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HRM 498 Week 5 Learning Team Strategic HRM Plan Part IV Final Report
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HRM 498 Week 5 Learning Team Strategic HRM Plan Part IV Final Report
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Choose two of the cultural HR issues from the chart (figure 15.3) on page 645 of “Managing Human Resources” by Bohlander. Your choices must reflect your predictions for priorities and concerns in your division’s HRM plan.
Write a 750 word detailed analysis, explaining how these issues and cultural considerations affect your division and the strategic plans.
HRM Recommendations – Table Outline (Section B)
Create a table providing an outline of your recommendations for 3 HRM interventions/strategies to overcome or address challenges in meeting strategic plan objectives. Include an explanation of how or why recommended interventions will be of help.
Executive Summary (Section C)
Create a 300- to 500-word executive summary which provides a high level overview of your company, its primary product/business lines, its main strategic plan objectives, the major limitations or challenges the company faces, the HRM strategies/interventions that will be put in place to address these challenges.
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HRM 498 Week 5 DQ 1
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HRM 498 Week 5 DQ 1
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What is the best strategy for addressing issues that may arise when a strategic plan is implemented? Should stakeholders be involved? Should changes be made during a strategic plan’s initial unfolding if problems arise? Should this be staved off in favor of data collection?
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HRM 498 Week 4 Summary
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`HRM 498 Week 4 Summary
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HRM 498 Week 4 Learning Team Strategic HRM Plan Part III Evaluation and Assessment Memo
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HRM 498 Week 4 Learning Team Strategic HRM Plan Part III Evaluation and Assessment Memo
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Resource: Step Six: Evaluation and Assessment in Ch. 2 of Managing Human Resources
Select one of the following evaluative measures that your organization should use to measure its effectiveness over the next five years: Employee turnover rates, Position or Job Vacancy Rates, Employee Performance Ratings, Productivity Measures or Work Injury Rates,
Prepare a 350-500 word paper
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HRM 498 Week 4 Individual Consideration for Ethics and Diversity Proposal
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HRM 498 Week 4 Individual Consideration for Ethics and Diversity Proposal
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Choose one ethical consideration outlined under the “Guidelines for Developing a Code of Ethics/ Conduct outlined in exhibit 2-4 on pg. 57 of Strategic HR by Mello.
Choose one of the following diversity issues: race, gender, ethnicity or age.
Write a 500-word paper explaining how and why your selected ethical and diversity issues impact the HRM planning process. Provide recommendations for addressing these considerations. Suggest specific recommendations for best practices for dealing with each consideration. Provide a rationale.
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HRM 498 Week 4 DQ 3
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HRM 498 Week 4 DQ 3
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Telecommuting is becoming more widely used by organizations than ever before. After reading pages 48 – 49 of the Strategic Human Resource Management Text, answer the following questions:
- What are some of the most important considerations in determining if a position is appropriate for telecommuting.
- What are some of the potential risks or disadvantages from the company’s point of view of having employees telecommute?
- If you were the manager of a telecommuter how would you measure his/her performance?
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HRM 498 Week 4 DQ 2
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HRM 498 Week 4 DQ 2
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1. Share your opinion on one advantage of merit based pay systems.
Assuming that the merit based plan has been effectively communicated to the employee and that the employee understands the system and therefore has confidence in the system then one advantage of a merit based pay program is that it does motivate the employee to perform at a higher level if the employee sees that the raise is related to their performance and that the system is consistent.
- Identify and discuss one of the disadvantages of merit based pay system outlined in the text book. Add your own thoughts to expand upon this discussion.
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HRM 498 Week 4 DQ 1
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HRM 498 Week 4 DQ 1
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What are some key elements to assessing a domestic culture? What are some keys to assessing a foreign culture? How does HR ensure the assessment is successful? What steps must be taken to move from assessing a culture to evaluating its integration in a company?
