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CMGT 410 Week 5 Learning Team Project Evaluation and Control
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CMGT 410 Week 5 Learning Team Project Evaluation and Control
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CMGT 410 Week 5 Learning Team Project Evaluation and Control
Revise and submit all sections of your Learning Team project along with the Week Five section below.
It is essential for establishing confidence that a project will be executed effectively and with minimal waste. A plan for performance measurement requires identifying which critical element should be measured, how they are measured, and when they are measured to communicate if the project is on track.
At a minimum the section will contain the following:
· Measurable objectives identified as milestones on the Gantt chart
· Risk mitigation strategy for analyzing and reporting unplanned changes as well what procedures you plan to implement for handling change control issues
· Description of project reporting regarding the on-going evaluation and status of project efforts to stakeholder and participants on the project team
· Method for determining whether the project has met its objectives and how the project is terminated
Write 3 to 4 pages on your findings.
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CMGT 410 Week 5 DQ 2
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CMGT 410 Week 5 DQ 2
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CMGT 410 Week 5 DQ 1
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CMGT 410 Week 5 DQ 1
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CMGT 410 Week 4 Learning Team Project Costing
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CMGT 410 Week 4 Learning Team Project Costing
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CMGT 410 Week 4 Learning Team Project Costing
The allocation and cost of resources need to be carefully monitored if a project is to be delivered on-time and on-budget.
At a minimum this section will contain the following:
· Allocation of resources to project tasks (both labor and material)
· Cost estimates for project resources
· Gantt diagram showing duration estimates for all tasks and their sequencing (including precedence relations) and highlighting any critical path(s) arising from task dependencies ultimately determining the minimal duration of a project
In addition summarize any relevant facts about the project duration, number or type of resources, critical task sequencing, or how duration estimates were arrived at, and any financial implications (for example, budget or cost reports of the project as well)
· Develop a baseline for your project plan so that all future variances are captured.
Write 3 to 4 pages on your findings and submit for grading.
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CMGT 410 Week 4 Individual Project Controls
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CMGT 410 Week 4 Individual Project Controls
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CMGT 410 Week 4 Individual Project Controls
The company offsite 2-day training session project is about ready to enter the execution phase. However, management has a history of being surprised with projects that finished over-budget, did not adhere to the timeline, evinced waste of resources, or did not meet expectations.
Address your strategy for the following in a 2- to 3-page memo to gain their confidence in your project management abilities:
· Analyze and report unplanned changes
· Evaluate project quality
· Procedures you plan to implement for handling change control issues
How you plan to communicate whether the project is meeting any stated performance and quality objectives
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CMGT 410 Week 4 DQ 2
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CMGT 410 Week 4 DQ 2
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CMGT 410 Week 4 DQ 1
Ethic and Moral Line
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CMGT 410 Week 4 DQ 1
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CMGT 410 Week 4 DQ 1
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CMGT 410 Week 4 DQ 1
Working together, as a team.
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CMGT 410 Week 3 Individual Project Budget
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CMGT 410 Week 3 Individual Project Budget
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CMGT 410 Week 3 Individual Project Budget
The project for the company offsite 2-day training session has been given a preliminary go-ahead. However a budget needs to be submitted for approval.
Write a 2- to 3-page memo explaining the financial implications of your project that does the following:
· Adds costs estimates to your resources (both labor and material) – Refer to websites like the United States Department of Labor for estimates.
· Adds estimates for all task duration and sequencing of tasks (including precedence relations)
· Summarizes any relevant facts about the project duration, number or type of resources, critical task sequencing, and how duration estimates were arrived at
· Highlights if there are any milestones for your project
Include a Microsoft® Project Gantt chart, as an attachment, showing the WBS of tasks (with dependencies) and task sequences, along with any budget or cost reports to support your memo.
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CMGT 410 Week 3 DQ 2
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CMGT 410 Week 3 DQ 2
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CMGT 410 Week 3 DQ 2
The Start to Finish (SF) logical relationship is the dependency where the second task cannot finish until the first task starts. When the band members are helping me do bookings, I ultimately want to oversee all bookings and be in charge of making the calls myself. Where they will start the task, the task will change hands to me, and I will resume the responsibilities of the task and finish it.
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CMGT 410 Week 2 Learning Team Project Charter
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CMGT 410 Week 2 Learning Team Project Charter
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CMGT 410 Week 2 Learning Team Project Charter
Choose a project involving an IT requirement with multiple tasks and human resources. This project must come from a business situation—for example, hardware procurement and installation, network acquisition, implementation, or expansion—in which each Learning Team member contributes background details.
