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ESE 697 Week 6 Reflective Journal
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ESE 697 Week 6 Reflective Journal
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The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) is the largest international professional organization dedicated to improving the educational success of individuals with disabilities and/or gifts and talents. CEC advocates for appropriate governmental policies, sets professional standards, provides professional development, defends the rights of individuals with exceptionalities, and helps professionals obtain conditions and resources necessary for effective professional practice (Council for Exceptional Children, 2011). As such, they have established professional standards for teachers working in the field of special education.
This course is strongly aligned with and focused specifically on developing knowledge and skills of Standard 5: Instructional Planning and Strategies (see below). In Week Six, the journal prompt asks you to reflect on your own professional progress in this area of expertise in working with students with disabilities.
CEC Initial Preparation Standard 5: Beginning special education professionals select, adapt, and use a repertoire of evidence-based instructional strategies to advance learning of individuals with exceptionalities.
Key Elements you will focus on: 5.1: Beginning special education professionals consider an individual’s abilities, interests, learning environments, and cultural and linguistic factors in the selection, development and adaptation of learning experiences for individuals with exceptionalities.
5.2: Beginning special education professionals use technologies to support instructional assessment, planning, and delivery for students with exceptionalities.
Be sure to respond to all of the following prompts:
a. Describe your beliefs about teaching students with disabilities prior to this course. How have the readings, discussions, and assignments altered or informed your current beliefs, knowledge, and skills related to planning instruction for students with disabilities?
b. After reviewing CEC Standard 5 and its two key elements and completing this course, what are three identified areas of professional growth?
c. Based on your experience, current role in education, and/or future role in education, how might you apply these concepts to plan effective instruction for students with disabilities?
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ESE 697 Week 6 Final Paper
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ESE 697 Week 6 Final Paper
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Throughout the course, you have been demonstrating your understanding of differentiation and lesson planning for children with mild and moderate disabilities through the design of lesson plans in various content areas. For the Final Project, you will demonstrate competency in planning instruction for students with mild and moderate disabilities by developing a lesson plan portfolio that you can use and share with other colleagues, for work interviews, or for personal use.
Your Lesson Plan Portfolio will consist of the five complete, original lesson plans that you designed throughout this course. Each week, you received feedback from your instructor, and possibly from your peers, to continuously improve your differentiated lesson plans. Below there is a description of each part of the portfolio that you will submit this week as your Final Project.
Part 1: Introduction to your portfolio
Provide a brief introductory paragraph that explains the purpose of your portfolio and the competency you are demonstrating through your five lesson plans.
Part 2: Lesson plan portfolio
Use the feedback you received each week, along with what you have learned throughout the course, to revise each of the five lesson plans to ensure each component sufficiently addresses the required areas (below). Combine the lesson plans into one document to present your revised five lesson plans that reflect your competency in this area. Remember, each plan needs to specifically reflect the use of effective strategies for students with disabilities that are cited within the lesson plan.
The following components are required in each of the five lesson plans:
Lesson title, grade level, subject area
Classroom scenario: Description of the classroom for which you are planning the lesson plan (grade level, classroom setting, number of students, and include any other pertinent information about the classroom).
Students with mild/moderate disabilities in the classroom: Describe at least one learner with a mild/moderate disability that will participate in the lesson. Include the type of disability, the student’s individualized needs of the student, and any pertinent information about the student(s).
Common Core State Standards and lesson objective: Provide a specific learning objective for the lesson and the Common Core State Standard that the lesson plan will address.
Assessment: Describe how you will assess student learning of the lesson objective.
Accommodations or modifications to be provided: Provide a detailed description of the accommodations you will use throughout the lesson to address the individualized needs of each student with a disability.
Teaching procedures: Provide a detailed description of the teaching procedures, including teacher input and modeling, guided practice, independent practice, and closure. This section must include strategies from the text or peer-reviewed articles related to effective strategies for teaching students with disabilities.
You must cite your sources to demonstrate your knowledge of effective strategies. Additionally, the teaching procedures should integrate ways to promote self-determination into the lesson as well.