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HRM 498 Week 3 Summary
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HRM 498 Week 3 Summary
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HRM 498 Week 3 Learning Team Strategic HRM Plan Part II Strategic Plan and Environmental Analysis Report
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HRM 498 Week 3 Learning Team Strategic HRM Plan Part II Strategic Plan and Environmental Analysis Report
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Strategic Plan Overview (Part A)
Write a 500 word paper identifying two strategic plan objective for your company (Examples of strategic plan objectives include company growth/expansion, product or service diversification, quality improvement, talent acquisition and retention, increase company brand recognition, increase community partnerships/alliances, etc.) Identify two different HR conditions and explain how one of these conditions impacts your first strategic plan objective and how the other HR condition impacts your second strategic plan objective. Make recommendations on actions needed to improve these HR conditions in order to achieve strategic plan objectives. (HR conditions include staffing levels, job/position vacancy rates, labor/talent availability, benefit costs, overtime costs, competitiveness of wages)
Environmental Analysis Report (Part B)
Research one of the below listed environmental factors affecting the HRM planning process of your selected company such as the following:
Write a 350- 500-word summary of your environmental analysis.
Internal or external industry trends
Economic factors
Legal and legislative issues
Internal or external technological changes
Demographic or labor trends
Social concerns, such as education, family, or sustainability factors
Gap Analysis (Part C)
Complete the Gap Analysis Matrix
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HRM 498 Week 3 Individual HR Planning Process Presentation
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HRM 498 Week 3 Individual HR Planning Process Presentation
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Resource: Strategic Planning and HR Planning: Linking the Process & Figure 2.1 in Ch. 2 of Managing Human Resources
Choose a company with which you are familiar.
Write a paper of 500 words. Select two of the following HR functions(Employment/Recruiting, Compensation, Benefits Administration, Training, Employee Relations, Reward and Recognition, Performance Management )
how these functions impact the strategic planning process in your company..
Organize your paper like this
Do not include an introductory or concluding paragraph.
One paragraph identifying the first major HR function and describing the responsibilities associated with that function in your selected organization.
One paragraph explaining how this function affects the strategic planning process for delivering quality goods, services or products in your selected organization.
One paragraph identifying the second major HR function and describing the responsibilities associated with that function in your selected organization.
One paragraph explaining how this function affects the strategic planning process for delivering quality goods, products or services in your selected organization.
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HRM 498 Week 3 DQ 3
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HRM 498 Week 3 DQ 3
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After reading Chapter 4 of Strategic Human Resources, review the four main topics that should be included on organizational Culture Survey, listed on page 201.
Select any one of the questions listed on page 201. List the question and then provide your assessment of how your selected organization (either a company you work for or a company you have researched) is performing in this area.
Select another of the questions listed on page 201 and do the same as above.
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HRM 498 Week 3 DQ 2
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HRM 498 Week 3 DQ 2
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After reading Chapter 3 of the Managing Human Resources text and after reviewing figure 3.1 on page 101, select any one of the laws outlined in figure 3.1 and do the following:
- Provide a brief overview of the law. (Be sure to cite your sources)
- Explain, in your own words why this law is important.
- Explain in your own words the role of an HR Manager in ensuring company compliance with this law
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HRM 498 Week 3 DQ 1
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HRM 498 Week 3 DQ 1
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What are ethics? How do you mediate personal ethics when they differ from a company’s ethics? What are some methods for exploring and researching a company’s ethics and values?
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HRM 498 Week 2 Summary
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HRM 498 Week 2 Summary
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HRM 498 Week 2 Learning Team Strategic HRM Plan Part I – Division Overview
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HRM 498 Week 2 Learning Team Strategic HRM Plan Part I – Division Overview
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Resource Strategic HRM Plan Overview
Select a company that interests you. Each team member must research one company as a prospective focus for the final project.
Research the company’s HR website for internally and externally disseminated documents, mission and vision statements, and the company’s core competencies.
Prepare a 200- to 350-word paper that provides an overview of your selected company. Provide the 1)company’s name, 2)core competencies (primary product lines or services) 3)it’s mission or vision , and 4)an explanation of why your team selected this company for its project.
Organize your paper like this and use paragraph breaks and transition sentences.
o Do not include an introduction, abstract or conclusion.
o Paragraph identifying the company name and core services and/or products.
o Paragraph discussing the company’s mission or vision.
