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IT 242 Week 9 Final Project WAN Design
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IT 242 Week 9 Final Project WAN Design
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Read Appendix A.
Develop a plan to set up a WAN based on the scenario in Appendix A. Your plan must include the following:
· An overview of the company and its needs
· A logical network drawing for Acme to depict the recommended WAN
· Recommendations for the type of leased lines the company must choose at each location, how each location connects to headquarters, and whether or not each location must be able to connect with the others
· Recommendations for what type of telecommunications system would work best for Acme, PBX or VoIP
· The IP address scheme, including the range of IP addresses, broadcast addresses, and subnets
· A VLAN to appropriately address Acme’s concerns that departments that are not grouped together are logically connected
· Recommendations for network equipment that must be placed at each location; also, consider equipment based on teleconferencing needs
· Protocols used for the routers at each location
· Recommendations for wireless technology
· Recommendations for securing the network
Create a 700- to 1,050-word network design document addressing each of Acme’s requirements with your recommendations.
Format consistent with APA guidelines.
Post your design document as a Microsoft® Word attachment.
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IT 242 Week 9 Capstone DQ
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IT 242 Week 9 Capstone DQ
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How has your perception of WAN technology changed as a result of what you have studied in this course?
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IT 242 Week 8 Individual Wireless Signals
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IT 242 Week 8 Individual Wireless Signals
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Resource: Ch. 18 of Wide Area Networks
Discuss four different types of wireless technologies in a 350- to 700-word paper.
Describe the characteristics and properties of each signal type, and how each can be used.
Include a table or matrix that compares properties of the four types.
Provide a hypothetical situation for each signal type that illustrates how it could be, or is being, used in a WAN. In what circumstance, for example, would a company choose to use a satellite signal?
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IT 242 Week 8 CheckPoint WLAN
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IT 242 Week 8 CheckPoint WLAN
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Explain in 200 to 300 words at least two different ways to secure a wireless LAN (WLAN). What are the ramifications if a WLAN is breached?
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IT 242 Week 7 DQ 2
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IT 242 Week 7 DQ 2
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What is a key? What are the differences between private key and public key encryption? Provide examples of each.
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IT 242 Week 7 DQ 1
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IT 242 Week 7 DQ 1
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What are some of the greatest security risks to a WAN? Provide an example of one risk and discuss the potential consequences and possible precautions.
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IT 242 Week 7 CheckPoint Firewalls
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IT 242 Week 7 CheckPoint Firewalls
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In 200 to 300 words:
Describe the three main types of firewalls.
Explain how each type protects a network.
Determine which firewall is the most efficient and why.
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IT 242 Week 6 Individual Router and Switch Configuration
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IT 242 Week 6 Individual Router and Switch Configuration
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Describe how to configure a switch and router in a 350– to 750–word paper in APA format. Be sure to include the following:
· Basics of installing, setting up, and configuring a switch
o User interface console and the purpose of each menu item
o Configuring VLANs and spanning tree protocol
· Basics of installing, setting up, and configuring a router
o The different comment modes of a router
o At least four routing protocols and the purpose of using these protocols
Post your paper as a Microsoft® Word attachment.
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IT 242 Week 6 Exercise Toolwire® Lab
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IT 242 Week 6 Exercise Toolwire® Lab
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Complete the following Toolwire® Labs:
· Starting a Switch
· Starting a Router
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IT 242 Week 6 CheckPoint Static or Dynamic
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IT 242 Week 6 CheckPoint Static or Dynamic
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Consider the following scenario:
As a network administrator for a company, you want to configure an IP route between two routers. Of static and dynamic routing, which is more appropriate?
Explain your answer in 200 to 300 words.
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IT 242 Week 5 DQ 2
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IT 242 Week 5 DQ 2
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ISDNs are sometimes used in locations that do not support DSL or cable modem connections. Your choices may be analog modems or an ISDN connection in those remote locations. Describe three benefits ISDNs have over regular dial-up modem connections.
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IT 242 Week 5 DQ 1
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IT 242 Week 5 DQ 1
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Identify the functions of a CSU and DSU. How are they used in a corporate environment?
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IT 242 Week 5 CheckPoint Switching
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IT 242 Week 5 CheckPoint Switching
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Compare and contrast packet and circuit switching in 250 to 300 words. Which is more commonly used? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?
