PSY 210 UOP Course,PSY 210 UOP Tutors,PSY 210 UOP Assignments Flashcards
PSY 210 Week 5 DQ 2
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PSY 210 Week 5 DQ 2
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People are constantly making first impressions in social, personal, and professional situations. What is a situation where you think it is especially important to make a positive first impression? How do you try to ensure you make a favorable first impression? How does what you do to make a positive impression differ from situation to situation? For example, what would you do differently, if anything, to make a positive first impression in a job interview than you would on a first date?
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PSY 210 Week 9 Final Project Case Study
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PSY 210 Week 9 Final Project Case Study
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Review case studies 1 and 2 in Appendix A.
Choose one case study from Appendix A.
Complete the following questions in 150 to 200 words each. Be as detailed as possible and use the information you have learned throughout this course.
· What are the causes of stress in Michael’s or Jennifer’s life? How is stress affecting Michael’s or Jennifer’s health?
· How are these stressors affecting Michael’s or Jennifer’s self-concept and self-esteem?
· How might Michael’s or Jennifer’s situation illustrate adjustment? How might this situation become an opportunity for personal growth?
· What defensive coping methods is Michael or Jennifer using? What active coping methods might be healthier for Michael or Jennifer to use? Explain why you would recommend these methods.
· Select one theory of personality and use this theory to tell Michael or Jennifer how this theory explains his or her situation.
· In what stage of development is Michael or Jennifer? What factors about this stage might be affecting his or her perspective of this situation?
What relationship factors or considerations might be influencing Michael’s or Jennifer’s problems?
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PSY 210 Week 9 Capstone DQ
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PSY 210 Week 9 Capstone DQ
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Respond to the capstone discussion question.
300-500 word Response
Summarize 2-3 of the topics you enjoyed learning about in tis course.
Ch. 8-16 of Majoring in Psychology reviews some of the career possibilities for psychology majors. Which careers in psychology interest you the most? Explain why. What would you need to do to attain one of those careers? Include both short-term and long-term goals.
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PSY 210 Week 8 Individual Psychological Disorders Presentation
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PSY 210 Week 8 Individual Psychological Disorders Presentation
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Create a 7- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with speaker notes.
Summarize how psychological disorders are classified. Include the role of the DSM-IV-TR®. Your presentation must have at least one slide for each of the following major classes of psychological disorders:
· Anxiety Disorders
· Dissociative Disorders
· Somatoform Disorders
· Mood Disorders
· Schizophrenia
· Personality Disorders
Describe the major characteristics and suspected causal factors for each class of disorder.
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PSY 210 Week 8 Checkpoint Psychotherapy
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PSY 210 Week 8 Checkpoint Psychotherapy
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Biomedical and psychotherapy are two basic approaches to treating psychological disorders. A number of approaches fall under the category of psychotherapy, but they all include the following four essential characteristics:
· Systematic interaction between a client and a therapist
· Based on psychological theory and research
· Influences a client’s thoughts, feelings, and behavior
· Used in treating disorders, adjustment problems, and to foster personal growth
Explain in a 200- to 300-word response the biomedical approach as well as the psychodynamic, humanistic-existential, behavior, and cognitive approaches to psychotherapy listed in your text.
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PSY 210 Week 7 DQ 2
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PSY 210 Week 7 DQ 2
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Relationships go through stages of development. Describe how a person moves through each of the five stages of Levinger’s ABC’s of relationships model. As you write your description, include answers to the following questions: What do you think people look for in the attraction stage? How do people work on building a relationship? What are some positive factors that foster the continuation of a relationship? What steps might a couple take to avoid the deterioration phase?
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PSY 210 Week 7 DQ 1
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PSY 210 Week 7 DQ 1
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Everyone differs slightly in what they consider attractive or beautiful. Do you believe certain attributes are universally attractive? What are these attributes? Do you believe one’s sense of beauty is intrinsic or learned? What influence do the media and one’s peers have on the concept of beauty? What other factors influence the perception of attraction?
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PSY 210 Week 7 Checkpoint Sternberg’s Theory of Love Appendix G
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PSY 210 Week 7 Checkpoint Sternberg’s Theory of Love Appendix G
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PSY 210 Week 7 Checkpoint Sternberg’s Theory of Love Appendix G
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PSY 210 Week 7 Checkpoint Sternberg’s Theory of Love Appendix G
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PSY 210 Week 6 Individual The Sexual Response Cycle
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PSY 210 Week 6 Individual The Sexual Response Cycle
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Review the sexual response cycle located on pp. 429-433 in Ch. 13 of Psychology and the Challenges of Life.
Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word APA-formatted paper summarizing each phase of the sexual response cycle for males, females, and commonalities for both males and females.
Include a brief description of sexual dysfunctions and common methods of treatment.
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PSY 210 Week 6 Checkpoint Parenting Styles and Development
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PSY 210 Week 6 Checkpoint Parenting Styles and Development
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Whether children are exposed to an authoritative, authoritarian, or permissive parenting style may have a great influence on how children handle challenges in their lives.