Paragraph explaining why your team selected this company for your project.
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HRM 498 Week 2 DQ 3
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HRM 498 Week 2 DQ 3
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Page 52 of the Managing Human Resources Text (Bohlander & Snell) discusses Starbuck’s Core Values. After reading this section of the text, do the following.
- Identify one of the core values that your organization lives by. Provide at least one example of how your organization models this value. Highlight the selected core value in bold.
- Identify one of the core values that your organization needs to improve on. Provide at least one example of how your organization does not consistently model this core value. Highlight the core value in bold.
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HRM 498 Week 2 DQ 2
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HRM 498 Week 2 DQ 2
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After reading pages 238 – 239 of the Strategic Human Resource Management text (Mello) and reviewing Figure 1 – HR Competitive Advantage Index, do the following:
- Identify which of the four quadrants the Human Resources department of the organization in which you work, or an alternate organization you researched is operating within. Highlight the quadrant you have identified in bold.
- Provide specific examples and discussion to support your assessment and opinions.
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HRM 498 Week 2 DQ 1
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What is the difference between a general and core competency? Provide specific examples.
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HRM 498 Week 2 DQ 1
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What is the difference between a general and core competency? Provide specific examples.
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HRM 498 Week 1 Summary
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HRM 498 Week 1 Summary
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HRM 498 Week 1 Individual HR Challenges and Concerns Report
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HRM 498 Week 1 Individual HR Challenges and Concerns Report
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Assume you are working on HRM responsibilities at either a real or fictitious organization and have been asked to present a report on two Human Resource Challenges. This report must outline the top two HR challenges you have identified, in your selected organization, your assessment of the possible causes or reasons for these challenges, and your proposed plan for addressing them. Be sure to write about the specific issues in your selected organization and do not write broadly about HR challenges, which are common among many organizations. (Examples of HR challenges include: employee turnover, employee retention, employee morale, recruiting qualified staff, benefit costs, employee conduct, employee competency, difficulty to provide competitive wages with a limited budget, employee productivity, etc)
Prepare a 500 word report about these challenges.
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HRM 498 Week 1 DQ 3
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HRM 498 Week 1 DQ 3
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EXHIBIT 2-3: SOCIETY FOR HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT CODE OF ETHICAL AND PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS IN HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT on pages 54 -55 of the Strategic Human Resource Management Text discusses the code of “Professional Responsibility” for Human Resources and lists seven specific guidelines that HR professionals should follow in order to fulfill their “Professional Responsibility” Select any one of these 7 guidelines and do the following:
- Clearly identify your selected guideline. Do not just list the guideline’s number, but write out the actual guideline.
- In your opinion, explain why this guideline is important .
- In your opinion, explain the potential consequences of not adhering to this guideline.
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Page 14 of the Managing Human Resources text lists eight of the major reasons why change initiatives fail. After reading this section of the text do the following:
- Describe a situation in an organization in which you worked or with which you are familiar, in which the organization attempted to effectuate change and was met with challenges. Include a description of the specific change the organization was attempting to make.
- Identify which of the 8 major reasons the change was either unsuccessful or was met with challenges. Be sure to write out the reason and do not just list the number. Highlight your reason in bold.
- Explain in your opinion, what the organization could have done differently to more effectively effectuate the change.
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HRM 498 Week 1 DQ 1
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HRM 498 Week 1 DQ 1
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What are five challenges facing HRM? What makes these challenges important? Why are these challenges important to consider as a strategic partner?
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HRM 498 Final Guides Graded 20/20
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HRM 498 Final Guides Graded 20/20
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1 According to Bohlander & Snell Professional organizations such as the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) and the Human Resource Planning Society (HRPS) conduct ongoing studies of the most pressing competitive challenges in Human Resource Management. Which of the following is not one of the major trends identified by SHRM?