Checks for understanding: Throughout the lesson, you will provide several ways that you will check for understanding to ensure students are grasping pertinent and central concepts in your lesson.
Reflection/self-determination: This section will include your brief reflection on how assessment will help inform you of your students’ achievement of the learning objective, as well as how it will inform your future instructional actions.
You will also reflect on how you will promote self-determination in each of your lesson plans. Finally, reflect on how the week’s learning contributed to your understanding of the lesson plan’s development specific to differentiating instruction for students with mild/moderate disabilities.
Part 3: Reflection
Imagine that you are applying for a job where you need to demonstrate competency in planning educational experiences for learners with disabilities.
Using your lesson plan portfolio as evidence, write a one- to two-page rationale for how your portfolio demonstrates your strength and competency in this area. Use specific examples from your portfolio to justify your rationale.
Part 4: References
Provide a reference page that cites all sources used in the development of your portfolio, including all sources that were cited in each lesson plan.
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ESE 697 Week 6 DQ 1 The Importance of Planning Evidence-Based Strategies for Teaching Students with Disabilities
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ESE 697 Week 6 DQ 1 The Importance of Planning Evidence-Based Strategies for Teaching Students with Disabilities
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Based on your textbook and readings throughout this course, why is it so important to be able to use effective instructional strategies in your lessons?
Why is it critical that you consider the needs of students with disabilities when planning instruction? Support your assertions by citing at least two peer-reviewed sources
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ESE 697 Week 5 DQ 2 Designing a Mini Lesson in Vocabulary
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ESE 697 Week 5 DQ 2 Designing a Mini Lesson in Vocabulary
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Create a mini-lesson in vocabulary to teach a small group of students (group description below) using an evidence-based strategy from the textbook. that addresses the needs of all three students in the group through effective strategies and accommodations for the learners.
Respond briefly to the two reflection questions (in the Learning Plan Template) about your lesson. Use the mini-lesson template provided in Week Five of your online course to develop your mini-lesson, and then copy and paste it into the discussion forum to obtain feedback from your peers.
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ESe 697 Week 5 DQ 1 Planning Vocabulary Instruction Based on IEP Objectives and Individualized Needs
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ESe 697 Week 5 DQ 1 Planning Vocabulary Instruction Based on IEP Objectives and Individualized Needs
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You have a student with autism in your classroom. His individualized education plan (IEP) is available here: Sample IEP for Child with Autism/PPD. Using one of the instructional activities in Chapter 10 related to vocabulary instruction and content area learning; explain how you might leverage assistive technology or accommodations to support this student with autism. Also include ways to include technology as part of universal design for the entire class population.
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ESE 697 Week 5 Assignment Lesson Plan 5 Vocabulary or Content Area
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ESE 697 Week 5 Assignment Lesson Plan 5 Vocabulary or Content Area
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Lesson Plan #5:
Vocabulary or Content Area. As you have learned in this fifth week of class, it is essential to understand how to plan for effective vocabulary and content area instruction for students with disabilities. In the classroom, it is important for all lesson plans to not only integrate effective strategies for instruction and accommodations for students with disabilities, but to also align with Common Core State Standards.
This lesson plan will focus on using effective, research-based strategies for teaching vocabulary (or a content area) to students with disabilities. Your lesson plan should use at least one, if not multiple, research-based strategies for teaching in this content area for students with disabilities. Your textbook has a plethora of strategies, but you may also seek other strategies as well in other peer-reviewed texts or articles that were required or recommended this week.
By now, you should be close to mastering writing lesson plans that have a clear learning objective that is aligned to Common Core State Standards. Additionally, the lesson plan should incorporate an assessment task aligned to the learning objective and standard. The lesson plan should include evidence-based strategies for students with disabilities, and should integrate self-determination skills. This is the final lesson plan before you will put them all together as a portfolio in Week Six.
For this lesson, you may plan for your choice of grade level, type of classroom, and disability areas. You may use your own classroom and create a fictional classroom setting for the lesson.
