Skeletal Muscle Energy Metabolism During Exercise W3 Flashcards
What pumps control membrane excitability?
Na+ ATPase
K+ ATPase
What pumps control sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium handling?
Ca2+ ATPase
What pumps control myofilament cross-bridge cycling?
Myosin ATPase
What type of oxidation has a higher power output?
Where is fat oxidation maximal rate?
What results in metabolic acidosis during intense exercise?
Increased ATP utilisation
Increased glycolysis
Strong ion fluxes
What type of muscle fibre does muscle PCr and glycogen decrease greater in during intense exercise?
Type II
What the major intramuscular and extra muscular substrates are during moderate exercise?
Blood glucose (liver glycogenolysis/ gluconeogenesis)
Fatty acids from muscle. triglycerides
What catalyses the PCr reaction?
Creatine Phosphokinase
What activates phosphorylase kinase?
Cellular Ca2+
Near by substrates and products
What does Cellular Ca2+ do?
Activates phosphorylase kinase
What is phosphorylase kinase?
Activates glycogen phosphorylase to release glycogen 1-phosphate from glycogen
What activates phosphorylase A?
Increase in ADP and AMP
What does Creatine Phosphokinase do?
Conversion of ATP and Creatine to PCr
What does Phosphorylase A do?
Breaks down glycogen
Combines Pi to Glucose-1-phosphate, Glucose-6-phosphate and fructose 6-phosphate
What is enzyme phosphofructokinase?
Regulatory enzyme
What activates the enzyme phosphofructokinase?
Increase in allosteric regulators AMP/ADP/pi
What is AMPK?
Sensory of muscle energy change
Glycogen levels
Muscle Glucose uptake
Fat oxidation
What does AMPK mediate change in?
GLUT 4 expression
Mitochondrial biogenesis
What increases the form of PDH into its active form?
Exercise regulators Ca2+
If pyruvate, CoA and NAD+ are present, flux can occur even when there is an increase in what?
What keeps PDH inactive?
Resting levels of:
What differences is their in metabolism between sexes?
Haemoglobin Concentrations
Muscle Mass
Reproductive Hormone
What similarities is their in metabolism between sexes?
Fat oxidation
Fibre-type composition
Muscle Enzyme Activity
What do females have a higher proportion in?
Type I fibres
Lower Maximal capacity of glycolytic enzymes
Greater reliance on IMTG during exercise