Post Muscle Glycogen Accumulation Trained vs Untrained W5 Flashcards
What does muscle glycogen accumulation correlate with?
Relative proportion of glycogen synthase in active form
What does the amount of GLUT4 content determine?
The rate of glucose transport into muscle
What is muscle GLUT4 content correlated with?
Glycogen accumulation rates over 6hours post exercise when athletes have a high CHO post-exercise diet
What does an increase in GLUT4 lead to?
Increases rate/amount of glycogen accumulation after a glycogen-depleting exercise bout
Increase in rate of insulin-stimulated glycogen synthesis
Who has higher levels of GLUT4?
What are glycogen transport rates correlated with?
Muscle GLUT4 content
What is a major determinant of muscle glycogen accumulation after exercise?
Glycogen Synthase (I form)
What is more closely associated with glycogen accumulation rates- Muscle GLUT4 content or Glycogen Synthase I?
Muscle GLUT4 content
What deleterious effects does muscle glycogen have?
Decrease in:
Glycogen accumulation
Insulin sensitivity
GLUT4 muscle