Using the lesson plan template found in Week Five of your online course (or all the elements included in the template), the following components are required in your vocabulary or content area lesson plan:
a. Lesson title, grade level, subject area
b. Classroom scenario: Description of the classroom for which you are planning the lesson plan (grade level, classroom setting, number of students, and include any other pertinent information about the classroom).
c. Students with mild/moderate disabilities in the classroom: Describe at least one learner with a mild/moderate disability that will participate in the lesson. Include the type of disability, the student’s individualized needs of the student, and any pertinent information about the student(s).
d. Common Core State Standards and lesson objective: Provide a specific learning objective for the lesson and the Common Core State Standard that the lesson plan will address.
e. Assessment: Describe how you will assess student learning of the lesson objective based on the age/grade/ and needs documented.
f. Accommodations or modifications to be provided: Provide a detailed description of the accommodations you will use throughout the lesson to address the individualized needs of each student with a disability.
g. Teaching procedures: Provide a detailed description of the teaching procedures, including teacher input and modeling, guided practice, independent practice, and closure. This section must include strategies from the text and peer-reviewed articles related to effective strategies for teaching students with disabilities. You must cite your sources to demonstrate your knowledge of effective strategies.
h. Checks for understanding: Throughout the lesson, you will provide a minimum of three ways that you will check for understanding to ensure students are grasping pertinent and central concepts in your lesson.
i. Reflection/self-determination: This section will include a brief reflection on how assessment will help inform you of your students’ achievement of the learning objective, as well as how it will inform your future instructional actions. Also, include what plan you will take if the students do not meet the assessment objectives. Finally, your reflection should discuss how you will promote self-determination in this lesson plan to support your students with disabilities.
This assignment should be approximately three to four pages in length, and you should use proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure throughout the lesson plan. Lesson plan must be an original creation.
t least one to two peer-reviewed sources, which may include the textbook for this course, should be used and cited in the lesson plan.
APA format must be used throughout the paper for in-text citations and references. You may use the attached example as a model for your own lesson plan.
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ESE 697 Week 4 DQ 1 Self-Determination in Young Children with Disabilities
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ESE 697 Week 4 DQ 1 Self-Determination in Young Children with Disabilities
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Read the article “A Model of Parent-Teacher Collaboration to Promote Self-Determination in Young Children with Disabilities,” retrieved from the EBSCOhost database.
Imagine that you are a special education teacher and you have been asked by your administrator to support a novice teacher who has never heard the term self-determination. How would you explain the concept of self-determination, and how important it is for all children with disabilities to develop these skills? What strategies would you suggest to this teacher to help to promote and teach these skills through classroom instruction?
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ESE 697 Week 4 Assignment Lesson Plan 4 Mathematics
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ESE 697 Week 4 Assignment Lesson Plan 4 Mathematics
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Lesson Plan #4: Mathematics
As you have learned in this fourth week of class, it is essential to understand how to plan for effective mathematics instruction for students with disabilities.
This week, the emphasis of this lesson plan is to not only align your mathematics lesson objective and activities to the Common Core State Standards, but to also consider how you will promote self-determination in your students with disabilities through your instruction.
Your lesson plan should include at least one way to support self-determination for one of your learners with a disability.
Your lesson plan should use at least one, if not multiple, research-based strategies for teaching mathematics to students with disabilities. Your textbook has a plethora of strategies, but you may also seek other strategies as well in other peer-reviewed texts or articles that were required or recommended this week.
For this lesson, you may plan for your choice of grade level, type of classroom, and disability areas. You may use your own classroom or create a fictional classroom setting for the lesson.
