Skeletal muscle: compartments/innervations Flashcards
group of muscles with common function together with associated neurovascular components
fascial expression: muscles (if needed), nerve/s (if needed)/ general location
facial nerve, FOR facial expression
around eyes (obicularis oculi) , forehead, nose, mouth, cheek, chin, neck
mastication: muscles (if needed), nerve/s (if needed)/ general location/ function
trigeminal nerve (mandibular division), FOR mastication (chewing)
obicularis oris
temporal area, side jaw near ear, in btw. mouth, around mouth
abdomen: muscles (if needed) and nerve/s (if needed)
thoracic spinal n nerves,
FOR flexion of trunk
connected by rectus sheath (ct., aponeurosis btw)
- rectus abdominis: 6 pack
- external oblique: (external layer, down diagonal towards midline) side of r.a
- internal oblique: (middle layer, upward medial) under ext. oblique
- transversus abdominis: (inner layer, horizontal) under int. oblique
respiration: muscles (if needed), nerve/s (if needed)/ general location/ function
respiration, external/internal intercostals (btw. ribs) elevate ribs
FOR respiration
- innervated by phrenic nerve
- flattens when breath in (increase thoracic cavity vol.)
- openings for oesophagus, inferior vena cava, aorta
back: muscles (if needed), nerve/s (if needed)/ general location/ function
cervical, thoracic, lumbar spinal nn.
FOR erection of spine, posture
erector spinae: muscle either side of vertebrae
pectoral girdle and thorax: muscles (if needed), nerve/s (if needed)/ general location/ function
pectoralis major: pecs
deltoid: shoulder muscle
trapezius: 2x triangular shape muscle, neck/upper back
anterior compartment of the arm: muscles (if needed), nerve/s (if needed)/ general location/ function
(upper limb), musculocutenous nerve (both muscle and skin of ant. comp.)
FOR flexion of elbow
- biceps brachii
(long/short head- laterally/ medially)
posterior compartment of the arm: muscles (if needed), nerve/s (if needed)/ general location/ function
(upper limb), radial nerve
FOR extension of elbow
- triceps brachii (lateral/long/medial head- outside/upper inside/lower inside)
anterior compartment of the forearm: muscles (if needed), nerve/s (if needed)/ general location/ function
(upper limb) median and ulnar nerve
FOR flexion of wrist and fingers
hand: muscles (if needed), nerve/s (if needed)/ general location/ function
ulnar and median nn.
FOR fine movement of fingers, precision grip
- thenar eminence (thumb muscles)
- hypothenar eminence (pinky muscles)
gluteal region: muscles (if needed), nerve/s (if needed)/ general location/ function
(superficial, lower limb)
FOR lateral rotation of thigh
- gluteus medius (middle layer)
- gluteus maximus (superficial)
- gluteus minimus (deep)
anterior compartment of thigh: muscles (if needed), nerve/s (if needed)/ general location/ function
(lower limb), femoral nerve
FOR extension of knee (opposite to anterior of arm)
- quadraceps
medial compartment of thigh: muscles (if needed), nerve/s (if needed)/ general location/ function
(inner thigh) obturator nerve
FOR adduction of the hip
posterior compartment of thigh: muscles (if needed), nerve/s (if needed)/ general location/ function
tibial and common fibular (from sciatic) nn.
- hamstrings
FOR extension of hip, flexion of knee
anterior compartment of leg: muscles (if needed), nerve/s (if needed)/ general location/ function
(lower limb), deep fibular (peroneal) nerve
FOR dorsiflexion of ankle joint
lateral compartment of leg: muscles (if needed), nerve/s (if needed)/ general location/ function
(lower limb), superficial fibular (peroneal) nerve
FOR eversion of foot
posterior compartment of leg: muscles (if needed), nerve/s (if needed)/ general location/ function
tibial nerve (calf)
FOR plantar flexion of foot
- calcaneal tendon (‘achilles’)
function: facial expression
facial expression
function: mastication
mastication (chewing)
function: abdomen
FOR flexion of trunk
function: respiration
FOR respiration
function: anterior com of arm
FOR flexion of elbow
function: posterior com of arm
FOR extension of elbow
function: anterior com of forearm
FOR flexion of wrist and fingers
function: posterior com of forearm
FOR extension of wrist and fingers
function: anterior com of thigh
FOR extension of knee (opposite to anterior of arm)
function: medial com of thigh
FOR adduction of the hip
function: posterior com of thigh
FOR extension of hip, flexion of knee
function: anterior com of leg
FOR dorsiflexion of ankle joint
function: posterior com of leg
FOR plantar flexion of foot
function: gluteal region
FOR lateral rotation of thigh
function: lateral com of leg
FOR eversion of foot