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EDL 531 Week 3 Learning Team Coach Mentor List of Questions
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Develop a list of at least 10 questions for use in ascertaining desired characteristics and types of support offered by an effective coach or mentor. These questions will be the basis for individual focus groups conducted later in this course.
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EDL 531 Week 6 Learning Team Change Web
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Brainstorm various changes that have occurred at your school sites.
Select one change and create a web graphic organizer that illustrates what the change was, how the change affected school culture, how support for the change was communicated, and ways the change was effectively managed.
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EDL 531 Week 6 Individual Coaching Plan
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EDL 531 Week 6 Individual Coaching Plan
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Resources:Coaching Plan E-Portfolio Assignment and Coaching Plan Rubric
Access the Virtual School from your student website.
Select a teacher at your preferred grade level from the Virtual School.
· Click on Teacher Information.
· Click on Profiles and Communication/Curricular Materials.
Review all of the materials available for that teacher, such as profile, communications, scope and sequence, lesson plan 1, lesson plan 2, substitute plan, and HR employee file.
Develop a coaching plan for this specific teacher that facilitates results by identifying ways to create awareness, establishing realistic goals and objectives, designing an action plan, monitoring progress, and coming to closure.
Please keep in mind that you are assuming the role of coach for the chosen teacher. As a result, you will develop the coaching plan for the teacher (with yourself as the coach) to assist him/her with professional development in areas targeted by the profile information.
As the assigned coach, address the following:
What information in the teacher’s profile has led to the development of the coaching plan? What are the teacher’s strengths and opportunities for enhancement?
How will you introduce a coaching plan (create awareness) that targets identified areas for development?
What concrete, measurable goals/objectives will you establish for the teacher to ensure that he/she obtains the necessary proficiency in the identified opportunities for improvement?
What is the intended action plan, containing concrete steps for progression, and how will it be communicated to the coachee?
How will you measure the teacher’s progress toward meeting the established goals?
How will you bring closure to your coaching relationship with the coachee? What is the intended timeline(s) for completion?
Include a cover page and reference page for the assignment; include an introduction and conclusion which adhere to APA formatting.
Review the evaluation rubric posted to the Course Materials Forum for information that will be utilized in the quantitative evaluation process for the assignment.
Note. The Coaching Plan is a required e-portfolio assignment. It must be uploaded and submitted to your TaskStream portfolio. MAED/Administration & Supervision students enrolled in this course are expected to complete this assignment, but are not required to upload and submit this assignment to their e-portfolio.
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EDL 531 Week 5 Learning Team Coaching Mentoring Matrix
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EDL 531 Week 5 Learning Team Coaching Mentoring Matrix
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Discuss team members’ experiences in a coaching or mentoring situation. Select one coaching or mentoring experience and brainstorm the following:
- What were ways in which the coach or mentor created awareness?
- How were realistic goals and objectives established?
- What type of action plan was developed?
- How were modeling and motivation strategies utilized? Were they effective or ineffective? Why?
- What type of process was implemented to monitor progress and establish accountability?
Create a matrix that identifies the coaching or mentoring experience and provides responses to the questions above.
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EDL 531 Week 5 Individual Focus Group Reflection Paper
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Review the Coach/Mentor List of Questions developed by your learning team in week three.
Conduct a focus group of at least two teachers regarding their expectations of characteristics and types of support offered by an effective coach or mentor.
Prepare a reflection paper, using the participant responses from the focus group that summarizes the expectations of characteristics and types of support offered by an effective coach or mentor.
Relate the responses to the research on instructional coaching. Additionally, include in your reflection the ways you utilized active listening skills during the focus group.
Include a cover page and reference page for the assignment; include an introduction and conclusion which adhere to APA formatting.
Review the evaluation rubric posted to the Course Materials Forum for information that will be utilized in the quantitative evaluation process for the assignment.
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EDL 531 Week 5 DQ 4
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Choose one of the following quotes and share how this thought connects to the objectives for this week in regards to facilitating results through mentoring.
o “The ultimate use of power is to empower others.” – William Glasser
o “The only true gift is a portion of yourself.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
o “How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant of the weak and the strong. Because someday in life you will have been all of these.” – George Washington Carver
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EDL 531 Week 5 DQ 3
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In your work environment, how can reinforcement or reward be utilized to encourage positive action and outcomes from a mentor-mentee relationship?
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EDL 531 Week 5 DQ 2
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One of the four phases of the mentoring relationship is the need for closure. Why is closure sometimes difficult to attain? What can be done to support this process overall?
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EDL 531 Week 5 DQ 1
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In Ch. 6 of The Mentor’s Guide, Zachary lists a range of strategies for working with obstacles in mentoring. Review the lists and share a time when you were faced with one such obstacle and how you approached the scenario. Establish the strategy you put into place at the time and how the approach may be different today.
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EDL 531 Week 4 Learning Team Habits of Mind Presentation
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Resource: The Importance of Planning video
View The Importance of Planning video located in the Materials section of your Week Two student website.
Analyze the way the teachers do or do not practice the Habits of Mind.
Prepare a PPT presentation that provides an overview of the teachers’ use of the Habits of Mind. Identify specific evidence that demonstrates the use of the Habits of Mind.
