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IT 210 Week 9 Final Project Currency Conversion
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IT 210 Week 9 Final Project Currency Conversion
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Consolidate into one document all the sections of the Currency Conversion assignments: requirements (week 2); design, flowcharts and pseudocode (week 4); and testing (week 6).
Incorporate any changes recommended by the instructor.
Post the assignment as an attachment.
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IT 210 Week 9 Capstone DQ
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IT 210 Week 9 Capstone DQ
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Drawing upon your knowledge of software development, which process—requirements, design, coding, or testing—do you think has more impact on the overall success and quality of development? Explain your answer.
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IT 210 Week 8 Individual Object-Oriented Design
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IT 210 Week 8 Individual Object-Oriented Design
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Generate an object-oriented design for a system that keeps tracks of your CD and DVD collection.
Identify each of the classes, associated data, and operations for the classes.
Generate the pseudocode for each of the classes as demonstrated on p. 251.Post the assignment as an attachment.
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IT 210 Week 8 CheckPoint Object-Oriented Data and Processes
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IT 210 Week 8 CheckPoint Object-Oriented Data and Processes
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Identify a task you perform regularly, such as cooking, mowing the lawn, or driving a car.
Write a short, structured design (pseudocode only) that accomplishes this task.
Think about this task in an object-oriented way, and identify the objects involved in the task.
Identify how you can encapsulate the data and processes you identified into an object-oriented design.
Describe the architectural differences between the object-oriented and structured designs. Which of the designs makes more sense to you? Why?
Post the assignment as an attachment.
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IT 210 Week 8 CheckPoint Interfaces and Communication Messages
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IT 210 Week 8 CheckPoint Interfaces and Communication Messages
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Understanding object-oriented methodologies is often difficult. You already understand that object-oriented analysis and design emulates the way human beings tend to think and conceptualize problems in the everyday world. With a little practice, object-oriented programming will become second nature to you.
As an example, consider a typical house in which there are several bedrooms, a kitchen, and a laundry room—each with a distinct function. You sleep in the bedroom, you wash clothes in the laundry room, and you cook in the kitchen. Each room encapsulates all the items needed to complete the necessary tasks.
You do not have an oven in the laundry room or a washing machine in the kitchen. However, when you do the laundry, you do not just add clothes to the washer and wait in the laundry room; once the machine has started, you may go into the kitchen and start cooking dinner. But how do you know when to go back to check the laundry? When the washer buzzer sounds, a message is sent to alert you to go back into the laundry room to put in a new load. While you are folding clothes in the laundry room, the oven timer may ring to inform you that the meat loaf is done.
What you have is a set of well-defined components: Each provides a single service to communicate with the other components using simple messages when something needs to be done. If you consider a kitchen, you see it is also composed of several, smaller components, including the oven, refrigerator, and microwave. Top-level objects are composed of smaller components that do the actual work. This perspective is a very natural way of looking at our world, and one with which we are all familiar. We do the same thing in object-oriented programming:
· Identify components that perform a distinct service
· Encapsulate all the items in the component necessary to get the job done
· Identify the messages that need to be provided to the other components
Although the details can be quite complex, these details are the basic principles of object-oriented programming.
Consider the microwave oven in your kitchen, using the object-oriented thinking described above.
Create a table with the following four columns and use the following headings: Top-Level Objects, Communicates With, Incoming Messages, and Outgoing Messages.
· Create rows in the table to fill in the columns for each of the Top-Level Objects found on a microwave.
· Also in the table explain some of the graphical user interfaces (GUIs) and communications messages that occur during the operation of a microwave.
Describe some of the advantages of having a componentized system. For example, what happens if the microwave breaks?
Post your completed CheckPoint as an attachment.
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IT210 Week 7 DQ 2
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IT210 Week 7 DQ 2
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What are some of the key differences between a flat file and a relational database? Which of the two storage methods do you think is most useful in a real-world application?
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IT 210 Week 7 DQ 1
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IT 210 Week 7 DQ 1
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Under what circumstances would you use a sequential file over a database? Describe these circumstances. When would a database be more beneficial than a sequential file? Is it possible for the two types of permanent storage to be used interchangeably? Explain your answers.
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IT 210 Week 7 Chapter 5 Programming Problems
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IT 210 Week 7 Chapter 5 Programming Problems
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Complete Programming Problems 1 and 2 in Chapter 5, page 158.
Provide the analysis and pseudocode only (no flow-charts are required). This needs to be done as 2 separate problems; do not consolidate into one solution.
Post the assignment as an attachment.
Your solutions should look like the example provided in Appendix E in the Course Materials forum; it must include the program analysis (process, input, and output) and the pseudocode.
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IT 210 Week 6 Individual Currency Conversion Test Procedure
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IT 210 Week 6 Individual Currency Conversion Test Procedure
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Generate a set of test inputs and expected results for the Currency Conversion program. Make sure you have test case for each module in your design. Test positive results as well as negative results (errors). You should include overall test cases; these test cases test the process from start to finish.
Post the test procedure as an attachment.
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IT 210 Week 6 CheckPoint Algorithm Verification
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IT 210 Week 6 CheckPoint Algorithm Verification
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Answer the following questions about the information in Appendix J in the Course Materials forum:
· What will be printed if the input is 20?
· What will be printed if the input is 100?
· What will be printed if the input is 73?
· What will be printed if the user enters “score”?
· Is this design robust? If so, explain why. If not, explain what you can do to make it robust.
· How many levels of nesting are there in this design?
· Provide a set of values that will test the normal operation of this program segment. Defend your choices.
