360 Traction Flashcards
When must you contact the ECO immediately to request an emergency switch off
A derailment
A Lineside fire
A vehicle or train fire
Person in contact with the OLE or in danger of coming in contact
An incident or emergency requiring a switch off
What does PICEE stand for
Person In Charge of Electrical Emergency
What type of coupler does a 360 have
Dellner coupler
What are the 4 in cab air isolation cocks on a 360
Top to bottom
MRDC = main reservoir dump cock
ACIC = air coupler isolating cock
Horn isolating cock, also isolates air supply to both cab doors
MRGVC = main reservoir governor vent cock
On a 360, which isolation cock is next to the sand reservoir
Air suspension isolating cock
Which isolation cocks are on the front of DMC1 & DMC2
EHIC = emergency hose isolating cock (second man’s side)
MRIC = main reservoir isolating cock
(Drivers side)
If failure of the CPBC prevents breaking, what in cab equipment can be used to apply emergency breaks
Emergency stop plungers
Tripping any of the following MCB’s
Brake control circuits
Brake control unit (BCU)
Emergency brake by-pass
Release the DSD pedal
Operate main reservoir dump cock
On a 360 what does CGIC isolate
Compressor Governor Isolation Cock
Where is the WSP light located on a 360
There isn’t a designated WSP light on the 360.
When experiencing WSP activity the sanding button will illuminate to indicate sanding is in operation
What’s the coach make up of a 4 car 360
DMC1 is always closest to PTS
What percentage of additional breaking does putting a 360 into emergency break give you
Additional 12%
Where can the emergency cupboard be found on a 360 and what’s in it
In DMC2 at the non driving end
Wooden ladder
First aid box
High visibility jacket
Coupler bag
Where can the emergency coupling cupboard be found on a 360
DMC1 at non driving end
Contains equipment for the 360 to be recovered using a tightlock coupler
Where is the auxiliary air supply system located on a 360 and what does it do
In the PTS opposite the universal toilet, cupboard 356
Powered by the train battery the auxiliary air supply system is used to initially raise the pantograph to the train can draw power from the OLE
Where is the main compressor located on a 360
On a 360 which coach would you find the Auxiliary compressor
Main batteries
PTS unit
On a 360 where would you find a break control unit
All coaches
On a 360 which coach would you find the traction converter and sanders
What are the two ways of turning the battery on when using a 360
Cab external door opening switch operated with T key
In cab battery on switch
On a 360 coupler there are two small black rubber seals one above the other in the middle at the bottom. What are they for
Top larger one = main reservoir air connection
Bottom smaller one = air brake connection
On a 360 what’s the purpose of the Main Reservoir Dump Cock (MRDC)
Can be used to apply the parking break in an emergency
On a 360 what’s the purpose of ACIC
Isolates air to the automatic coupler
On a 360 what’s the purpose of HIC
Horn isolation cock, isolates the horn
(Also isolates air supply to both cab doors)
On a 360 what’s the purpose of MRGVC
Isolates air to the main reservoir governor test point
Only used by a fitter
What are the in cab permanent safety isolation switches and their purpose on a 360
Top left down (3 switches)
1 vigilance = isolates the vigilance in the drivers cab if faulty
2 emergency bypass switch = bypasses any safety device which uses train wire 4
3 door interlock switch = isolates train door interlock system
What are the in cab permanent safety isolation switches and their purpose on a 360
Top right down (4 switches)
4 DSD = isolates the DSD but only in that cab
5 pass alarm = isolates the PAUs on the train if one can’t be reset
6 TPWS/AWS = isolate both safety system
7 restrictive drive = puts train into restrictive drive if a faulty tms
What is the purpose of the line light on a 360
Shows that the train is drawing power from the OLE
Whats the procedure if you lose line light during a journey on a 360
Loss of line light - no ADD operated
Reset VCB/Pan once
Line light restored before coming to a stand, continue
8 car drop, stop, box
Loss of line light - ADD operated
Drop, stop, box
Check TMS instructions
PBC to off
Check low pan air / earth fault
If no low pan air, earth fault or ADD indication then
Reset pan up - max 5 attempts
If ADD operates - line light ok
4 car = drop, stop, box
8 car = continue
What happens when an emergency egress is pulled while the 360 is moving
In cab warning alarm will sound
In cab passenger alarm light will light up
The emergency brakes will come on
When below 6mph the door will open and in cab interlock light will go out
On a 360 how can you override the emergency break application
By pressing the passenger alarm emergency override button in the drivers footwell within 5 seconds
When should you use passenger alarm emergency brake override
Only to get the train to a position of safety before stopping
On a 360, if an egress is pulled when will the door open
Only when the train has slowed to 6mph or less
Or if the egress is pulled again
On a 360, how will the driver know which door has had the egress pulled
Use the TMS to show the exact door
The side bill light will indicate which coach is affected
On a 360, how will the driver know if a PAU has been pulled
Emergency brakes will come on
Continuous in cab alarm will sound
Passenger alarm light will come on
PIS will display the location
PAU will flash on PIS
On a 360, how do you acknowledge the PAU alarm
PAU alarm can be acknowledged by pressing the flashing PAU button
Check the location first before acknowledging.
When it’s safe to do so lift receiver and speak to passenger.
Confirm any issues, when finished if still safe to do so speak to the guard and inform them of the emergency
In a 360 what happens when you press the in cab emergency plunger
This will initiate the emergency brakes
The rear cab doors will also open for 10 seconds giving the driver a chance to escape if needed
On a 360 explain the VCB synchronisation procedure
Stop and secure the train
Open small cupboard opposite universal toilet to access and operate pan isolation cock, this will lower and isolate the pan
Open large electrical cupboard on PTS opposite the universal toilet and isolate synchron VCB (top row) and trip 32F10 battery contactors
Carry out cross feed procedure
On a 360 when will the sanding system operate
If wheel slip is detected and you are applying some level of breaking the sanding will start automatically.
If you are trying to take power and experience wheel slip you can press the sanding button to get sand for up to 10 seconds
On a 360 what are the 3 TMS fault levels
Blue = information only
Yellow = minor fault, only displayed when the train is at a stand
Red = major fault, must be dealt with immediately
If the TMS states you have a defective TCU (traction converter unit) how can this be isolated on a 360
TCU can be isolated using a switch in the cab behind the drivers seat
If isolating the air suspension on a 360, what needs to be done when both isolation cocks have been operated
Use the air suspension ventilation cocks on effected vehicle to vent air out of the affected suspension.
Travel at 45mph max