This is a consolidated source of information which lays the foundation for successful completion of any project by identifying your project vision and communicating the overall approach for a project to all key stakeholder audiences.
At a minimum the charter will contain the following:
· Background of the organization and any information or statement of needs that helps explain how the project came to be
· Goals and objectives of the project in language that is both concise and explanatory
· Project scope delineated so that all parties involved are aware of what the project includes as well as what it does not
· Budgetary limitations
· Explanation of sponsors, stakeholders, and as well as how the project team is structured so that there will be no confusion concerning roles and responsibilities
· Project approach your team intends to take to fulfill meeting deliverables of the project
Write 3 to 4 pages on your findings and submit for grading.
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CMGT 410 Week 2 Individual Project Task-List
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CMGT 410 Week 2 Individual Project Task-List
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CMGT 410 Week 2 Individual Project Task-List
You have been tasked with the project of organizing a company offsite 2-day training session in which people are brought in from different parts of the country. This entails everything from preparation, accommodations, and facilities.
Submit a 2- to 3-page executive memo summarizing the project’s objective, any scoping boundaries used to define the project, and relevant facts about the tasks or resources.
· Identify all related tasks and resources needed to complete this project.
· Highlight or specify any measurable deliverables relating to your project.
Attach a task list with assigned resources from a Microsoft® Project file that supports what you have outlined in your memo.
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CMGT 410 Week 2 DQ 2
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CMGT 410 Week 2 DQ 2
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CMGT 410 Week 2 DQ 2
The scope of a project, and the work breakdown schedule, are immensely tied in together. The scope of the project is the total overlook of how the project is to look, or how all the processes are going to be managed within the entirety of the project. The budgetary concerns, who is involved, the goals, etc….it covers the larger picture of the project. The work breakdown schedule adheres to a smaller scale. Its function is to show how long certain functions are going to take. If a certain aspect of a project was estimated to take 20 days, on the work breakdown schedule, you would list out how those 20 days would break down. If you would want to consider the breakdown schedule a way of micromanaging the project, you could.
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CMGT 410 Week 2 DQ 1
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CMGT 410 Week 2 DQ 1
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CMGT 410 Week 2 DQ 1
You could almost look at the daily operations of a business, and the functions therein, as a project, and the projects that are running are projects within the projects. Let me explain.
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CMGT 410 Week 1 Individual Project Proposal
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CMGT 410 Week 1 Individual Project Proposal
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CMGT 410 Week 1 Individual Project Proposal
Consider the following scenario:
You have been hired by a large company with branch offices around the country to assist with rollout of a new companywide compliance system.
While initially the focus was on implementation of the technology, it was found that success will require at least 10 hours of training for all managers across the country on both the use of the new platform as well as a host of new compliance policies being introduced.
Of the options discussed, it was generally agreed than the training should be hands-on and conducted in person at a central location. This will obviously require getting organizational buy in as not all managers are going to be willing to commit to taking time out from their normal responsibilities just for some training.
In addition, such large scale centralized training has not been done before by this company; therefore, the CEO wants feedback from participants to evaluate the effectiveness of any training sessions.
As a result, your manager has given you the responsibility to develop an outline for a proposed project that would meet this upcoming need.
Submit a 2- to 3-page memo that does the following:
· Names the project
· Briefly describes the project
· Identifies potential stakeholders directly or indirectly involved
· Specifies the overall objective and any outcomes for this project
· Details how success will be evaluated
· Highlights what is needed to ascertain the measurable organizational value (MOV) of this project.
You will need to make some assumptions (it is even encouraged) but the assumptions must be documented.
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CMGT 410 Week 1 DQ 1
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CMGT 410 Week 1 DQ 1
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CMGT 410 Week 1 DQ 1
When someone refers to “Integrative Project Management Processes”, they are referring to the encompassing styles that are brought together to achieve an individual goal. When a project is brought to light, a team cannot undergo that project without some leadership or as they say, a ship without a rudder. Several things must be in play before a project can be successfully fulfilled. You must have the solid leadership, the human resource element, your scope, your time restraints, and cost of budgeting, standards of quality, how you are to communicate within your team, and the procurement of materials. The integration of all these items are crucial for a solid project management process to work correctly.
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CMGT 410 Complete Class
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`CMGT 410 Complete Class
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