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ART 101 Week 9 Final project Art Timeline
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ART 101 Week 9 Final project Art Timeline
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In the final project, you assume the role of a museum curator who receives the following e-mail from the director of the museum:
Following a meeting with our museum’s web design team, it is now my priority to improve the content of our museum’s website. We decided on an interactive timeline focused on one art medium. It is your responsibility to choose one art form such as a painting or sculpture for the timeline. You must also have a common theme for the artwork you select. If you were to choose sculpture, your theme might be 20th-century sculpture.
Whatever your selected focus is, make sure you do not make the timeline too long. Ten works of art should suffice. After selecting the 10 works of art, write a short paragraph to accompany each one. You have approximately 9 weeks for this project before you turn over your selected artworks and content to the design team.
Select one art media on which to focus. Examples include:
· Painting
· Architecture
· Performance art
· Film
· Others
Whereas these are broad areas, you must select a single medium, then make your timeline focused on that single medium.
Research the Internet or Grove Art Online in the Oxford Art Online database in the University of Phoenix Online library, and find 10 representative examples of your chosen medium that are thematically connected. Examples of thematically linked art media include the following:
· Linear perspective in European paintings
· Black-and-white film noir
· Greek figural sculpture
· International video art
Organize, in a Microsoft® Word document, the 10 works in chronological order and include a 100-word paragraph for each in short essay form.
Format your timeline consistent with APA guidelines.
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ART 101 Week 9 Capstone DQ
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ART 101 Week 9 Capstone DQ
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Write a 200- to 300-word summary of the following questions:
· How are the arts in your community supported by various agencies and citizens?
· Do you think there is enough or not enough support of the arts by these entities? Explain why or why not.
What is your role in the creation and support of art in your community?
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ART 101 Week 8 DQ 2
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ART 101 Week 8 DQ 2
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Using Internet resources, find one example of installation art. Describe the artwork you have found, including the title, artist, year created, and where it is installed. What is the meaning of the work? How does the meaning relate to what the artist has created? Provide your personal reaction to your chosen work and comment on each other’s examples of installation art.
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ART 101 Week 8 DQ 1
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ART 101 Week 8 DQ 1
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Discuss the representation of the human body by the ancient Egyptians and the ancient Greeks. What are the similarities and differences between the two? What does the sculptural representation of the human form say about each culture?
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ART 101 Week 8 CheckPoint Comparison of Three Sculptures
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ART 101 Week 8 CheckPoint Comparison of Three Sculptures
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Resource: Podcast David vs. David; p. 49 in Ch. 3, pp. 130–131 in Ch. 7, & pp. 452–453 in Ch. 19 of A World of Art
View the David vs. David podcast on MyArtsLab. Follow these directions:
· Click on the link to MyArtsLab
· Select Videos and Podcasts
· Select Ch. 7, David vs. David
Examine the sculptures of Donatello’s David (Early Renaissance), Michelangelo’s David (High Renaissance), and Bernini’s David (Baroque).
Write a 300- to 350-word comparison of the different styles of the David sculptures by these three artists.
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ART 101 Week 7 Individual Architecture and Function
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ART 101 Week 7 Individual Architecture and Function
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Review Ch. 15, p. 429 in Ch. 17, & Ch. 18 of A World of Art.
Create a 5- to 8-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation which includes the following:
· Two examples of architecture from Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam, respectively
· Brief explanations of elements of architecture as they relate to specific aspects of each religion
· Names of types of buildings associated with each religion
· A separate slide with references
Format your citations consistent with APA guidelines.
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ART 101 Week 7 CheckPoint Greek and Roman Architecture
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ART 101 Week 7 CheckPoint Greek and Roman Architecture
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Resource: Ch. 15 of A World of Art
Write a summary comparing the characteristics and innovations of each Greek and Roman architecture in 200 to 300 words.
Provide two representative examples of architecture for each Greek and Roman cultures.
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ART 101 Week 6 DQ 2
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ART 101 Week 6 DQ 2
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Think of a suspenseful or comedic movie or TV program you have recently seen. Identify the sequence of shots in this film that builds dramatic or comedic tension successfully. What technique did the director use to achieve suspense or comedy in your example?
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ART 101 Week 6 DQ 1
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ART 101 Week 6 DQ 1
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Explore the daguerreotype process at The Metropolitan Museum of Art website: . In your opinion, what is the most significant difference between the daguerreotype process and modern photography? How do early and modern photos differ in the creative process of image production?
