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SOC 313 Week 5 Final Paper Where is the best place for Ella
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SOC 313 Week 5 Final Paper Where is the best place for Ella
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The complete instructions for the Final Paper can be found in Week Five of your online course or in the “Components of Course Evaluation” section of this guide.
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SOC 313 Week 5 DQ 2 Trends in Health CareQ
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SOC 313 Week 5 DQ 2 Trends in Health CareQ
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Watch one of the eight videos from The Future of Medicine playlist.
Then, go to the Ashford University Library and find two research articles related to the social impact or relevance of the topic addressed in your selected video. For assistance with finding peer-reviewed articles, please see the tutorial on the Ashford University Library website. Consider the work you have completed in the previous discussions throughout the course. Summarize how we, as individuals, are affected by disease, disability, or disorder. What emotions do we experience toward others with these conditions (empathy, judgment, fear, guilt)? Critique the contributions of community-based programs and how they influence our societal reactions to diseases, disabilities, and disorders.
Examine and comment on the ways in which individuals, families, communities, and society as a whole will either benefit or suffer from current directions. Do the trends seem to indicate a path toward better health care for the individual, improved availability of needed care, changes or options in types of care, and better resources in the community? List at least two potential positive directions and two potential negative directions or barriers still left unaddressed. Offer your own ideas for improving health care in the future. For example, do we need more technology, financing, community resources, options , or alternatives in handling our health care? Do you feel that we are heading in the right direction?
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SOC 313 Week 5 DQ 1 Discharge Planning
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SOC 313 Week 5 DQ 1 Discharge Planning
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Prior to engaging in this discussion, read Chapters 10 and 11 in your text as well as the “Steps for Effective Discharge Planning” article, and review any relevant Instructor Guidance.
For this discussion, refer to the information in the “Introduction to the Miller Family” document.
Select one of the family members below whose medical condition has the potential to have worsened to the point that they would need to be hospitalized. Once you have chosen your subject, create a discharge scenario. Each of these family members has been introduc ed in an earlier assignment. Be sure to review your materials for that assignment including any relevant instructor feedback.
Option 1: Elías – leukemia
Option 2: Lila – diabetes (IDDM)
Option 3: Sam – liver disease caused by heavy drinking
Option 4: Lucy – bipolar disorder and serious substance abuse (dual diagnosis)
In your initial post, create and present a possible scenario in order to respond to the subject’s discharge from the hospital. See earlier assignments for samples of how to begin crafting the scenario for your subject. Remember to be creative, refer to the “Introduction to the Miller Family” document, and include as much detailed information as appropriate. Be sure to address the following points in your initial post.
Describe the specific issues that need to be addressed when discharging this patient.
Briefly identify who (individuals, professionals, agencies, or organizations) might be identified in the plan, what needs to be done, and when it should happen. Identify community resources (e.g., doctors, counselors, and agencies ) that will be needed, what their roles are in the plan, and assess how they might meet the needs of your patient. Integrate the biological theory of intellect and cognition with your subject’s sociocultural experiences in order to better ascertain his or her needs.
Identify and discuss at least one barrier for success based on the individual’s intellect and his or her sociocultural experiences and perspectives. Critique the contributions of community-based programs and how they might alleviate issues related to this barrier.
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SOC 313 Week 4 Quiz Psychiatric Conditions and Substance Abuse Terminology
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SOC 313 Week 4 Quiz Psychiatric Conditions and Substance Abuse Terminology
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SOC 313 Week 4 Quiz Psychiatric Conditions and Substance Abuse Terminology
Question 1. Attention is paid in the development of disorders of the autism spectrum to development of ASD symptoms by the eighth year of age.
Question 2. In schizophrenia, there are positive symptoms, negative symptoms and cognitive symptoms. These symptoms are exhibited as ____________, ____________, and _______________, respectively.
withdrawal; hallucinations; trouble focusing
delusions; poor executive function; anhedonia
hallucinations; flat affect; poor executive function
flat affect; delusions; trouble with memory
Question 3. A __________________________ is a type of measurement of several components which could be useful in identifying the risk of an individual developing a specific disorder.
twin study
Question 4. A famous example of an institution for mentally ill who could not be cared for by relatives was Bethlem Royal Hospital, universally called “Bedlam.”