· Provide a set of test values that test the abnormal operation of this program segment.
Post the assignment as an attachment.
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IT 210 Week 5 DQ 2
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IT 210 Week 5 DQ 2
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Describe a programming project or situation in the workplace that would lend itself to array usage.
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IT 210 Week 5 DQ 1
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IT 210 Week 5 DQ 1
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Identify at least two data structures that are used to organize a typical file cabinet. Why do you feel it is necessary to emulate these types of data structures in a computer program? For what kind of work project would you want to use this type of program?
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IT 210 Week 5 CheckPoint Simple Array Process
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IT 210 Week 5 CheckPoint Simple Array Process
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Complete Ch. 6, Exercise 3, on p. 198. You are required to generate only the pseudocode; no flow-charts are required.
Post the assignment as an attachment.
Please make sure you review the example solution provided in Appendix K in the Course Materials forum.
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IT 210 Week 4 Individual Currency Conversion Design
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IT 210 Week 4 Individual Currency Conversion Design
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Complete the flowcharts and pseudocode in Appendix I in the Course Materials forum based on the Currency Conversion requirements and Input-Process-Output table you generated in Week Two.
Develop the program design.
Post the assignment as an attachment.
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IT 210 Week 4 CheckPoint Repetition Control Structure
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IT 210 Week 4 CheckPoint Repetition Control Structure
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Read the following scenario:
In one of the week 3 discussion questions we discussed the algorithm that would be required to make a peanut butter sandwich. In this CheckPoint you will need to take that one step further and create a program design to make a peanut butter sandwiches. In Appendix H in the Course Materials forum you will find a partial program design; you need to complete it by adding the pseudocode in the required areas. You need to add one repetition (loop) control structure and one decision control to complete the program design. The user will decide how many sandwiches are made; this is where the loop will be used. The user will decide if the sandwich includes jelly, and, if it does, what flavor of jelly; to keep it simple we are only allowing grape or strawberry jelly.
Design a program with pseudocode that solves this problem.
Post the assignment as an attachment.
Your solution should look like the example provided in Appendix E in the Course Materials forum; it must include the program analysis (process, input, and output) and the pseudocode.
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IT210 Week 3 DQ 2
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IT210 Week 3 DQ 2
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How do you use the three basic control structures—sequential, repetition, and selection—in your everyday problem solving? Do you think there are any other control structures that would make your problem-solving skills more efficient? If so, describe them.
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IT 210 Week 3 DQ 1
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IT 210 Week 3 DQ 1
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Review the definition of control structure in Prelude to Programming. Then, think about the pseudocode algorithm you would write for a simple task, such as making a peanut butter sandwich, as well as three simple control structures you could use to create this algorithm. What do you think is the most difficult part of creating the algorithm? What can you do to make this process easier?
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IT 210 Week 3 CheckPoint Sequential and Selection Processing Control Structure Appendix G
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IT 210 Week 3 CheckPoint Sequential and Selection Processing Control Structure Appendix G
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Read the following scenario:
You work for a county court and need to design a program to calculate the total on a speeding tick. Each line of the table in Appendix G in the Course Materials forum indicates a MPH over the speed limit range and corresponding calculations for the fine and court costs for the range. Given a MPH over the speed limit, the fine is calculated by adding the base fine for the MPH over the speed limit range to the over the limit multiplier, the court costs are determined by court cost multiplier, and the total fine is the sum of the fine and the court costs. – Please see Appendix G in the Course Materials forum for more details.
You must use the Selection Control structure to determine the calculation at the different MPH over the speed limit.
Design a program with pseudocode that solves this problem.
Perform a design walkthrough to verify your design.
Post the assignment as an attachment.
Your solution should look like the example provided in Appendix E; it must include the program analysis (process, input, and output) and the pseudocode.
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IT 210 Week 2 Individual Application-Level Requirements
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IT 210 Week 2 Individual Application-Level Requirements
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Complete the following assignment using Appendix F (details of the assignment are found in Appendix A in the Course Materials forum):
· List the application-level requirements for the Currency Conversion project.
· Use a structured programming approach to generate an Input-Process-Output chart for the application.
· Generate the hierarchy chart for the application.
Post the table as an attachment.
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IT 210 Week 2 CheckPoint Software Development Activities and Purposes
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IT 210 Week 2 CheckPoint Software Development Activities and Purposes
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Match the software development activity or concept with the description or purpose of the activity using the table in Appendix D
Post the table as an attachment.
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IT 210 Week 1 DQ 2
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IT 210 Week 1 DQ 2
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When building a house, a structured, modular approach is better than a haphazard approach. Explain how a structured approach relates to developing programs and why using an organized approach is important.
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IT210 Week 1 DQ 1
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IT210 Week 1 DQ 1
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Why do you think the requirements analysis process is so difficult? Describe two things you can do to overcome these difficulties.
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IT 210 Week 1 CheckPoint Input Data and Output Process
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IT 210 Week 1 CheckPoint Input Data and Output Process
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Read the following scenario:
You want to build a program that will keep track of your CD and DVD collection at home.
Review the example in Appendix B in the Course Materials forum.
Use the table in Appendix C in the Course Materials forum to complete this CheckPoint:
- Identify at least three processes (capabilities) that are needed in order to keep track of your collection.
- Identify the input data required for each of the processes.
- Identify a logical name for each data output item and type of data output (real number, integer, or text).
Post the table as an attachment.
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IT 210 Fundamentals of Programming with Algorithms and Logic Version 4
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IT 210 Fundamentals of Programming with Algorithms and Logic Version 4
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