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SOC 120 Week 9 Final Project Analyze a Sociological Issue
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SOC 120 Week 9 Final Project Analyze a Sociological Issue
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In this course, you have learned about many different kinds of social problems and controversial issues in societies around the world and in the United States, such as poverty, social inequality, race and cultural discrimination, gender stratification, environmental damage, population growth, and urbanization.
Resources: Ch. 1-5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 15, & 16 of Society
Write a 1,750- to 2,450-word paper examining the affect of a current social problem on a particular social group. You may choose a social problem and social group from the Suggested Social Problems and Social Groups List in Appendix A, or you may research a social problem and social group that is not in the list. However, if you choose your own, you must submit a request to the instructor by Week Four.
Refer to Appendix A for specific guidelines on how you may work on your final project throughout the course.
Format the paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Cite 3 to 5 sources; at least two should come from the Online Library. You may also refer to the Recommended Websites list in the Electronic Resources section at the beginning of this syllabus for additional sources.
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SOC 120 Week 9 Capstone DQ
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SOC 120 Week 9 Capstone DQ
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Which topics or concepts interested you most in this course? How might you apply them to your life? Were there any topics you would like to explore further? Discuss why they were meaningful to you.
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SOC 120 Week 8 Individual Future of Modernization Paper
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SOC 120 Week 8 Individual Future of Modernization Paper
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Write a 1,050- to 1,750-word paper addressing the following questions:
· How does modernization manifest itself in U.S. society? Use one of the modern theorists introduced in Ch. 16 ofSociety as a basis for your response.
· Is modernization likely to continue in the U.S.? Explain your answer.
· Is modernization a world-wide trend?
· What are the consequences of modernization?
· Which theorist best reflects your perceptions of modernization?
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SOC 120 Week 8 CheckPoint Social Change and Modernization
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SOC 120 Week 8 CheckPoint Social Change and Modernization
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Resource: Ch. 16 of Society
Compose a 200- to 300-word response to the following:
· Define social change. What are the key features of social change? Provide four examples of social movements, current or past, and describe the key features of each movement.
Define modernization. What are the key features of modernization? Provide four examples of modernization and describe the key features in each example.
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SOC 120 Week 7 DQ 1 And DQ 2
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SOC 120 Week 7 DQ 1 And DQ 2
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Week 7 DQ 1
Study the map 15-1 on p. 421 in the text. Looking at the data on the map, what patterns do you see?
Now, consider the following statistic: The United Nations predicts that by 2025 wealthy societies will grow by 57 million people, while poor societies will grow by 1.7 billion people. What are the possible reasons for this growth pattern? What are the consequences of this growth pattern?
Week 7 DQ 2
Do you think ancient societies were as concerned about the environment as modern societies are today? Do you think they took care of the environment better than we do, or did they also contribute to the destruction of the environment as some societies do today?
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SOC 120 Week 7 CheckPoint Urbanization Trends
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SOC 120 Week 7 CheckPoint Urbanization Trends
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Resources: Ch. 15 of Society and the Online Library
Compose a 200- to 300-word response to the following:
· Explain urban growth trends in the world’s poorest countries. What causes urbanization in poor countries?
· Choose a major city in a poor, developing country and research how urbanization has occurred in this city. Try search terms such as “history of urbanization in (name of city).”
· Discuss the statistical data and the implications of the urbanization of your chosen city.
Cite 2- to 3-sources from the Online Library in your written response. You may also refer to the Recommended Web Sites list in the Electronic Resources section at the beginning of this syllabus for additional sources
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SOC 120 Week 6 Individual Punishment Research Paper
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SOC 120 Week 6 Individual Punishment Research Paper
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Statistics show that there is a high rate of criminal recidivism in the United States. This raises the question, “Does punishment deter crime?
Resources: Ch. 7 of Society and the Online Library
Research the affects of the four types of punishment—retribution, deterrence, rehabilitation, and societal protection—in relation to today’s American society, as outlined in the Summing Up table on p. 182. Try search terms such as “effects of retribution on American society.”
Write a 1,050- to 1,750-word paper that summarizes your research results and addresses the following questions:
· Which type of punishment deters crime most effectively?
· Do the consequences of punishment provide any benefits for criminals and society?
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Cite 3 to 5 sources; at least two must come from the Online Library. You may refer to the Recommended Websites list in the Electronic Resources section at the beginning of this syllabus for additional sources.
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SOC 120 Week 6 CheckPoint Deviant Behavior
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SOC 120 Week 6 CheckPoint Deviant Behavior
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Resource: Ch. 7 of Society
Compose a 200- to 300-word response to the following:
· Provide an example of a human behavior that is considered deviant in one society, but is not considered deviant in others. What are the factors that have contributed to this society’s perspective of the deviant behavior? Why does this society consider the behavior to be deviant but other societies do not?
When a crime is committed by someone who has a powerful status in this society, how is their deviant behavior handled in comparison to someone who has less power in society?
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SOC 120 Week 5 DQ 1 And DQ 2
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SOC 120 Week 5 DQ 1 And DQ 2
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Week 5 DQ 1
What are some ways in which American society is stratified? What do you think the impact is on society when groups are stratified?
Week 5 DQ 2
Give at least two specific examples from your personal experience that demonstrate stratification. For example, describe where you have observed stratification in the workplace, the media, home, or school. What were the consequences of stratification in these examples?