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EDL 531 Week 4 DQ 4
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Describe cross-cultural competency and its importance in a mentor-mentee relationship.
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EDL 531 Week 4 DQ 3
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Why does a schoolwide system of behavior support the optimal type of implementation for behavior management? How might having or not having a schoolwide approach affect your role as a coach?
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EDL 531 Week 4 DQ 2
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Describe The Big Four framework for instructional coaches and the importance of each, as well as their relationship to one another.
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EDL 531 Week 4 DQ 2
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Describe The Big Four framework for instructional coaches and the importance of each, as well as their relationship to one another.
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EDL 531 Week 4 DQ 1
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What is the requirement in your state for entry-year programs and mentor teachers to support new teachers? At what point in this process is your school district or school? What ideas do you have to further the development of these practices in the future?
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EDL 531 Week 3 Individual Cognitive Coaching Research Paper
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EDL 531 Week 3 Individual Cognitive Coaching Research Paper
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Resource: Coaching Textbook
Conduct research on cognitive coaching and its utilization within the education profession. Consider the effect of cognitive coaching on the current climate of education and its use in supporting teacher leadership.
Prepare a 1,050- to 1,400-word research paper that describes your findings.
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EDL 531 Week 3 DQ 4
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How can problem-solving strategies be utilized to support effective communication in a coaching or mentoring environment?
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EDL 531 Week 3 DQ 3
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Describe a time when you were faced with helping someone who was resistant and difficult to work with. What aspects of the effective communication processes could you have employed to support a positive outcome?
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EDL 531 Week 3 DQ 2
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Given a new mentoring or coaching opportunity, what tools might you utilize to begin the communication process in a positive manner? How might these tools differ in a situation where the individual is recommended for mentoring versus a situation where the individual has volunteered for support?
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EDL 531 Week 3 DQ 1
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How are the principles of effective communication altered when media and technology are incorporated? Alternatively, consider what environment is ideal for establishing a coaching or mentoring dialogue.
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EDl 531 Week 2 Learning Team Coach Mentor Self-Assessment Presentation
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Resource: Coaching and Mentoring Skills Textbook
Review Ch. 1–4 of Coaching and Mentoring Skills and complete the following Are You Ready? activities:
- The Ethical Reasoning Inventory (Ch. 1)
- How Much Empathy Do You Have? (Ch. 2)
- Listening Traps (Ch. 3)
- Positive-Impression Survey (Ch. 4)
- Assertiveness Scale (Ch. 4)
- How Important Do I Make People Feel? (Ch. 4)
Discuss the results of each team member’s individual self-assessments. During your discussions, identify areas of strength and areas that require further development.
Prepare a presentation that summarizes the team’s collective strengths and areas that must be developed. For each team member, identify a goal that will facilitate development of one attribute of a coach or mentor.
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EDL 531 Week 2 DQ 4
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What are some opportunities for developing high levels of cognitive connections through mentoring or coaching?
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In what ways might you utilize the 16 Habits of Mind to support and guide others? Which might be difficult to employ and why?
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In what ways might you utilize the 16 Habits of Mind to support and guide others? Which might be difficult to employ and why?
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EDL 531 Week 2 DQ 2
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How do the Five States of Mind relate and act as the basis for the16 Habits of Mind? .
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EDL 531 Week 2 DQ 2
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How do the Five States of Mind relate and act as the basis for the16 Habits of Mind? .
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EDL 531 Week 2 DQ 1
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What attributes are considered most beneficial when establishing expertise as a coach or mentor at your work site?
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EDL 531 Week 2 DQ 1
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What attributes are considered most beneficial when establishing expertise as a coach or mentor at your work site?
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EDL 531 Week 1 Individual Code of Ethics Graphic Organizer
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EDL 531 Week 1 Individual Code of Ethics Graphic Organizer
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Resource: International Coach Federation (ICF) Code of Ethics
Review the ICF Code of Ethics and choose at least one standard of ethical conduct from each of the four categories: Professional Conduct at Large, Professional Conduct with Clients, Confidentiality/Privacy, and Conflicts of Interest.
Create a graphic organizer that illustrates how these standards relate to teacher-based coaching.
Include a cover page and reference page for the assignment.
Review the evaluation rubric posted to the Course Materials Forum for information that will be utilized in the quantitative evaluation process for the assignment.
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EDL 531 Week 1 DQ 4
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Chapter 1 of Coaching offers a discussion of coaching light and coaching heavy. How does this discussion relate to improved teaching and improved student learning?
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EDL 531 Week 1 DQ 3
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What is your understanding of the phrase walking the talk? Provide examples.
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EDL 531 Week 1 DQ 3
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What is your understanding of the phrase walking the talk? Provide examples.
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EDL 531 Week 1 DQ 2
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What personal characteristics do you possess that might make you a good coach or mentor? Justify your response. In what ways do you continue your own professional growth in this area?
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EDL 531 Week 1 DQ 1
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How would you describe your experiences providing information, support, and feedback to another teacher or teachers?
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EDL 531 Week 1 DQ 1
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How would you describe your experiences providing information, support, and feedback to another teacher or teachers?
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EDL 531 Coaching and Mentoring Version 2
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EDL 531 Coaching and Mentoring Version 2
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