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ART 101 Week 6 CheckPoint Film and Popular
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ART 101 Week 6 CheckPoint Film and Popular
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Resource: Ch. 12 of A World of Art
Summarize the distinction between film and popular cinema in 150 to 250 words.
Provide examples of each and explain why they fall into either category.
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ART 101 Week 5 Individual Painting Styles
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ART 101 Week 5 Individual Painting Styles
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Resource: Appendix B
Review pp. 504–518 in Ch. 20 & Ch. 21 of A World of Art
View the Neoclassic piece The Emperor Napoleon in His Study at the Tuileries by Jacques Louis David, on the National Gallery of Art website, located in Appendix B. To access the piece, do the following:
· Type The Emperor Napoleon in His Study at the Tuileries into the Search This Site box.
· Click The Emperor Napoleon in His Study at the Tuileries.
View the Impressionist piece The Luncheon of the Boating Party by Pierre-Auguste Renoir, on the Phillips Collection website, located in Appendix B. To access the piece, do the following:
· Click the link to go to the Phillips Collection home page.
· Select Collection.
· Click Luncheon of the Boating Party from the drop-down menu on the left side of the screen.
View the Abstract Expressionist piece Autumn Rhythm (Number 30) by Jackson Pollock, on the Metropolitan Museum of Art website, located in Appendix B. To access the piece, do the following:
· Click the link to go to the Metropolitan Museum of Art home page.
· Select Works of Art.
· Type Autumn Rhythm in the Search box, and select the first item that comes up.
· You may also find the following helpful:
o The Works in Progress explanation of Pollock on pp. 134–135 in Ch. 7 of A World of Art
o MyArtsLab – The Closer Look at Pollock’s Autumn Rhythm under Ch. 7
o MyArtsLab – The video link of Jackson Pollock at Work under Ch. 7
Write a 500- to 700-word summary that compares and contrasts Neoclassicism, Impressionism, and Abstract Expressionism. Use the selected artwork as your examples. Include the following in your discussion:
· How each style reflects its era and the culture
· Discussion of painting techniques
· Formal elements
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ART 101 Week 5 CheckPoint Drawing
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ART 101 Week 5 CheckPoint Drawing
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Review the nature and function of Leonardo da Vinci’s drawings on the Drawings of Leonardo website, .
Review the nature and function of Michelangelo’s drawings on the British Museum website, located in Appendix B.
Describe how each artist viewed drawing as a part of the creative process, in 200 to 300 words.
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ART 101 Week 4 DQ 2
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ART 101 Week 4 DQ 2
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Consider Leonardo da Vinci’s The Last Supper or any artwork that interests you. What do you think is the most useful element of design? Which element do you think is most important and integral to the creation of a successful work of art? Explain why.
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ART 101 Week 4 DQ 1
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ART 101 Week 4 DQ 1
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Review the video podcast at the EwArt website on the composition of Leonardo da Vinci’s The Last Supper: . Looking at The Last Supper, what design elements do you recognize? Discuss them in your response.
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ART 101 Week 4 CheckPoint Design Movements Appendix C
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ART 101 Week 4 CheckPoint Design Movements Appendix C
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Complete Appendix C matrix. Add two more design movements to the matrix with respective examples for each.
Include approximate dates for each movement
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ART 101 Week 3 CheckPoint Exploration of Form Simulations
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ART 101 Week 3 CheckPoint Exploration of Form Simulations
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Review: Ch. 4–6 of A World of Art.
Review Appendix A regarding Final Project requirements.
Access Exploration of Form – Simulations available on your student website.
Complete the following simulation exercises:
· Click on the Exploration of Form – Simulations
· Complete the Section exercises for the following:
o Elements of Form (Line only)
o Organizing Space (Linear, Spatial, and Directional)
o Elements of Color and Light (Functions, Properties, Expressive, and Optical)
Complete the corresponding test at the end of each section. Use the e-mail box function to e-mail the results to yourself and your instructor.
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ART 101 Week 3 Assignment Exploration of Form Simulations
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ART 101 Week 3 Assignment Exploration of Form Simulations
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Write a 200-word paragraph (a total of 600 to 650 words) on each of the following topics:
· View Vincent van Gogh’s The Starry Night on p. 61 and Sol LeWitt’s Wall Drawing No. 681 on p. 64 in Ch. 4 of A World of Art and describe both paintings in terms of their lines. What does each artist’s use of line communicate about the artist’s personality and view of the world?