Using the lesson plan template found in Week Four of your online course (or all the elements included in the template), the following components are required:
a. Lesson title, grade level, subject area
b. Classroom scenario: Description of the classroom for which you are planning the lesson plan (grade level, classroom setting, number of students, and include any other pertinent information about the classroom).
c. Students with mild/moderate disabilities in the classroom: Describe at least one learner with a mild/moderate disability that will participate in the lesson. Include the type of disability, the student’s individualized needs of the student, and any pertinent information about the student(s).
d. Common Core State Standards and lesson objective: Provide a specific learning objective for the lesson and the Common Core State Standard that the lesson plan will address.
e. Assessment: Describe how you will assess student learning of the lesson objective based on the age/grade/ and needs documented.
f. Accommodations or modifications to be provided: Provide a detailed description of the accommodations you will use throughout the lesson to address the individualized needs of each student with a disability.
g. Teaching procedures: Provide a detailed description of the teaching procedures, including teacher input and modeling, guided practice, independent practice, and closure. This section must include strategies from the text and peer-reviewed articles related to effective strategies for teaching students with disabilities. You must cite your sources to demonstrate your knowledge of effective strategies. Additionally, the teaching procedures should integrate ways to promote self-determination into the lesson as well.
h. Checks for understanding: Throughout the lesson, you will provide a minimum of three ways that you will check for understanding to ensure students are grasping pertinent and central concepts in your lesson.
i. Reflection/self-determination: This section will include a brief reflection on how assessment will help inform you of your students’ achievement of the learning objective, as well as how it will inform your future instructional actions. Also, include what plan you will take if the students do not meet the assessment objectives. Finally, your reflection should discuss how you will promote self-determination in this lesson plan to support your students with disabilities.
This assignment should be approximately three to four pages in length, and you should use proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure throughout the lesson plan.
Lesson plan must be an original creation. At least one to two peer-reviewed sources, which may include the textbook for this course, should be used and cited in the lesson plan.
APA format must be used throughout the paper for in-text citations and references. You may use the attached example as a model for your own lesson plan.
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ESE 697 Week 3 DQ 2 Designing a Mini Lesson in Writing or Spelling
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ESE 697 Week 3 DQ 2 Designing a Mini Lesson in Writing or Spelling
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Create a mini-lesson in writing or spelling to teach a small group of students (group description below) using an evidence-based strategy from the textbook or from the required articles from Teaching Exceptional Children. Plan a 15- to 20-minute mini-lesson that addresses the needs of all three students in the group through effective strategies and accommodations for the learners. Respond briefly to the two reflection questions (in the template) about your lesson. Respond briefly to the two reflection questions (in the template) about your lesson. Use this mini-lesson template to develop your mini-lesson, and then copy and paste it into the discussion forum to obtain feedback from your peers.
Small group description:
There are three students in this group who are in fifth grade. One student has a physical impairment with limited use of his hands, one student has a learning disability in written expression, and one student has a learning disability in reading fluency and comprehension. Further, due to these limitations, each student has a fairly short attention span.
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ESE 697 Week 3 DQ 1 Curriculum Based Measurements
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ESE 697 Week 3 DQ 1 Curriculum Based Measurements
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Create a mini-lesson in writing or spelling to teach a small group of students (group description below) using an evidence-based strategy from the textbook or from the required articles from Teaching Exceptional Children. Plan a 15- to 20-minute mini-lesson that addresses the needs of all three students in the group through effective strategies and accommodations for the learners. Respond briefly to the two reflection questions (in the template) about your lesson. Respond briefly to the two reflection questions (in the template) about your lesson. Use this mini-lesson template to develop your mini-lesson, and then copy and paste it into the discussion forum to obtain feedback from your peers.
Small group description:
There are three students in this group who are in fifth grade. One student has a physical impairment with limited use of his hands, one student has a learning disability in written expression, and one student has a learning disability in reading fluency and comprehension. Further, due to these limitations, each student has a fairly short attention span.
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ESE 697 Week 3 Assignment Lesson Plan 3 Writing or Spelling
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ESE 697 Week 3 Assignment Lesson Plan 3 Writing or Spelling
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Lesson Plan #3:
Writing and Spelling. As you have learned this week, it is essential to plan for quality instruction in the areas of writing and spelling for students with disabilities. This lesson plan will focus on using effective, research-based strategies for teaching writing or spelling to students with disabilities.