Question 5. The “war on drugs” is indicative of the sentiment regarding drug use that focuses on strict punishment and deterrence treated by the criminal justice system called:
punitive prohibition
harm reduction
addiction as a disease
Question 6. The most current edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual is referred to as the __________.
Question 7. One of the biggest problems with smoking on a ___________________level is passive or second-hand smoke.
Question 8. _________________________ can be either an alternative method of ingesting tobacco or part of a smoking cessation program.
Bulk tobacco
Filtered cigarettes
Nicotine delivery devices
Question 9. An early term related to a 12-year study of a subculture of people who used heroin, were homeless, and marginalized individuals is ______________________.
righteous dopefiend
Question 10. There is no clear definition for “mental health” short of the absence of mental disorders.
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SOC 313 Week 4 DQ 2 Substance Abuse
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SOC 313 Week 4 DQ 2 Substance Abuse
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Prior to engaging in this discussion, review Chapters 7 and 8 in your text, read “Recovering Health Through Cultural Traditions” by Krohn (2013), and review any relevant Instructor Guidance.
Refer to the information in the “Introduction to the Miller Family” document. For this discussion, choose one of the following family members currently exp eriencing issues with substance abuse and complete the discussion according to the instructions below.
Option 1: Lucy Miller – As we learned in Discussion 1 this week, this 20-year-old college student has recently been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. As a coping mechanism for her wild mood changes, Lucy began experimenting with illegal drugs while still in high school and has now become addicted to them.
Option 2: Lucy’s younger brother, Josh, was recently discovered using marijuana. His response to his parents when confronted was, “It’s just an herb! Grandma Ella says as long as it is natural, it is good.” In truth, Grandma Ella hasn’t said anything about marijuana and does not know that Josh has been using it.
Option 3: Sam Miller, Lucy and Josh’s uncle, is an alcoholic. He is 50 years old, divorced, and estranged from both his ex-wife and their only son. He’s had no contact with either of them for many years. Sam has a long history of work and legal problems related to drinking. The family sees him as a “loser.”
After choosing one of the people above, analyze the biology of substance abuse and describe its potential for dependence in certain families and the outcomes of various behaviors. Is it likely that Lucy, Josh, or Sam had a genetic predisposition to alcohol or substance addition? How does lifespan development make a difference in propensity to abuse substances? How does the stage of life at which the abuse begins impact t he user’s behaviors?
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SOC 313 Week 4 DQ 1 Psychiatric Conditions
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SOC 313 Week 4 DQ 1 Psychiatric Conditions
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Prior to engaging in this discussion, read Chapters 7 and 8 in your text as well as the articles by Clark, et al. (2013) and Cummins (2013). It is highly
recommended that you also watch one or two of the videos on mental illness from the TED playlist, All kinds of minds (9 talks), as these provide valuable insights into a variety of disorders and the issues associated with them.
For this discussion, refer to the information in the “Introduction to the Miller Family document.” Lucy Miller is a 20-year-old college student who has recently been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Sarah Miller, her mother, recalls that as a teen, Lucy would get very talkative at night and couldn’t go to sleep. Sarah also recalled th at Lucy was kicked off the cheerleading squad when her GPA fell below 3.0, and that during this time, Lucy’s friends were being mean to her. When this occurred, Lucy was “really down” for a couple of months. She didn’t want to talk to a counselor and she told her mother Sarah that she would be fine. Lucy blamed the entire situation on the issues with the girls in her class. However, coping with the mood swings became increasingly difficult for her. Lucy began experimenting casually with illegal drugs and found that they helped. Unfortunately, she kept getting them from friends at school and has now become addicted to them.
Examine the potential biological basis for Lucy’s psychological disorder. What, if anything, in her family history might point to this issue being hereditary?
Be sure to apply basic medical terminology where appropriate. Consider the biases that are often held regarding mental illness. How much volition is involved in mental illness?
How much is related to environment and genetics?
