Restraint and Handling Flashcards
Restraining a Horse
- Come from the front and slightly to left side
- Once haltered, hold excess rope with left hand and lead with right
- Walk being on left side of horse
- Tying: lead rope at whither height with 2-3 feet of slack
Horse Twitches
Mild pain applied as a means of distraction
* chain (most common)
* humane
* rope
Types and Behaviors
- Dairy cows - most docile bovine breed
- Dairy bulls - require special restraint due to being unpredictable
- Beef cows / bulls - easily scared; little human association
Approaching Cattle
Never approach from the front
* more likely to either charge or turn and run
* best to secure in chute or hobbles before working on
Restraint used to prevent kicking
* back legs have padded straps placed just above hocks
“Tail Jacking”
Distraction method where tail is lifted straight up and forward from the base
* grasp about 1/3 of the way down
* pressure on spine removes sensation in rear
* only do for a few minutes - risk of possible fracture of tail bone
Technique used to place cattle in lateral recumbency
* half-hitch method = can be done with 1 person; don’t use on mature cattle
* crisscross / Burley = two people required; can be used for mature cattle
- Newborn: have sharp milk teeth; remove shortly after birth
- Adults: tusks and strong jaw can tear flesh
- Herding instincts nonexistent, but others will come to rescue those screaming
- Sows with piglets are very dangerous
- Stubborn and unpredictable - can become aggressive fast
Jump Height
Very good jumpers, but rarely exceed 6 feet