Week Three also focused on planning effective assessments to ensure that you are monitoring student progress toward the learning objectives. You have already started planning assessments in Weeks One and Two, but in Week Three and beyond, there will be a greater focus on ensuring alignment of your assessment to your learning objective.
Additionally, at least one, if not multiple, research–based strategies for teaching writing and spelling for students with disabilities should be developed for your lesson plan. Your textbook has a plethora of strategies, but you may also seek other strategies as well in other peer-reviewed texts or articles that were required or recommended this week.
For this lesson, you may plan for your choice of grade level, type of classroom, and disability areas. You may use your own classroom or create a fictional classroom setting for the lesson.
Using the lesson plan template found in Week Three of your online course (or all the elements included in the template), the following components are required:
a. Lesson title, grade level, subject area
b. Classroom scenario: Description of the classroom for which you are planning the lesson plan (grade level, classroom setting, number of students, and include any other pertinent information about the classroom).
c. Students with mild/moderate disabilities in the classroom: Describe at least one learner with a mild/moderate disability that will participate in the lesson.
Include the type of disability, the student’s individualized needs of the student, and any pertinent information about the student(s).
d. Common Core State Standards and lesson objective: Provide a specific learning objective for the lesson and the Common Core State Standard that the lesson plan will address.
e. Assessment: Describe how you will assess student learning of the lesson objective based on the age/grade/ and needs documented.
f. Accommodations or modifications to be provided: Provide a detailed description of the accommodations you will use throughout the lesson to address the individualized needs of each student with a disability.
g. Teaching procedures: Provide a detailed description of the teaching procedures, including teacher input and modeling, guided practice, independent practice, and closure. This section must include strategies from the text and peer-reviewed articles related to effective strategies for teaching students with disabilities. You must cite your sources to demonstrate your knowledge of effective strategies.
h. Checks for understanding: Throughout the lesson, you will provide a minimum of three ways that you will check for understanding to ensure students are grasping pertinent and central concepts in your lesson.
i. Reflection: This section will include a brief reflection on how assessment will help inform you of your students’ achievement of the learning objective, as well as how it will inform your future instructional actions.
Also, include what plan you will take if the students do not meet the assessment objectives.
This assignment should be approximately three to four pages in length, and you should use proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure throughout the lesson plan. Lesson plan must be an original creation.
At least one to two peer-reviewed sources, which may include the textbook for this course, should be used and cited in the lesson plan.
APA format must be used throughout the paper for in-text citations and references. You may use the attached example as a model for your own lesson plan.
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ESE 697 Week 2 DQ 3 Optional Share Your Lesson Plans
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ESE 697 Week 2 DQ 3 Optional Share Your Lesson Plans
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You can share your lesson plans each week in this forum to obtain feedback from your peers or to work through any challenges you are having in developing your weekly lesson plans. This is a place where you will be able to engage in discussion, if you choose, to ask your classmates for feedback, to share ideas and resources, to self-reflect, and/or to ask questions for additional support from your colleagues.
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ESE 697 Week 2 DQ 2 Designing a Mini Lesson in Phonics or Oral Language
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ESE 697 Week 2 DQ 2 Designing a Mini Lesson in Phonics or Oral Language
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Create a mini-lesson in phonics or oral language to teach a small group of students (group description below) using an evidence-based strategy from the textbook. Plan a 15- to 20-minute mini-lesson that addresses the needs of all four students in the group through effective strategies and accommodations for the learners. Respond briefly to the two reflection questions (in the template) about your lesson. Use this mini-lesson template to develop your mini-lesson, and then copy and paste it into the discussion forum to obtain feedback from your peers.
Small group description:
There are four students in this group who are in kindergarten. One of the students is autistic, one student has an intellectual disability, and two are students with ADHD. All four students are reading at the pre-Kindergarten level.
