Small Ruminant Part I Flashcards
who is affected most by contagious foot rot?
sheep more than goats
what is the etiology of contagious foot rot in small ruminants?
Fusobacterium necrophorum
Dichelobacter (Bacteroides) nodosus
how is contagious foot rot introduced to a flock?
addition of infected animal into flock
how can you treat contagious footrot?
radical hoof trimming and debridement
SQ oxytetracycline
what drug is very effective against contagious footrot?
must treat every animal on farm at same time
what are signs of strawberry footrot/dermatophilosus?
dermatitis between coroneet and carpus/tarsus
acute or chronic
who is Mycoplasma arthritis of goats most common in?
kids: 2-4 weeks
what causes infectious keratoconjunctivitis in cattle?
Moraxella bovis
how can you treat pinkeye in sheep and goats?
topical tetracycline ointment
parenteral oxytetracycline
is sore mouth zoonotic?
how long does sor mouth last?
2-3 weeks
when are biting lice most common?
who usually gets zinc-responsive dermatosis?
goats more than sheep
what is contagious foot rot?
contagious anaerobic bacterial infection of epidermal tissue extending deep into laminae
what are signs of contagious foot rot?
severe lameness
foul odor
separation of horn from sole
white exudate
what should you do with non-responders to treatment of contagious foot rot?
what is the etiology of foot scald/benign foot rot/interdigital dermatitis?
weakly virulent strain of D. nodosus
what is the etiology of strawberry foot rot?
Dermatophilus congolensis
anaerobic bacteria invades skin lacking protective barrier in wet/humid environment
what is the most common agent of mycoplasma arthritis in goats?
Mycoplasma mycoides mycoides
how is mycoplasma arthritis in goats transmitted?
infected colostrum and milk
how can you treat mycoplasma?
what causes chlamydial polyathritis?
Chlamydiua psittaci
how is infectious keratoconjunctivitis spread?
face flies
direct contact
how can you prevent pinkeye?
fly control
pinkeye vaccine
what causes pinkeye in sheep and goats?
chlamydia or mycoplasma
are vaccines available for sore mouth/poxvirus?
yes: commercial or autogenous
what are clinical signs of zinc-responsive dermatosis?
hard and dry skin
rough hair coat