warn another train of an obstruction
Use hazard lights or red taillights on at the front
If you spot a track defect you must inform the signaller as soon as possible. What information must be given
The location of the defect
The type of defect
Whether there is a bridge or viaduct at or close to the location
As much info about the defect as possible
If asked to examine the line, what is the process
Use the guard or a competent person to help during darkness, poor visibility or within a tunnel.
Travel at caution at a speed you can stop before reaching any defect or obstruction
Report findings to the signaller
What speed should you travel when examining the line in a tunnel
No more then 10 mph
If you’re examining the line for track defect, how fast should you travel
No more than 20 mph
If you’re examining the line due to an over line bridge that has been struck by a road vehicle, what speed should you travel
Once checked it’s save to pass under the bridge proceed at 5 mph
What constitutes as a near miss
An event that requires one or more people involved to take evasive or defensive action to prevent an incident that could affect the safety of the train or other person involved
Following a collision what train lights should you use
Hazards or tail lamp on the front of the train
What are your actions if part of the train has become loose and can’t be secured, or might make contact with the track or Lineside equipment
Before moving….
Get the signallers permission
Get authority from a technician if you’re not sure the move can be made safely
If possible move passengers from vehicle
During move do not exceed 10mph or 5mph over points
What are the 3 general reasons for a unsolicited brake demand
Operation of an in cab safety system
Activation of passenger emergency alarm
The train has become divided
Once you’ve become aware that your train has divided you will need to know
The location of divided portion
Are all vehicles accounted for
Have any vehicles derailed
Are any other lines affected
Has anyone fallen from the train
Can the divided vehicle be recoupled
After a train dividing, what are the two possible actions
Can the train be recouped, signallers and controls permission will be needed
The train can not be recouped and must continue as two separate trains
If a divided train can be recouped what must you do
Get the signallers permission before making any movement
You may need a fitter or competent person to assist
After re-coupling you must carry out all safety checks including brake continuity.
Contact the signaller for authority to move
If a divided train can’t be re-coupled what must you do
Get authority from signaller to leave rear portion in the section
Tell signaller of exact position of rear portion
Leave the rear portion secured
Get signallers permission to move forward
If you see any flood water that might affect the passage of trains, you must tell the signaller if you believe the flood water
Is up to the bottom of the rail head
Is up to the top of the rail head
Is above the top of the rail head
Is moving and likely to dislodge ballast
Has dislodged ballast
If standing water is up to the bottom of the rail head what is the speed limit
Normal permissible speed
If there is standing water up to the top of the rail head what speed should you go
Max 5 mph
If there is standing water above the top of the rail head what speed should you go
Stop your train, contact operation control and follow instructions
You must immediately contact the signaller, stopping your train to do so if necessary if you see water that is
Rising up from the track or cess
Unusual amounts of water pooling next to the track or in the cess
Water flowing down or pouring out of the sides of embankments or cuttings
If you are driving in snow, when should you stop your train and report to the signaller
If the snow is deeper than 200mm (8 inches) above the top of the tail head
If you see any build-up of snow that might affect the passage of trains
If reporting a track defect what are the main reporting category’s
A track defect that is
Seen, felt, heard
Deterioration of ride quality
If report a track defect what are the sub-category’s for a defect that can be seen
A broken rail
A defective rail
Broken fishplate
If reporting a track defect what are the sub-category’s for a defect that can be felt
A lurch or dip
Shaking or vibrating
If reporting a track defect what are the sub-category’s for a defect that can be heard
A bang
A rattle
If you experience a deterioration of ride quality, who must you report it to
Report to TOCs operation control at your earliest convenience.
You do not need to report it to the signaller
What are the 4 main parts for a dangerous good plate
Orange plate
Top line = emergency service number
Middle line = UN number
Bottom = emergency services help line number
Right hand side = hazard diamond
Bottom right = company name
What are the main damage to structural earth works
Embankment failure
Retaining wall failure
If water is seen to be……….
You must report immediately
Water rising
Water pooling
Water flowing
When can a dangerous goods train not be driver only
When carrying radioactive material
Carrying toxic gasses
You must have a guard
What does TOPS stand for and what is it
Total operations processing system
TOPS carries out automatic checks of the formation of freight trains when the TOPS train document is produced
What should you do if you’re stopped out of course
Inform the signaller as soon as possible
If you have to work on the outside of your failed train what must you confirm before leaving the cab
Inform the signaller and request a line block on any adjacent lines
Obtain assurance this has been done and receive an authority number
If you’re train has failed and you need an assisting train, you and the signaller must both agree
The exact location of the failed train
Confirm the failed train will not be moved
The type of assisting train needed
The direction from which it is needed
If your train has failed and you can’t contact the signaller immediately, emergency protection is only needed when….,.
In an emergency special working section
In a temporary block working section
If your train has failed requiring assistance, when told by the signaller the assisting train is ready to enter the section, you must
With signaller assistance, make contact with the driver of assisting train
(Not required if failed train is viable by assisting train)
Give exact location to driver of assisting train
Wait for assistance to arrive
If waiting for an assisting train in poor visibility, where must you stand.
A point 300m from your train in direction the assistance will arrive
At a stop signal if signaller confirms it’s protecting your train if under 300m
At a tunnel entrance if less than 300m from your train
If your train fails in a tunnel, stand at the entrance to the tunnel
If you’re driving an assisting train what speed should you travel
At caution max 25mph
If driving an assisting train and having to pick up the failed trains driver you must
Only enter a tunnel if you’ve picked up the driver
Know the failed train isn’t in the tunnel
What headlights must you use if you’re an assisting train moving in the wrong direction
Headlights both ends