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ESE 697 Week 2 DQ 1 Planning Accommodations for Instruction
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ESE 697 Week 2 DQ 1 Planning Accommodations for Instruction
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Visit Teachnology’s website and select a phonics lesson from the Phonics Lesson Plans page. Analyze the lesson to determine what learning needs exist for a student with a learning disability (LD) in the classroom. Then, using the article from LD Online, “Accommodations for Students With LD,” generate a list of three to five possible accommodations, modifications, or assistive technologies that could be integrated into the lesson for a student with a learning disability. Describe how you would integrate them into the lesson to ensure the student has access to learning, and provide a rationale for each accommodation or modification. Also, note if these accommodations can be used as examples of universal design where all students might benefit. Please be sure to share the link to the lesson plan you reviewed so others have context for the lesson plan you are using.
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ESE 697 Week 2 Assignment Lesson Plan 2 Phonics or Oral Language
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ESE 697 Week 2 Assignment Lesson Plan 2 Phonics or Oral Language
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Lesson Plan #2:
Phonics or Oral Language. As you have learned this week, it is essential to understand how to plan for effective instruction in phonics and oral language for students with disabilities. In the classroom, it is important for all lesson plans to not only integrate effective strategies for instruction and accommodations for students with disabilities, but to also align with Common Core State Standards and the student’s individualized needs. This lesson plan will focus on using effective, research-based strategies for teaching phonics or oral language to students with disabilities, with an additional emphasis on planning for appropriate classroom accommodations or modifications.
For this lesson, you may plan for your choice of grade level, type of classroom, and disability areas. You may use your own classroom or create a fictional classroom setting for the lesson.
At least one, if not multiple, research-based strategies for teaching in this content area for students with disabilities should be highlighted in this lesson plan. Your textbook has a plethora of strategies, but you should also seek other strategies as well in other peer-reviewed texts or articles that were required or recommended this week.
Using the lesson plan template found in Week Two of your online course (or all the elements included in the template), the following components are required:
a. Lesson title, grade level, subject area
b. Classroom scenario: Description of the classroom for which you are planning the lesson plan (grade level, classroom setting, number of students, and include any other pertinent information about the classroom).
c. Students with mild/moderate disabilities in the classroom: Describe at least one learner with a mild/moderate disability that will participate in the lesson. Include the type of disability, the student’s individualized needs of the student, and any pertinent information about the student(s).
d. Common Core State Standards and lesson objective: Provide a specific learning objective for the lesson and the Common Core State Standard that the lesson plan will address.
e. Assessment: Describe how you will assess student learning of the lesson objective based on the age/grade/ and needs documented.
f. Accommodations or modifications to be provided: Provide a detailed description of the accommodations you will use throughout the lesson to address the individualized needs of each student with a disability.
g. Teaching procedures: Provide a detailed description of the teaching procedures, including teacher input and modeling, guided practice, independent practice, and closure. This section must include strategies from the text and peer-reviewed articles related to effective strategies for teaching students with disabilities. You must cite your sources to demonstrate your knowledge of effective strategies.
h. Checks for understanding: Throughout the lesson, you will provide at least three ways that you will check for understanding to ensure students are grasping pertinent and central concepts in your lesson.
i. Reflection: This section will include a brief reflection on how assessment will help inform you of your students’ achievement of the learning objective, as well as how it will inform your future instructional actions.
Also, include what plan you will take if the students do not meet the assessment objectives.
This assignment should be approximately three to four pages in length, and you should use proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure throughout the lesson plan. Lesson plan must be an original creation. At least one to two peer-reviewed sources, which may include the textbook for this course, should be used and cited in the lesson plan.
APA format must be used throughout the paper for in-text citations and references. You may use the attached example as a model for your own lesson plan.