Do we think about mental illness differently when we know the person well versus if the person is a stranger (e.g., a homeless individual or a panhandler on the street)?
Analyze the impact that our stage of lifespan development has on how we think of our own mental health and the mental health of others. What impact does it have on our associated behaviors and the long-term outcomes associated with the disorder?
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SOC 313 Week 3 Quiz Endocrine and Cardiovascular Systems Disorders Terminology
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SOC 313 Week 3 Quiz Endocrine and Cardiovascular Systems Disorders Terminology
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Question 1. Primary hypertension is the classification given when there is no clear cause.
Question 2. Common disabilities that occur as a result of a stroke include all but _______________.
tardive dyskinesia
Question 3. When a blood clot or other debris formed in a distant part of the body is carried to the brain and blocks one of the narrower brain arteries it is called a_______________________.
thrombotic ischemic stroke
embolic ischemic stroke
hemorrhagic stroke
Question 4. One of the first things to occur in heart disease is the narrowing of the _________________________ that supply blood, oxygen, and nutrients to the heart muscle.
coronary arteries
Question 5. When a blood vessel in the brain leaks or bursts, bleeding occurs into or around the brain stopping or decreasing blood flow to other areas of the brain. This is called a/an ________________________.
thrombotic ischemic stroke
embolic ischemic stroke
hemorrhagic stroke
Question 6. ________________________ is a simple sugar that all cells use as an energy source.
Question 7. When a blood vessel becomes mostly or totally blocked, _______________________ may result.
myocardial infarction
Question 8. Diabetes is characterized by __________.
high levels of glucose in the blood
autoimmune disease
Question 9. _________________ happens with exertion, emotional upset, exposure to cold or overeating, and resolves with rest or from taking a medication.
unstable angina
stable angina
Question 10. Interruption of normal blood flow to part of the brain is known as __________.
cerebrovascular disease
atrial fibrillation
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SOC 313 Week 3 Final Paper Outline
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SOC 313 Week 3 Final Paper Outline
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Review the assignment instructions for your Final Paper found in Week Five of your online course or in the “Components of Course Evaluation” section of this guide. This assignment will include a thorough outline of your Final Paper, which you will build on to complete the final assignment.
Provide a thorough introductory paragraph that summarizes your topic and includes a succinct thesis statement. Briefly outline each of the topics and subtopics and detail how they pertain to the questions noted in the instructions. Include an annotated bibliography of at least five scholarly sources. For each source, provide a complete reference, a brief description, and a rationale statement that explains how it is pertinent to your paper and supports your findings. For assistance with creating your outline, see the Outline Form page on the Ashford Writing Center website.
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SOC 313 Week 3 DQ 2 Cardiovascular Health A Woman’s Issue
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SOC 313 Week 3 DQ 2 Cardiovascular Health A Woman’s Issue
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A Woman’s Issue? Prior to engaging in this discussion, read Chapter 6 in your text, watch the Noel Bairey Merz: The Single Biggest Health Threat Women Face and the Go Red for Women Presents: ‘Just a Little Heart Attack’ videos, and review any relevant Instructor Guidance.
Analyze the new research indicating that heart disease may affect females more than males and comment upon how gender impacts our behaviors related to disease. How has the fact that most prior research has studied heart disease in males changed the ways in which women perceive the risks of heart disease and heart attacks?
Do sociocultural experiences affect how an individual reacts to symptoms of disease?
For instance, do men and women handle disease differently? Does it depend upon the type of disease?
How do we see disease in others based upon gender?
For example, do we see some diseases as unfortunate and others as possibly avoidable by the individual?
Do we judge ourselves or others differently when disease or chronic conditions are presen t?
Be sure to provide evidence from your resources to back up your statements.
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SOC 313 Week 3 DQ 1 Endocrine System Disorders (Diabetes)
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SOC 313 Week 3 DQ 1 Endocrine System Disorders (Diabetes)
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Prior to engaging in this discussion, read Chapter 5 in your text, watch the Peter Attia: Is the obesity crisis hiding a bigger problem? video, and review
any relevant Instructor Guidance.