a. Going global
b. Embracing new technology
c. Outsourcing
d. Managing talent or human capital
e. Containing costs
2 Change that occurs after external forces have already affected performance is called:
a. proactive
b. inactive
c. reactive
d. responsive
3 According to Bohlander & Snell the Estimated Number and Types of U.S. Jobs Moving Offshore by 2015 is
a. 1.4 million
b. 1.7 million
c. 3.5 million
d. 5.3 million
4 The process of anticipating and providing for the movement of people into, within, and out of an organization is known as:
a. Human Resource Planning
b. Strategic Planning
c. Strategic Human Resource Management
d. Strategic Human Resource Planning
5 The strong and enduring beliefs and principles that the company uses as a foundation for its decisions is called an organization’s
a. Core values
b. Mission statement
c. Vision Statement
d. Corporate Culture
6 In Bohlander & Snell’s discussion on “core competencies” and “people as a strategic resource, they discuss four criteria that highlight the importance of people and show the closeness of HRM to strategic management. Which of the following is not one of these four competencies
a. The resources must be highly technical.
b. The resources must be rare.
c. The resources must be valuable.
d. The resources must be hard to imitate.
7 In Bohlander & Snell’s discussion on the Human Capital Architecture they describe a group of employees by stating “This group of employees tends to have firm-specific skills that are directly linked to the company’s strategy” This group is known as:
a. Traditional Job Based Workers
b. Core Knowledge Workers
c. Contract Workers
d. Alliance Partners
8 This law Prohibits discrimination in employment on the basis of race, color, of 1964 (amended in 1972, religion, sex, or national origin; created the Equal Employment 1991, and 1994) Opportunity Commission (EEOC) to enforce the provisions of Title VII.
a. Equal Opportunity Act of 1972
b. Prohibition of Discrimination Act
c. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (amended in 1972,1991 & 1994)
d. Civil Rights Act of 1991
9 An attempt by employers to adjust, without undue hardship, the working conditions or schedules of employees with disabilities or religious preferences is called______ and falls under this law ________
a. Reasonable Accommodation/Equal Pay Act
b. Reasonable Modification/ADA.
c. Reasonable Modification/Equal Pay Act
d. Reasonable Accommodation/ADA
10 A concept that refers to the rejection of a significantly higher percentage of a protected class for employment, placement, or promotion when compared with the successful, nonprotected class:
a. Disparate Treatment
b. Disparate Impact
c. Adverse Impact
d. Statistical Discriminatory Impact
11 The different duties a duties and responsibilities performed by only one employee is
a. Position
b. Job
c. job specification
d. Job family
12 When analyzing jobs and gathering job information, which of the following is not one of the usual ways for gathering job data?
a. Interviews
b. Questionnaires
c. Outside Research
d. Observation
13 ______is a technique of involving employees in their work through the process of inclusion. It encourages employees to become innovators and managers of their own work, and it involves them in their jobs in ways that give them more control and autonomous decision-making capabilities.
a. Employee participation
b. Employee empowerment
c. Employee engagement
d. Employee innovation
14 Which of the following is not one of the advantages identified in the text of telecommuting ?
a. Increased flexibility for employees.
b. Increased interaction with colleagues.
c. Increased productivity.
d. Reduced absenteeism.
15 The percentage of applicants from a recruitment source that make it to the next stage of the selection process.
a. Selection Ratio
b. Screening Ratio
c. Applicant Ratio
d. Yield Ratio
16 In HR’s Role in Career Management, which of the following is not a component of the goal to match individual and organizational needs?
a. Encourage Employee Ownership of Career
b. Create a Supportive Context
c. Establish mutual goal setting and planning.
d. Establish job progressions/career paths
17 True or False: During Stage 5 of Career Development individuals reappraise early career and early adulthood goals, reaffirm or modify goals, make choices appropriate to middle adult years, remain productive.
a. True
b. False
18 The situation in which the work system supports the organization’s goals and strategies is known as:
a. External Fit
b. Internal Fit
c. Internal Alignment
d. Strategic Alignment
19 A _______ is used to determine whether the high-performance work system has been implemented as designed.
a. Performance Audit
b. Systems Audit
c. Process Audit
d. Design Audit
20 True or False: In high-performing workplaces, employees have the latitude to decide how to achieve their goals.
a. True
b. False
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HRM 498 Complete Class Version 1
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HRM 498 Complete Class Version 1
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