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PSY 265 Week 9 Final Project Personal Response on Sexual Identity
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PSY 265 Week 9 Final Project Personal Response on Sexual Identity
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Final Project: Personal Response on Sexual Identity
Resource: Appendix A
Due Date: Day 7 [Individual forum]
Construct a 1,400- to 1,750-word personal response, formatted according to APA guidelines, analyzing the development of your own sexuality. Address the following topics in your paper:
Relate value systems and critical thinking to your sexual decision making before and after this course.
Describe the effect of environment and historical perspectives on your sexuality.
Discuss the development of your gender identity.
Analyze the effect of attraction and love in your relationships.
Discuss another topic of this course that is interesting and useful to you. Relate this topic to your life.
Post your personal response as an attachment.
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PSY 265 Week 9 Capstone CheckPoint
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PSY 265 Week 9 Capstone CheckPoint
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What are the effects of the media’s portrayal of sexuality on adolescents’ sexual lives? What are some negative and some positive effects of the media’s portrayal of sexuality? How has the media’s portrayal of sexuality affected your life?
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PSY 265 Week 8 DQ 2
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PSY 265 Week 8 DQ 2
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Identify four possible treatments for sex offenders. Answer the Critical Thinking question on p. 631(Ch. 18).
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PSY 265 Week 8 DQ 1
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PSY 265 Week 8 DQ 1
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Your instructor will divide the class into four clusters and assign each cluster a theoretical perspective on paraphilias. Look for a post containing the roster list for the discussion clusters and the thread-starter posts from the instructor. Join your designated threads to discuss the assigned theoretical perspective.
Post your response to the following: Summarize the theoretical perspective on paraphilias assigned by your instructor. How would this theoretical perspective approach possible treatment of paraphilias?
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PSY 265 Week 8 Assignment The Effects of Sexual Abuse
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PSY 265 Week 8 Assignment The Effects of Sexual Abuse
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The Effects of Sexual Abuse
Envision that you are presenting to a college campus on the effects of sexual abuse
Page 19 Outline for the students the short-term and long-term effects of rape and childhood sexual abuse in 5-7 PowerPoint® slides. Be sure to include detailed speaker notes for your slides.
Post your presentation as an attachment.
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PSY 265 Week 7 CheckPoint Childhood Development and Sexual Behavior
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PSY 265 Week 7 CheckPoint Childhood Development and Sexual Behavior
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CheckPoint: Childhood Development and Sexual Behavior
Post your answers to the following: Many parents do not have a background in childhood development and may not recognize that there are normal childhood sexual behaviors. In 200 to 300 words, review sexual behaviors associated with the stages of childhood development. Include in your discussion examples of behavior related to the following stages of development: infancy, early childhood, preadolescence, and adolescence.
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PSY 265 Week 7 Assignment Sexuality at Different Life Stages
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PSY 265 Week 7 Assignment Sexuality at Different Life Stages
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Assignment: Sexuality at Different Life Stages
You are considered an expert in your field and your supervisor has asked you to speak at an upcoming symposium addressing the main points that a therapist might cover in a counseling session to help each individual for each scenario listed below.
You should include the first scenario on a slide (by itself). So the slide should read: Anna, an adolescent girl, is very much in love with her boyfriend who is three years older than she. He is putting a lot of pressure on her to have sex. At the same time, she is anxious about her parents’ attitude towards her boyfriend. Her mother constantly warns her about dating an older boy and assumes that he intends on taking advantage of her.
How the therapist would coach Anna on the sexual decision-making process, including addressing her feelings and recommendations related to her mother’s anxiety.
Tom and Susan are an elderly couple. Tom has been retired for several years, Susan is more recently retired. She has shown a renewed interest in sexual activity. Tom has not reciprocated Susan’s interest as he is anxious about his sexual ability at this age.
Discuss how the therapist addresses the physical and psychological changes that affect sexuality at this point in Tom and Susan’s life.
Bill has been paralyzed from the waist down since he was a child. He is involved in a romantic relationship and wishes to be intimate with his partner but is unsure how to express his interest. Bill becomes very nervous and uncomfortable when talking about this subject.