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ESE 697 Week 1 Reflective Journal
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ESE 697 Week 1 Reflective Journal
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The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) is the largest international professional organization dedicated to improving the educational success of individuals with disabilities and/or gifts and talents. CEC advocates for appropriate governmental policies, sets professional standards, provides professional development, defends the rights of individuals with exceptionalities, and helps professionals obtain conditions and resources necessary for effective professional practice (Council for Exceptional Children, 2011). As such, they have established professional standards for teachers working in the field of special education. This course is strongly aligned with and focused specifically on developing knowledge and skills of Standard 5: Instructional Planning and Strategies (see below). In Week One of this course, the journal prompt asks you to reflect on your own professional progress in this area of expertise in working with students with disabilities.
CEC Initial Preparation Standard 5: Beginning special education professionals select, adapt, and use a repertoire of evidence-based instructional strategies to advance learning of individuals with exceptionalities.
Key elements you will focus on:
- 1: Beginning special education professionals consider an individual’s abilities, interests, learning environments, and cultural and linguistic factors in the selection, development and adaptation of learning experiences for individuals with exceptionalities.
- 2: Beginning special education professionals use technologies to support instructional assessment, planning, and delivery for students with exceptionalities.
In each reflective journal, respond to all of the following prompts:
a. Discuss your prior beliefs about teaching students with disabilities. How have the readings, discussions, and the assignment altered or informed your current beliefs, knowledge and skills related to planning instruction for students with disabilities?
b. After reviewing CEC Standard 5 and its two key elements, discuss three areas you would like to improve upon professionally during this course.
c. Based on your experience, current role in education, and/or future role in education, how might you apply these concepts to plan effective instruction for students with disabilities?
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ESE 697 Week 1 DQ 3 Optional Share Your Lesson Plans
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ESE 697 Week 1 DQ 3 Optional Share Your Lesson Plans
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You can share your lesson plans each week in this forum to obtain feedback from your peers or to work through any challenges you are having in developing your weekly lesson plans. This is a place where you will be able to engage in discussion, if you choose, to ask your classmates for feedback, to share ideas and resources, to self-reflect, and/or to ask questions for additional support from your colleagues.
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ESE 697 Week 1 DQ 2 Designing in Mini Lesson in Reading Comprehension
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ESE 697 Week 1 DQ 2 Designing in Mini Lesson in Reading Comprehension
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Create a mini-lesson in reading comprehension to teach a small group of students (group description below) using an evidence-based strategy from the textbook. Plan a 15- to 20-minute mini-lesson that addresses the needs of all four students in the group through effective strategies and accommodations for the learners. Respond briefly to the two reflection questions (in the template) about your lesson. Use this mini-lesson template to develop your mini-lesson, and then copy and paste it into the discussion forum to obtain feedback from your peers.
Small group description:
There are four students in this group who are in third grade. Two of the students have a learning disability in reading and are both reading at a first-grade level, there is one student with an intellectual disability who reads at a first-grade level, and a student with a visual impairment who reads at a second-grade level.
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ESE 697 Week 1 DQ 1 Aligning Instruction with Common Core State Standards and the IEP
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ESE 697 Week 1 DQ 1 Aligning Instruction with Common Core State Standards and the IEP
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Aligning Instruction With Common Core State Standards and the IEP. Read the required text chapters and articles, and watch the video for Week One. Use these resources to inform and support your responses to the prompts below.
a. Describe the special education teacher’s responsibility in planning instruction that is aligned with both Common Core State Standards (CCSS) as well as the needs of a child based on their individual education plan (IEP).
b. What challenges do you anticipate in planning instruction for students with disabilities to meet the CCSS and/or IEP goals?
c. Based on your experience and the literature, what are several solutions to overcome these challenges?
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ESE 697 Week 1 Assignment Lesson Plan 1 Reading Comprehension
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ESE 697 Week 1 Assignment Lesson Plan 1 Reading Comprehension
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Lesson Plan #1: Reading Comprehension.
As you have learned in this first week of class, it is essential to understand how to plan for effective instruction for students with disabilities. In the classroom, it is important for all lesson plans to not only integrate effective strategies for instruction and accommodations for students with disabilities, but to also align with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS).