Describe how three adults, each brought up under a different parenting style as a child, might cope differently with one of the changes listed in the table in Appendix F.
Post a 200- to 300-word response.
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PSY 210 Week 5 Exercise Conformity Response Appendix E
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PSY 210 Week 5 Exercise Conformity Response Appendix E
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PSY 210 Week 5 Exercise Conformity Response Appendix E
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PSY 210 Week 5 DQ 1
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PSY 210 Week 5 DQ 1
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Complete the self-assessments on pp. 205-206 and pp. 209-210 in Ch. 6 of Psychology and the Challenges of Life. Keep in mind that these assessments have no professional validity and are only used to help you obtain a better understanding of your sense of self for the purposes of this class; in no way should they be viewed as a valid evaluation. How accurately do you think these exercises evaluate self-concept and self-esteem? How do self-concept and self-esteem influence your self-identity? How do self-concept, self-esteem, and self-identity differ?
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PSY 210 Week 4 Individual Psychology and Health Problems
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PSY 210 Week 4 Individual Psychology and Health Problems
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Review Figure 4.3 on p. 129 of Psychology and the Challenges of Life.
Summarize the multifactorial model and how it relates to the diagnosis of illnesses.
Select two health problems discussed in the text.
Explain what role psychology has played in understanding and managing these health problems.
Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word, APA-formatted paper.
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PSY 210 Week 4 Checkpoint Effects of Stress
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PSY 210 Week 4 Checkpoint Effects of Stress
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You are currently an associate at an advertising agency where you have worked for 2 years. You are pursuing a promotion to the position of advertising executive. While you expected to put in extra hours and some added responsibilities as part of earning the promotion, your boss has increased your workload significantly, including some projects that had been assigned to other associates. You have more deadlines than you think you can meet, plus the pressure of creating new and innovative material for your campaigns.
Answer each of the following questions in 50 to 75 words:
· What steps of the general adaptation syndrome will I experience?
· What emotional and cognitive effects might this stressor produce?
· If this stress continues, how might it affect my health?
How might I resolve this situation effectively?
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PSY 210 Week 3 DQ 2
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PSY 210 Week 3 DQ 2
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Complete the self-assessment on p. 97 in Ch. 3 of Psychology and the Challenges of Life and review the answer key found on p. 117. This test is used as a general guide to assessing Type A personalities. It is in no way a valid psychological test. What are some of the characteristics of a Type A personality? How might having a Type A personality affect a person’s reaction to stress? What would you view as some advantages or disadvantages of a Type A personality?
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PSY 210 Week 3 DQ 1
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PSY 210 Week 3 DQ 1
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The text, Psychology and the Challenges of Life, discusses several sources of stress. What sources of stress did the text identify that you were previously unaware of? How might you deal with these sources?
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PSY 210 Week 3 Checkpoint Reaction to Stressors Appendix D
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PSY 210 Week 3 Checkpoint Reaction to Stressors Appendix D
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PSY 210 Week 3 Checkpoint Reaction to Stressors Appendix D
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PSY 210 Week 2 Individual Personalities Theory Activity Appendix C
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PSY 210 Week 2 Individual Personalities Theory Activity Appendix C
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Complete Appendix C.
Choose two or three of the personality theories discussed in Ch. 2 of Psychology and the Challenges of Life.
Write a 350- to 700-word response comparing and contrasting the theories you have chosen.
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PSY 210 Week 2 Checkpoint Skills Assessment Activity
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PSY 210 Week 2 Checkpoint Skills Assessment Activity
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Throughout the text, Psychology and the Challenges of Life, you will find an assortment of tests that sample a broad range of skills, abilities, and traits. Although these exercises allow a glimpse at aspects of personality, the results must be interpreted with caution.
Complete the self-assessment, Will You Be a Hit or a Miss? The Expectancy for Success Scale, on p. 58 of Psychology and the Challenges of Life.
Write a 200- to 300-word response, considering how employers and fellow team members might use this instrument at work. Is this test reliable? Is it valid? What are the potential benefits and drawbacks of a test that attempts to measure skills, abilities, or traits?
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PSY 210 Week 1 DQ 2
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PSY 210 Week 1 DQ 2
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Important factors to consider when taking your classes are how employers will view the skills you have developed during your college experience. How will your classes help you develop the skills employers expect? What other activities might you engage in during your college experience to develop these skills?
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PSY 210 Week 1 DQ 1
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PSY 210 Week 1 DQ 1
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What are some of the ways that psychologists attempt to explain human behavior? One of the major debates within the field of psychology is the degree to which nature versus nurture shapes human behaviors and traits. What comprises our nature? How would you define nurture? How would you describe the interaction between genetic potential, environmental influences, and personal choice? In your opinion, is biology destiny? Explain why or why not.
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PSY 210 Week 1 Checkpoint Research Methods Appendix B
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PSY 210 Week 1 Checkpoint Research Methods Appendix B
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PSY 210 Week 1 Checkpoint Research Methods Appendix B
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PSY 210 Complete Class Version 4
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PSY 210 Complete Class Version 4
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PSY 210 Complete Class Version 4
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PSY 210 Complete Class Version 4
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