For this discussion, please reference the information in the “Introduction to the Miller Family” document. Lila Miller Goldberg is a 45-year-old diabetic. She had difficulty losing weight since her pregnancy years ago and has started experiencing symptoms related to her condition. She has insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM), and has been symptomatic for more than 10 years. She has been resistant about changing her diet and has been inconsistent with treatment, despite her health. She always hated her mother Ella’s fixation on nutrition while she was growing up, the different diets she tried, and the “weird meals” she prepared. She prefers quick and easy convenience foods, fast food, and what tastes good. After all, she is a busy working mom! She has never liked to exercise and, with the pain that has developed in her feet, it is physically too difficult.
Analyze and discuss the relationship between Lila’s environment growing up, her physiology, and her attitudes and behaviors. Use the following questions to guide your explanation, and be certain to apply basic medical terminology as appropriate.
How might Lila’s condition affect her thinking, her relationships, and social situations? In what ways might these factors worsen her condition? How has Lila’s aversion to her mother’s dietary fanaticism while she was growing up affected her choices and, as a result, her health?
How might Lila’s condition of being overweight impact her relationships?
How might others in Lila’s family and community view her, and how might this affect how she views herself?
What do you believe are Lila’s options at this time? Cite research that supports your reasoning.
If you were Lila’s close friend, how might you counsel her based upon your understanding of the biopsychosocial aspects related to her position? Provide evidence from the available resources.
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SOC 313 Week 2 DQ 2 HIV or AIDS
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SOC 313 Week 2 DQ 2 HIV or AIDS
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Prior to completing your discussion, read Chapter 4 in your textbook, watch the Annie Lennox: Why I Am an HIV/AIDS Activist video, and review any relevant Instructor Guidance.
For this discussion, reference the information in the “Introduction to the Miller Family” document. Mike Maldonado lost his companion of 10 years to AIDS. After being tested, Mike learned that he is HIV positive.
Examine the biological basis for social, psychological, and physical problems related to his diagnosis. Comment specifically on how they pertain to Mike’s psychological state. Based on their cultural and traditional beliefs, as well as their concerns for his health, comment on how Mike’s family members might react to the news about this diagnosis. What are some common thoughts, beliefs, biases, and fears t hat might be held by Mike, his family, friends, and his community as a result of their sociocultural experiences? Integrating what you have learned from the readings and video, what information would you want the Miller family to have in order to under stand and be supportive of Mike at this time?
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SOC 313 Week 2 DQ 1 Degenerative Diseases
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SOC 313 Week 2 DQ 1 Degenerative Diseases
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Prior to engaging in this discussion, read “The Experience of Disease: Psychosocial Aspects of Movement Disorder” (Jacopini, 2000), “Caregiver Bodywork: Family
Members Experiences of Caring for a Person With Motor Neuron Disease” (Ray & Street , 2006), and “Biopsychosocial Predictors of Depressive Mood in People With Parkinson’s Disease” (Moore, , 2007).
Additionally, review Chapter 3 in your text and watch the Andres Lozano: Parkinson’s, Depression and the Switch That Might Turn Them Off video. Review any relevant Instructor Guidance.
For this discussion, refer to the information in the “Introduction to the Miller Family” document. Ella’s father, Frederic, has Parkinson’s disease and is known in the family as the “shaky” grandpa. In 250-300 words, given what you know about the members of the family, analyze and comment on the potential effects this condition/illness might have on them. Select two individuals from different generations and analyze the similarities and differences in their perspectives on this condition from the lens of their stage of life and development. Explain the kinds of emotional and/or behavioral changes that might be expected. How might the various family members react to them?
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SOC 313 Week 2 Assignment Biopsychosocial Paradigm, PIE, and Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory
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SOC 313 Week 2 Assignment Biopsychosocial Paradigm, PIE, and Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory
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Prior to completing this assignment, read Chapter 1 in the text, the articles listed, and review any relevant Instructor Guidance. You have been asked to speak to an audience on the importance of the social factors affecting one’s experience of life. For this presentation, create an interesting and educational PowerPoint presentation, which contains a critical narrative that integrates aspects of the various theories with your individual socioculturalexperiences.