Explain how the therapist would address Bill’s feelings and the type of information the therapist would provide Bill on sexuality and his disability.
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PSY 265 Week 6 DQ 2
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PSY 265 Week 6 DQ 2
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Choose two of the following three questions about lifestyles to answer. Reference trends related to the lifestyles in your answers.
o What are healthy versus unhealthy reasons to marry?
o What are healthy versus unhealthy reasons to cohabitate?
o What are healthy versus unhealthy reasons to stay single?
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PSY 265 Week 6 DQ 1
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PSY 265 Week 6 DQ 1
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Imagine you are talking to a friend who is having a hard time considering the abortion of an unwanted pregnancy. What are the various emotions your friend may experience before and after an abortion? Ask questions when responding to your classmates’ posts that highlight some of the concerns the young woman might have about her decision. Consider also conducting a Web search to find a site that may be of help to your friend if she does proceed with an abortion. Why do you think the site you chose may be particularly helpful to her?
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PSY 265 Week 6 CheckPoint Methods of Contraception
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PSY 265 Week 6 CheckPoint Methods of Contraception
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CheckPoint: Methods of Contraception
Read the scenarios and answer the questions that follow.
Tina and Dan are considering various birth control methods. They are a newly-married couple who practiced abstinence before marriage and plan on starting their family within a year.
Choose possible methods of contraception for the couple and discuss the advantages and disadvantages they would need to consider at this point in their lives.
Linda is a young single woman with an active dating life. She chooses to be intimate only with long-term committed partners. She is wary of the risks associated with sexually transmitted infections and has decided that she does not want to be a single parent.
Choose possible methods of contraception for Linda and discuss the advantages and disadvantages she should consider at this point in her life.
Describe the male partner’s role in choosing birth control in both of these scenarios.
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PSY 265 Week 5 CheckPoint Sexual Techniques
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PSY 265 Week 5 CheckPoint Sexual Techniques
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CheckPoint: Sexual Techniques
Answer the following questions.
What sexual techniques are discussed in the chapter readings?
What are the roles and connections between kissing, touching and foreplay?
What are some of the different viewpoints and levels of acceptance regarding masturbation?
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PSY 265 Week 5 Assignment Historical and Scientific Perspectives on Homosexuality
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PSY 265 Week 5 Assignment Historical and Scientific Perspectives on Homosexuality
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Assignment: Historical and Scientific Perspectives on Homosexuality
Fill out the following chart (this chart CANNOT be found under class materials)
How do you think historical and scientific perspectives on homosexuality may have shaped the way gay individuals perceive themselves? According to:
The historical perspective
The cross-cultural and cross-species perspective
Biological and psychological perspectives
Explain the process of “coming out” and adjusting as a gay individual.
Discuss the lifestyle differences between gay males and lesbians.
Bell and Weinberg (1978) found that about 75% of couples they studied could be classified according to one of five lifestyles. Please list and discuss these 5 lifestyles. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Answer: how have historical and scientific perspectives reflected on your sexual orientation?
Post your chart as an attachment
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PSY 265 Week 4 DQ 2
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PSY 265 Week 4 DQ 2
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What are three components of attractiveness? Which of the three is most important to you? Why did you choose this factor? Consider, as you respond to your classmates’ posts, how their responses have had an effect on your views about attractiveness.
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PSY 265 Week 4 DQ 1
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PSY 265 Week 4 DQ 1
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PSY 265 Week 4 DQ 1
Read the scenario and answer the questions following it. Jill and Joe have been in a relationship for four months. Their time together mostly revolves around sports and enjoying time with friends. They are very much attracted to each other and have had an active sex life from the first month of their relationship.
Recently, Jill has been facing some difficulties at work as well as financial hardships. She has begun to notice that when she talks about her problems, Joe becomes frustrated. Joe tells her not to worry too much and offers suggestions for solving the problem. He still enjoys being intimate with her and being in social settings together, but it has become harder for Jill to enjoy these experiences.
Refer to the section covering communication skills that begins on p. 250 (Ch. 8) of your text. What are some communication techniques that both Jill and Joe can implement to improve their relationship?
