Small Animal Nursing Flashcards
Lymph Nodes
and Locations
- A: Submandibular
- B: Prescapular
- C: Axillary
- D: Inguinal
- E: Popliteal
IV Injections
- Fastest route of absorption
- Large volumes able to be given rapidly
IO Injection
- Femur
- Humerus
- Tibia
- Ilial Wing / Ischium (sometimes)
- Mild = 5%; semidry MM / minimal skin turgor
- Moderate = 8%; dry MM / moderate skin turgor
- Severe = 10%; very dry MM / definite skin turgor
Crystalloid Fluids
Help replenish
* isotonic solutions: equal to blood (LRS / normal saline / plasmalyte / normosol)
* hypotonic solutions: less than blood (dextrose)
* hypertonic solutions: more than blood
* only isotonic can be given SQ
Colloid Fluids
Stay in vascular space longer
* used when crystalloids are not improving blood volume
* synthetic: hetastarch
* natural: plasma
Emergency Fluid Therapy
For hypovolemic / shocky / severely dehydrated
* use of crystalloid fluids
* cats: 50-55 mL/kg
* dogs: 80-90 mL/kg
* start with 25% of calculated dose and reassess
* if stable after - give remaining dose over 6-8 hours
Daily Fluid Requirement
Replacement + Maintenance + Ongoing Losses
Replacement Fluid
% Dehydration x Body Weight (kg)
* turn % into decimal
* answer is in L - convert to mL
Maintenance Fluid
- Cats: 2-3 mL/kg/hr
- Dogs: 2-6 mL/kg/hr
Replacement Fluid
- Normosol
Maintenance Fluid
Anesthesia Fluid Therapy
- Cats: 3 mL/kg/hr
- Dogs: 5 mL/kg/hr
- Reduce rate if surgery longer than 1 hour
Canine Blood Groups
DEA (dog erythrocyte antigen)
* DEA 1.1
* DEA 1.2
* DEA 3
* DEA 4
* DEA 5
* DEA 7
Dog Blood
DEA 1.1
- Rapid blood test available to identify
- Anti-DEA 1.1 antibodies = agglutination / hemolysis when transfused with DEA 1.1 positive
- Positive DEA 1.1 can only be given to other positive DEA 1.1
Dog Blood
- Most common
- DEA 4 antigen = universal donor
Dog Blood
Dogs do not have naturally occurring antibodies
* less reactions with first transfusion
* develop sensitivities after - requires testing to match
Feline Blood Groups
- A - most common
- B - see with purebreds
- AB
Cat Blood
Cats have naturally occurring antibodies against other blood types
* no universal donor
* always require blood matching
* match with what they have
* AB type can have either A or B
Shelf Life
Blood Products
- Heparin / Sodium Citrate = 48 hours
- Packed RBCs = 21 days in fridge; cannot be frozen
- Fresh-Frozen Plasma = frozen for 1 year; 24 hours once thawed
- Platelet-Rich Plasma = 48 hours
Indications of Blood Use
- Packed RBCs = anemias
- Plasma = thrombocytopenia / volume expansion (burns / shock)
Normal ECG
Sinus rhythm = normal rhythm
* P wave for every QRS complex
* P wave is positive
* T wave can be either positive or negative
Atrial Flutter
* regular, sawtooth formation between QRS complex
* precursor to atrial fibrillation
Atrial Fibrillation
* no P waves evident
Premature Ventricular Contraction (PVC)
* can occur at any rate - danger if tachycardic
* missing P wave
* wide QRS complex (can be negative or positive)
* 4+ PCVs in a row = ventricular tachycardia
AV Blocks
- 1st degree: longer P-R interval; minor
- 2nd degree: lengthening P-R interval; some P waves without QRS complex
- 3rd degree: no relationship between P wave and QRS complex; most severe
Esophageal Feeding Tube
- Patient should fast for 12 hours
- Performed under anesthesia
- Tube remains in esophagus - does not enter stomach
Entropion vs Ectropion
- Entropion: turning inward of eyelid
- Ectropion: turning outward of the eyelid, exposing conjunctiva
Myosis vs Mydriasis
- Myosis: constricted / small pupil
- Mydriasis: dilated / large pupil
Corners of the eye
* medial = closest to nose
* lateral = closest to ears
KCS Results
Assessed via Schirmer Tear Test
* normal = 18-25 mm
* cats = below 10 mm
* dogs = below 15 mm
Tonometry Results
Assesses intraocular pressure
* normal = 15-25 mm Hg
* glaucoma = more than 25 mm Hg
* uveitis = less than 10 mm Hg
Wound Healing
- Inflammatory (lag)
- Proliferative
- Maturation (longest phase)
Classification of
- 1st Degree: superficial
- 2nd Degree: partial dermis wound; blisters form; heal via second intention
- 3rd Degree: eschar (black) layers of dead dermis; debride +/- graft
- 4th Degree: extensive surgical repair
Wound Classification
- Nontraumatic / Noninfected
- Does not enter hollow organ / urinary or GI tract
Wound Classification
- Surgically into hollow organ without contamination
- Minor contamination
- Surgically with minor break in sterile technique
Wound Classification
- Open traumatic wound
- Surgically with major break in sterile technique
- Surgically into contaminated area
Wound Classification
Dirty / Infected
Characterized by high bacterial count
* old, traumatic wound
* infected
* perforated viscera
Wound Healing
Primary / 1st Intention
Noncomplicated Healing
Wound Healing
2nd Intention
Wounds left open and allowed to heal from inside out
Wound Healing
3rd Intention
Initial 2nd intention healing followed by surgical repair
Wound Closure
Surgical wound closed with sutures / staples
* wounds are small and fresh
Wound Closure
Delayed Primary
Wound is older than 6-8 hours
* some contamination
* treat by keeping wound open for a few days to drain
* surgically close wound after drained
Wound Closure
Also called Third-Intention Healing
* granulation tissue formed
* primary closure used once wound cleaned up
Wound Closure
Secondary (nonclosure)
Wound healed by granulation tissue formation and epithelialization
* closes and heals on own
* takes long time - requires ongoing treatment
* may leave scars or loss of function
Ehmer Sling
Supports hind limb after reduction of hip luxation
* hobbles can be used to prevent excessive abduction
Velpeau Sling
Supports shoulder joint after surgery
Types of Tumors
- Carcinoma: malignant; from epithelial or glandular tissue
- Sarcoma: malignant; from connective tissue, bone, or cartliage
Generally indicates benign tumor;
exceptions include
* melanoma: can be benign or malignant
* insulinoma: always malignant