To begin, create a PowerPoint presentation of four to five slides (excluding title and reference slides). Please see the following instructions for creating your content.
Choose one of the following theories as your main focus and the lens through which you will compare the other two: the biopsychosocial paradigm, person in environment (PIE) perspective, and Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory.
Research each theory fully so that you can effectively synthesize information relevant to these topics.
Your presentation must include at least three scholarly sources that are cited in APA format as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. For help with finding scholarly resources for your presentation view the tutorial on searching for articles from the Ashford University Library.
Provide an initial slide with a summary description of the theory you chose as your main focus. How does this theory show that your environment impacts your life? Please do not include anything you are uncomfortable sharing with your instructor.
Provide secondary slides with summary descriptions of the other two theories. Be sure to compare each theory to the main theory used in your initial slide.
Incorporate appropriate images, tables, graphs, or other visuals as necessary. Please observe these general guidelines for your visual presentation. This link contains tips for creating effective slide presentations.
Slides should be sequenced and organized clearly.
Slides should show a clear and logical progression of ideas.
Slides should include bullet points or short sentences, not dense paragraphs.
Slides should include relevant visuals such as images, graphs, tables, data summaries, sound and/or animation that enhance understanding of concepts, ideas, and relationships.
Slides should include appropriately formatted APA citations for all information taken from your resources.
The presentation as a whole should include a consistent theme, format, and font to a ssist with readability.
Once you have completed your PowerPoint, create a screencast of your presentation using Include a title for your presentation in the description box when you publish your screencast . Refer to the Quick-Start Guide for assistance.
Your presentation time has been limited by your host to between three and five minutes, so you will need to incorporate as many characteristics of an effective speaker as you can within this timeframe. These characteristics may include humor, storytelling, facts, pace, and volume. Since there is no video of the presenter (just the presentation itself), you will not have the benefit of body language, so be sure to create a convincing screencast.
Copy and paste the URL link to your screencast into the title page of your PowerPoint presentation and submit your presentation for grading. All sources used within the presentation must be cited properly within the slides and included on the required reference slide, which will be the last slide of the PowerPoint presentation. Due to the time limit of your presentation, you are not required to speak or read through the title or reference slides.
However, you must include your reference slide when you submit your PowerPoint presentation.
Creating the Presentation
The PowerPoint presentation:
Must be four to five slides (excluding title and reference slides).
Must include a title slide with the following:
o Title of the presentation
o Student’s name o Course name and number
o Instructor’s name
o Date submitted
o URL for your screencast presentation
Must begin with a content slide that provides a summary of the main theory as it relates to an experience of how environment impacts life. A succinct thesis statement must be present, either in the text on the slide or clearly stated in the speaker’s voice over for the screencast.
Must include slide(s) of the two perspectives of how environment impacts human beings.
Must include example(s) of how the social/environmental perspective impacts one’s life, using each of these three perspectives. Use specific life experiences to demonstrate these impacts (e.g., a child with autism and Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory). Who is affected by this disorder and how?
Consider micro, mezzo, and macro levels.
Must include images and text that tastefully convey the message presented on each slide.
Must utilize to create a screencast video presentation that presents each slide in more detail.
Must use at least three scholarly resources.
Must conform to the screencast time limit of between three and five minutes.
Must have appropriate in-text citations for all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Must include a separate reference slide that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
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SOC 313 Week 1 Quiz Ability or Disability, Chronic Illness, and Cancer Terminology
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SOC 313 Week 1 Quiz Ability or Disability, Chronic Illness, and Cancer Terminology
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Question 1.
Research found that quality of life was lower due to lack of pain management and spiritual counseling among young adult cancer patients.
Question 2.
It is more likely for a higher paid individual with more flexible working circumstances to return to work than someone with less education and a more physically demanding job.
Question 3.
Currently there is ________________ in providing cancer survivorship care.
excellent expertise
a deficiency in expertise
no need to be concerned
equal expertise
Question 4.
Students with cancer during their teens do better when they participate in home schooling and wait until the next school year to integrate back into their normal school.