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PSY 265 Week 4 CheckPoint Styles of Love
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PSY 265 Week 4 CheckPoint Styles of Love
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Review the styles of love covered in the text beginning on p. 219.
Compose two scenarios, each depicting a different style of love between two people. How are these two styles of love similar? How are they different?
Tell which style or styles of love have been prevalent in your life. Provide examples.
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PSY 265 Week 3 CheckPoint Sexual Dysfunction
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PSY 265 Week 3 CheckPoint Sexual Dysfunction
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CheckPoint: Sexual Dysfunction
Summarize the effects of one type of sexual dysfunction that can affect both men and women. What are some factors that may cause this type of dysfunction? What treatments may help individuals who experience this type of dysfunction?
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PSY 265 Week 3 Assignment Gender Identity
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PSY 265 Week 3 Assignment Gender Identity
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Assignment: Gender Identity
State the factors that determine gender identity.
Explain how a person’s masculine and feminine traits can be described using the continuum of masculinity-femininity.
Describe three factors in your own life that have helped determine your gender identity.
Discuss the masculine and feminine traits that you attribute to yourself using the continuum of masculinity-femininity.
Post as an attachment.
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PSY 265 Week 2 DQ 2
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PSY 265 Week 2 DQ 2
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Consider a couple that has been married for over ten years and is experiencing a lack of romance and sexual interest in one another. What might be some of the causes of the decrease in sexual interest? Do you think the lack of sexual interest might stem from mental causes, physical causes, or both? How might this couple use their senses to enhance and increase their sexual relationship? In your participation, choose responses described by others in class and state whether you agree or disagree with their answers and to what extent. Explain why.
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PSY 265 Week 2 DQ 1
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PSY 265 Week 2 DQ 1
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Consider that you are having an informative discussion with your adolescent child about sex. Your goal is to explain to your child that sexual arousal is a normal sensation attributed to the brain, neurochemicals, and sex hormones all working together. Describe, in language that a teen would understand, how the brain, neurochemicals, and sex hormones work together during sexual arousal.
Consider, as you respond to your classmates’ posts, that the adolescent has questions about how the brain, neurochemicals and sex hormones are affecting him or her at this point in life.
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PSY 265 Week 2 CheckPoint The Sexual Response Cycle Questions (Appendix B)
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PSY 265 Week 2 CheckPoint The Sexual Response Cycle Questions (Appendix B)
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CheckPoint: The Sexual Response Cycle
Resource: Appendix B
Complete the table in appendix B with the four phases of the sexual response cycle developed by Masters and Johnson.
Write a brief description in your own words of the male experience and a brief description of the female experience for each phase.
Include the changes in sexual anatomy of males and females during the different stages.
Post Appendix B as an attachment.
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PSY 265 Week 1 CheckPoint Sexuality and Value Systems
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PSY 265 Week 1 CheckPoint Sexuality and Value Systems
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CheckPoint: Sexuality and Value Systems
Answer the following: Which value system or systems discussed in the text do you most relate to? Explain your answer
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PSY 265 Week 1 CheckPoint Critical Thinking and Sexual Decision Making
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PSY 265 Week 1 CheckPoint Critical Thinking and Sexual Decision Making
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CheckPoint: Critical Thinking and Sexual Decision Making
Answer the following: How do you use the principles of critical thinking in making sexual decisions? Give an example from your own life in which you would use critical thinking to make a decision about sex.
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PSY 265 Week 1 Assignment The Sperm and The Egg
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PSY 265 Week 1 Assignment The Sperm and The Egg
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Describe the life of a sperm and the life of an egg from start to finish in a 700- to 1,050-word story based on this week’s reading and formatted according to APA guidelines (Make sure grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling are correct). Cover the following points in your story:
Trace the movements of the sperm and the egg from their development to fertilization.
Describe the function of each of the male and female internal and external sex organs in relation to the sperm and the egg.
Describe the role of the sex organs in fertilization.
Be creative. Consider giving the sperm and egg personalities as you describe their traveling adventures.
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PSY 265 Psychology Of Human Sexuality
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PSY 265 Psychology Of Human Sexuality
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PSY 265 Psychology Of Human Sexuality
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PSY 265 Psychology Of Human Sexuality
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