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IT 242 Week 4 Individual VLAN
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IT 242 Week 4 Individual VLAN
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Consider the following scenario:
· Your company moves into a new building. Marketing is on the first floor, engineering is on the second floor, operations is on the third floor, and the call center is on the fourth floor. The LAN is organized neatly, with each floor having its own switch. Some groups on the floor are connected through hubs and the network is planned for orderly growth. The company grows faster and much differently than planned, however, and the call center must be expanded. Some engineering employees on the second floor and operations employees on the fourth floor move offsite and the call center expands. Space is compressed and users move to other parts of the building, but their communities of interest do not change. The same users still need to communicate with the same services.
Explain, in a 350- to 700-word plan, how a virtual LAN (VLAN) could be implemented so bandwidth is not consumed. Your plan must ensure that the network is not flooded with packets, and that members of the same VLAN can be located in different buildings or cities.
Include the following:
· The benefit of creating a VLAN
· A plan to segment the network into different broadcast domains to avoid bandwidth consumption
· A plan to improve security
· The type of VLAN membership and the value of that choice over other options
· The type of switch to be used, layer 2 or layer 3, and why you would choose it over the other
· The types of trunking configured on the switch
· The purpose and benefit of using the VLAN trunk protocol (VTP)
· A definition of the VTP mode used to configure the switches
· Backup plan
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IT 242 Week 4 Exercise Toolwire® Lab
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IT 242 Week 4 Exercise Toolwire® Lab
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Complete the following Toolwire® Lab:
· Designing for Network Connectivity
Complete the lab assignment as indicated.
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IT 242 Week 4 CheckPoint Ethernet or Token Ring
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IT 242 Week 4 CheckPoint Ethernet or Token Ring
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Consider the following scenarios:
· Saguaro Federal has mainframes for all of its banks and businesses. Must the company use the Ethernet or Token Ring protocol? Explain your choice. Why is this choice appropriate?
· XYZ Technology Consultants has offices on the second, third, and fourth floors of the office building it occupies. Must the company use the Ethernet or Token Ring protocol? Explain your choice. Why is this choice appropriate?
Explain your answers to the two scenarios in a total of 200 to 300 words. Each your responses must include a description of the main features of the protocol you selected.
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IT 242 Week 3 Toolwire® Lab
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IT 242 Week 3 Toolwire® Lab
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Complete the following Toolwire® labs:
· Planning Network Access
· Troubleshooting Network Access
Complete the lab assignment as indicated.
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IT 242 Week 3 DQ 2
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IT 242 Week 3 DQ 2
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You are a consultant who has been hired to design a WAN for a startup business. How would you explain subnetting in a way your nontechnical client would understand.
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IT 242 Week 3 DQ 1
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IT 242 Week 3 DQ 1
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Conduct an Internet search to locate an example of a private network and a public network. How is each network used? What are the pros and cons of each?
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IT 242 Week 2 Individual VoIP
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IT 242 Week 2 Individual VoIP
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Conduct an Internet search to locate a case study that shows how VoIP was beneficial to an organization.
Write a 350- to 700-word paper which you analyze the organization’s use of VoIP.
Respond to the following in your analysis:
· Include a detailed explanation of the case study and organization.
· Why did the organization require a VoIP solution?
· How did VoIP improve operations?
· What are the advantages of using VoIP?
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Post your paper as a Microsoft® Word attachment.
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IT 242 Week 2 CheckPoint Signals
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IT 242 Week 2 CheckPoint Signals
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Explain the differences between data, voice, and video signals in 200 to 300 words.
Include a description comparing the differences between a private branch exchange (PBX) and Voice over Internet protocol (VoIP).
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IT 242 Week 1 DQ 2
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IT 242 Week 1 DQ 2
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What is the most commonly used cable in networking? What are the latest advancements in cabling?
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This entry was posted in IT 242 on February 18, 2014 by admin.
IT 242 Week 1 DQ 1
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What is a WAN? Locate an example of a typical WAN setup and describe the components. Provide a picture, chart, or image if possible. Respond to your classmates and discuss how your examples differ.
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IT 242 Week 1 CheckPoint OSI Model
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IT 242 Week 1 CheckPoint OSI Model
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Describe the open systems interconnection (OSI) model and how it relates to a network in 200 to 300 words. Include answers to the following:
· On which layers of the OSI model do WAN protocols operate?
· What are some of these protocols?
· On which OSI layers do switches and routers operate?
If routers reside at more than one layer, what is the difference between OSI layers?
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