Question 5.
If cancer spreads from one part of the body to another,
the name of the cancer changes.
it is said to have metastasized.
it is called a tumor.
it is benign.
Question 6.
In surveys about the cancer diagnosis and employment, ___________________.
a large percentage of those who had not had cancer feared they would lose their job
supervisors indicated they would hire a prospective employee with cancer history
supervisors felt a good employee would continue to perform well
there was no indication that discrimination against cancer patients/survivors exists
Question 7.
Breast and prostate cancer are most likely to be treated with surgery and some combination of radiation, chemotherapy, and hormone therapy regardless of the stage of the cancer.
Question 8.
Risk factors for cancer include all but:
Drug use
Toxic exposure
Educational level
Question 9.
Which of the following is not a major concerns in end-of-life care?
providing relief from suffering
continuing ineffectual primary cancer treatment
provide social support, physical comfort and psychological relief
best possible life under the circumstances
Question 10.
An annual report shares the ongoing results of the status of cancer in the nation based on 98% of the population.
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SOC 313 Week 1 DQ 2 Cancer
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SOC 313 Week 1 DQ 2 Cancer
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Prior to completing this discussion, read Chapter 9 in the textbook, the “Introduction to the Miller Family” document, and review any relevant Instructor Guidance.
Our stage of life, intellectual/cognitive abilities, and sociocultural position in life, affect our perspectives and resultant behaviors about a number of conditions including cancer. Consider the information provided in the “Introduction to the Miller Family” document. Both Ella and Elías have been iagnosed with cancer. Ella has been fighting cancer with complementary and alternative methods with some success for many years. Elías, her grandson, is 10 years old and has recently been diagnosed with leukemia but has not yet begun treatment. Putting yourself in either Ella or Elías’s place, what might your perspective on your cancer be? Integrate how the stage of life, cognitive abilities, and sociocultural position of your chosen person impacts her/his perspective on his/her individual disease.
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SOC 313 Week 1 DQ 1 Ability, Disability, and Chronic Conditions
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SOC 313 Week 1 DQ 1 Ability, Disability, and Chronic Conditions
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Read the Schneiderman (2004) article, “Psychosocial, Behavioral, and Biological Aspects of Chronic Diseases,” and review any relevant Instructor Guidance.
In 200-250 words, analyze the basic issues of human biology as they relate to chronic conditions and describe the interaction between disability, disease, and behavior. Examine and discuss the impact of biological health or illness on social, psychological, and physical problems from the micro, mezzo, and macro perspectives. Choose a chronic condition from those provided in your text and consider how you might feel, think, and behave differently if the condition were affecting you versus if the condition were affecting a stranger. How might you think differently about this chronic condition if it were affecting someone close to you, your neighbor, or someone in your community? Please include at least two supporting scholarly resources.
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SOC 313 NEW Complete Class
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SOC 313 NEW Complete Class
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SOC 313 Week 1 DQ 1 Ability, Disability, and Chronic Conditions
SOC 313 Week 1 DQ 2 Cancer
SOC 313 Week 1 Quiz Ability/Disability, Chronic Illness, and Cancer Terminology
SOC 313 Week 2 DQ 1 Degenerative Diseases
SOC 313 Week 2 DQ 2 HIV/AIDS
SOC 313 Week 2 Assignment Biopsychosocial Paradigm, PIE, and Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory
SOC 313 Week 3 DQ 1 Endocrine System Disorders (Diabetes)
SOC 313 Week 3 DQ 2 Cardiovascular Health A Woman’s Issue?
SOC 313 Week 3 Quiz Endocrine and Cardiovascular Systems Disorders Terminology
SOC 313 Week 3 Final Paper Outline
SOC 313 Week 4 DQ 1 Psychiatric Conditions
SOC 313 Week 4 DQ 2 Substance Abuse
SOC 313 Week 4 Quiz Psychiatric Conditions and Substance Abuse Terminology
SOC 313 Week 5 DQ 1 Discharge Planning
SOC 313 Week 5 DQ 2 Trends in Health Care
SOC 313 Week 5 Final Paper Where is the best place for Ella
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