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SOC 120 Week 4 Individual Evolution of Formal Organizations Paper
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SOC 120 Week 4 Individual Evolution of Formal Organizations Paper
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Resource: Ch. 5 of Society
Review the following scenario: You work for a formal organization in the United States that has an open, flexible organizational structure as described in Figure 5-5 on p. 126 of Society. You have a relative, Micah, who works for a formal organization with a conventional, bureaucratic organizational structure. Micah is interested in working for your organization, but he does not have the education or skill set to work there. He says he wishes that his company would adopt a flexible organizational structure, but doubts it is possible. You explain to Micah that you have been studying the evolution of formal organizations in your sociology class and that you would like to conduct some research to determine how formal organizations, such as the one Micah works for, are likely to evolve in the future.
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SOC 120 Week 4 CheckPoint Social and Formal Groups Comparison
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SOC 120 Week 4 CheckPoint Social and Formal Groups Comparison
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Resource: Ch. 5 of Society
Compose a 200- to 300-word response to the following:
· Describe a social group and a formal organization that you are currently part of or were a part of in the past.
· Review the categories in the Summing Up table on p. 121 in the text.
Using the categories in the table, outline the main differences between the social group and the formal organization to which you belong. For example, explain how each group or organization establishes membership or describe how leadership is exhibited in each group.
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SOC 120 Week 3 DQ 1 And DQ 2
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SOC 120 Week 3 DQ 1 And DQ 2
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Week 3 DQ 1
Discuss the stages of human development (as explained by the theories presented in the text) by answering the following questions:
· Which agents of socialization are most important at certain stages of human development? For example, discuss how the family is important to moral development or how peer groups are important to personality development.
· Which theoretical perspective best supports your viewpoint?
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SOC 120 Week 3 CheckPoint Social Construction of Reality
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SOC 120 Week 3 CheckPoint Social Construction of Reality
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Compose a 200- to 300-word response addressing the following questions:
· Describe your social status as you see it. For example, if you have a job, is your status at work different than it is in your peer groups? Is your status in school different than it is in your family? Explain the differences in how you interact with people at work and school or with friends and family. You may use any examples from your experience.
Consider how your social status influences your view of the world. Provide an example from your personal experience of how you have shaped your own reality through social interaction.
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SOC 120 Week 2 Individual Prejudice and Discrimination Article
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SOC 120 Week 2 Individual Prejudice and Discrimination Article
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Imagine you are going on a 6-month expedition to a foreign country to experience the diversity of this country and study the affect of prejudice and discrimination within this country. While you are there, you journal your experiences and then write an article that will be published in a travel magazine.
Choose a foreign country in which there has been well-documented instances of discrimination against certain races or cultures such as:
· India: the Dalits and Adivasis
· Bosnia: the Muslims and Croats
· South Africa: the Coloureds or Black Africans
· Indonesia: the Chinese
· Rwanda: the Batwa
You can choose from the above list or you may submit a request to the instructor to research another country. Submit your request by Day 4.
Write a 1,050- to 1,750-word article for the travel magazine with a focus on the affect of prejudice and discrimination on various cultures within the country you have chosen to visit. Cite 3 to 5 sources; at least two must come from the Online Library. Try search terms such as “cultures in (country),” “discrimination in (country),” “ethnic groups in (country),” etc. You may also refer to the Recommended Websites list in the Electronic Resources section at the beginning of this syllabus for additional sources.
Include the following in your article:
· A description of the various cultures as well as the races and ethnicities that exist within this country
· A clear differentiation between race and ethnicity
· Examples of discrimination against a culture, race, or ethnic group in this country and an explanation of why the discrimination exists
· A description of the ways the discrimination has affected the people of this country and conditions that have resulted from the discrimination such as segregation, political unrest, poverty, or war
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Submit your paper as an attachment.
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SOC 120 Week 2 CheckPoint Culture Shock
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SOC 120 Week 2 CheckPoint Culture Shock
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Resources: Ch. 2 and the Global Sociology box on p. 39 of Society
Read the Global Sociology box on p. 39 in the text, then respond to the following questions in 200- to 300-words:
· If you were visiting and studying the Yanomamo, describe what you would have done to prepare yourself for possible culture shock.
· Describe a personal experience you have had where you experienced culture shock. What components of culture were you shocked by?
Explain how understanding the major components of culture is important in a situation such as the one you or Napoleon Chagnon experienced.
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SOC 120 Week 1 DQ 1 And DQ 2
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SOC 120 Week 1 DQ 1 And DQ 2
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Week 1 DQ 1
Read the article from The New York Times on p. 33 in the text. According to this article, the American military does not represent an accurate cross section of Americans. How would a sociologist view the reasons for the uneven representation in the military? What would a sociologist say about how society shaped Americans’ decisions to join the military? Support your answer by drawing from the sociological perspective.
Week 1 DQ 2
Study the Suicide Rates map on p. 11 in the text. How do each of the theoretical approaches to sociology explain the data on the map? Which approach best explains the data, in your opinion? Refer to the Applying Theory table on p. 14 in the text to complete this discussion question.
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SOC 120 Week 1 CheckPoint Sociological Research Methods
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SOC 120 Week 1 CheckPoint Sociological Research Methods
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Search the Online Library for an article or case study about suicide in the United States. Try key words such as “research on suicide” to narrow your search. The article must contain sufficient data on suicide for you to determine the research methods used in the article.
Explain the research methods used in the article, then identify the methodological orientation that best reflects the methods used in the article.
Refer to the tables on pp. 19 and 28 of Society to explain your answer. Your response must be 200- to 300-words. Also, cite 2 to 3 sources from the Online Library.
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SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology
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SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology
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