· View Las Meninas by Diego Velázquez on p. 155 in Ch. 8 of A World of Art and describe the formal qualities of this work in terms of its organizing space. Do the formal qualities working together create a particular effect? If so, what is it and how is this accomplished? You might find it helpful to also watch the Closer Look discussion of this painting on the MyArtsLab website under Ch. 8.
· View Nighthawks by Edward Hopper on p. 510 in Ch. 21 of A World of Art and describe the formal qualities of this work in terms of its color and light. Do the formal qualities working together create a particular effect? If so, what is it and how is this accomplished?
Organize your responses into one Microsoft® Word document consistent with APA guidelines.
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ART 101 Week 2 DQ 2
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ART 101 Week 2 DQ 2
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Review Ch. 3 of A World of Art. Considering examples on pp. 52–54 in Ch. 3 of your text, what performance art might you imagine executing in a public space? What would be your piece’s purpose and content?
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ART 101 Week 2 DQ 1
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ART 101 Week 2 DQ 1
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Review the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation website: and watch the video on Calder in City Hall Park. Post your response to the following:
How does the Calder sculpture compare to public art in your city?
How do you think art in public spaces contributes to building community and a sense of culture?
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ART 101 Week 2 CheckPoint Art and Intention
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ART 101 Week 2 CheckPoint Art and Intention
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Discussion and debate have always marked the reception of art. This CheckPoint focuses on two artworks regarded as masterpieces that were initially met with controversy.
Resource: Ch. 3 of A World of Art
Examine Michelangelo’s David on p. 49 in Ch. 3 of A World of Art.
View the following Closer Look Presentation in the MyArtsLab link available on your student website:
· Open the MyArtsLab for A World of Art.
· Click on Multimedia Library then click Closer Look.
· Under the Ch. 3 heading, click on Marcel Duchamp, Nude Descending a Staircase.
Write a 200- to 300-word summary that answers the following:
· Summarize the reaction of the public to Michelangelo’s David and Marcel Duchamp’s Nude Descending a Staircase.
· What did contemporary viewers find objectionable about each work?
· What are the reasons behind Duchamp’s innovative approach to human form?
Does knowledge of the artist’s inspiration enhance your appreciation of Nude Descending a Staircase?
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ART 101 Week 1 CheckPoint Visual Literacy
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ART 101 Week 1 CheckPoint Visual Literacy
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Resource: MyArtsLab, Closer Look, Ch. 2 of A World of Art
View the following Closer Look Presentation in MyArtsLab available on your student website:
· Open the MyArtsLab for A World of Art.
· Click on Closer Look.
· Under the Ch. 2 heading, click on Howling Wolf’s Treaty Signing at Medicine Creek Lodge
View the presentation on Howling Wolf’s Treaty Signing at Medicine Creek Lodge.
Write a 150-word response to each of the following questions relating to this painting:
· Although Howling Wolf’s drawing is seen as näively executed by the standards of Western art, why do we conclude that his record of the treaty signing event is more honest than the illustration rendered by the other artist?
Why did the White artist ignore the many native women who were present at the treaty signing? Do you think this omission was deliberate or unintentional due to cultural bias?
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ART 101 Week 1 Assignment Reading Art Understanding
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ART 101 Week 1 Assignment Reading Art Understanding
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Understanding iconography, the symbolic meaning underlying images, is one aspect of visual literacy. Visual literacy and understanding the roles of the artist deepens one’s appreciation of art in general. The Week One assignment reinforces concepts presented in Ch. 1 & 2 regarding artists’ roles and understanding art.
Review Ch. 1 & 2 of A World of Art.
Review the multimedia: Reading Art – Understanding Iconography multimedia:
· Choose two works of art.
· Refer to the resources listed in Appendix B and Ch. 1 & 2 in A World of Art. In addition, you may use other sources in your search for examples of artwork.
· Be sure at least one of your selected art works holds symbolic significance.
Write a 300- to 350-word essay summarizing an artist’s roles as applied to your artwork. Include the following:
· A brief explanation of the four roles of the artist
· An explanation of why your work exemplifies one specific role, as discussed in Ch. 1
· An explanation of the iconographic or symbolic significance of one work of art
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
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ART 101 Complete Class
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ART 101 Complete Class
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