Your first lesson plan will focus on using effective, research-based strategies for teaching reading comprehension to students with disabilities. For this lesson, you may plan for your choice of grade level, type of classroom, and disability areas. You may use your own classroom, or create a fictional classroom setting for the lesson. At least one, if not multiple, research-based strategies for teaching in this content area for students with disabilities should be highlighted in this lesson plan. Your textbook has a plethora of strategies, but you may also seek other strategies as well in other peer-reviewed texts or articles.
This week, the emphasis is to align your lesson objective and activities to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) within the lesson plan. Download the CCSS below for your lesson: Using the lesson plan template found in Week One of your online course (or all the elements included in the template), the following components are required:
a. Lesson title, grade level, subject area
b. Classroom scenario: Description of the classroom for which you are planning the lesson plan (grade level, classroom setting, number of students, and include any other pertinent information about the classroom).
c. Students with mild/moderate disabilities in the classroom: Describe at least one learner with a mild/moderate disability that will participate in the lesson. Include the type of disability, the student’s individualized needs of the student, and any pertinent information about the student(s).
d. Common Core State Standards and lesson objective: Provide a specific learning objective for the lesson and the Common Core State Standard that the lesson plan will address.
e. Assessment: Describe how you will assess student learning of the lesson objective based on the age/grade/ and needs documented.
f. Accommodations or modifications to be provided: Provide a detailed description of the accommodations you will use throughout the lesson to address the individualized needs of each student with a disability.
g. Teaching procedures: Provide a detailed description of the teaching procedures, including teacher input and modeling, guided practice, independent practice, and closure. This section must include strategies from the text and peer-reviewed articles related to effective strategies for teaching students with disabilities. You must cite your sources to demonstrate your knowledge of effective strategies.
h. Checks for understanding: Throughout the lesson, you will provide a minimum of three ways that you will check for understanding to ensure students are grasping pertinent and central concepts in your lesson.
i. Reflection: This section will include a brief reflection on how assessment will help inform you of your students’ achievement of the learning objective, as well as how it will inform your future instructional actions.
Also, include what plan you will take if the students do not meet the assessment objectives.
This assignment should be approximately three to four pages in length, and you should use proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure throughout the lesson plan. Lesson plan must be an original creation.
At least one to two peer-reviewed sources, which may include the textbook for this course, should be used and cited in the lesson plan.
APA format must be used throughout the paper for in-text citations and references. You may use the attached example as a model for your own lesson plan.
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ESE 697 Complete Class ASH
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ESE 697 Complete Class ASH
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ESE 697 Week 1 Assignment Lesson Plan 1 Reading Comprehension
ESE 697 Week 1 DQ 1 Aligning Instruction with Common Core State Standards and the IEP
ESE 697 Week 1 DQ 2 Designing in Mini Lesson in Reading Comprehension
ESE 697 Week 1 Reflective Journal
ESE 697 Week 2 Assignment Lesson Plan 2 Phonics or Oral Language
ESE 697 Week 2 DQ 1 Planning Accommodations for Instruction
ESE 697 Week 2 DQ 2 Designing a Mini Lesson in Phonics or Oral Language
ESE 697 Week 3 Assignment Lesson Plan 3 Writing or Spelling
ESE 697 Week 3 DQ 1 Curriculum Based Measurements
ESE 697 Week 3 DQ 2 Designing a Mini Lesson in Writing or Spelling
ESE 697 Week 4 Assignment Lesson Plan 4 Mathematics
ESE 697 Week 4 DQ 1 Self Determination in Young Children with Disabilities
ESE 697 Week 4 DQ 2 Designing a Mini Lesson in Mathematics
ESE 697 Week 5 Assignment Lesson Plan 5 Vocabulary or Content Area
ESE 697 Week 5 DQ 1 Planning Vocabulary Instruction Based on IEP Objectives and Individualized Needs
ESE 697 Week 5 DQ 2 Designing a Mini Lesson in Vocabulary
ESE 697 Week 6 DQ 1 The Importance of Planning Evidence
ESE 697 Week 6 Final Paper
ESE 697 Week 6 Reflective Journal
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