Brain Pt. 2 and Cranial nerves Flashcards
names all lobes:
frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital, insula
sulcus/ gyrus related to lobe: frontal
central sulcus, pre-central gyrus
sulcus/ gyrus related to lobe: parietal
post central gyrus
sulcus/ gyrus related to lobe: temporal
lateral cerebral sulcus
sulcus/ gyrus related to lobe: occipital
parieto-occipital sulcus
list all primary areas of cerebral cortex:
primary: somatosensory, visual, auditory, gustatory, olfactory
where is the location of primary somatosensory area: and features
postcentral gyrus,
impulses for touch, proprioception, pain, itching, tickle, thermal sensation
where is the location of primary visual area:
posterior end of occipital lobe
where is the location of primary auditory area:
superior part of temporal lobe
where is the location of primary gustatory area:
base of post central gyrus
where is the location of primary olfactory area:
medial aspect of temporal lobe
list motor areas:
primary motor area, Broca’s speech area
where is the location of primary motor area: and features
precentral gyrus
voluntary muscle contractions
where is the location of Broca’s speech area: and features
frontal cortex, close to lateral cerebral gyrus
coordinated contraction of muscles involves in speech
somatosensory association area: location, features and function
posterior to primary somatosensory area
- determines shape, texture, orientation and relations of the parts of the objects
- compares with previous sensory experiences
prefrontal cortex: location and function
anterior part of frontal lobe
personality features, intellect, complex learning abilities, reasoning, planning, initiative, judgement, foresight and recall of info
list all association areas:
somatosensory, prefrontal cortex, visual, auditory, common integrative, premotor, Wernicke’s area
visual association area: location and function
occipital lobe,
recognition and evaluation of visual perceptions
auditory association area: location and function
inferior/posterior to primary auditory area
recognition of auditory perceptions
common integrative area: location and function
close to somatosensory, visual and auditory areas
receives and integrates sensory impulses and interpretations from different areas
premotor association area: location and function
anterior to primary motor area
complex and learned motor activity patterns
Wenicke’s area: location and function
temporal and parietal lobes
interprets meaning of speech (fluent aphasia)
general functions of left hemisphere:
- receives somatic sensory signals from/controls muscles on R side of body
- reasoning
- numerical and scientific skills
- ability to use/ understand sign language
- spoken and written language
general functions of right hemisphere:
- receives somatic sensory signals from/ controls muscles on L side of body
- musical and artistic awareness
- space and pattern perception
- recognition of faces/ emotional content of facial expression
- generating emotional content of language
- generating mental images to compare spatial relationships
- identifying and discriminating among odours
features/ function: diencephalon
centrally positioned, surrounded by cerebral hemispheres, superior to midbrain
- encloses third ventricle
parts: thalamus, hypothalamus, epithalamus
features/ nuclei: thalamus
paired oval masses (grey matter) and tracts (white matter)
- R/L halves connected by intermediate mass (interthalamic adhesion)
- 7 major groups of nuclei (paired)
- internal capsule: axons connecting to thalamus and cerebral cortex
function: thalamus
major relay station:
- sensory impulses, crude perceptions (pain, temp, pressure)
- motor function: transmission of impulses from cerebellum and basal ganglia -> primary motor cortex
- regulation of autonomic activites
- maintains consciousness
features/ function: hypothalamus
several nuclei in 4 regions (mammillary, tuberal, supraoptic, preoptic)
- controls/ integrates activities of ANS, produce hormones, body temp, regulates emotional/ behavioural patterns, eating/ drinking, circadian rhythm, states of consciousness
features/ function: epithalamus
pineal gland: posterior extremity of 3rd ventricle (melatonin) and habenular nuclei (olfaction)
cerebellum: location/ general features
posterior/ inferior aspect of cranial cavity
- posterior to medulla, pons
- inferior to cerebrum (tentorium cerebelli)
evaluates movement, regulates posture and balance
- cortex folded into folia, white matter (arbour vitae): cerebellar nuclei
cerebellum: lobes/ hemispheres/ peduncles
connected by vermis
- anterior, posterior and flocculo-nodular lobes
- peduncles: bundles of white matter, attach cerebellum to brain stem, superior/ middle/ inferior
list parts of brainstem:
midbrain, pons, medulla oblongata
midbrain: location/ parts
btw diencephalon and pons, containing cerebral aqueduct (connects 3/4th ventricles) made of tracts of nuclei
anterior part:
- cerebral peduncles (tracts) motor impulses from cerebrum -> pons, medulla, spinal cord, sensory medullar -> thalamus
posterior part (tectum): - 4 elevations: 2 superior (reflex centres for visual activities) 2 inferior colliculi (auditory pathways)
midbrain: nuclei
- Substantia Nigra (controls subconscious muscular activities)
- red nuclei (coordination of muscular activities)
- occulomotor and trochlear cranial nerves
pons: : location/ parts
btw midbrain/ medulla, contains 4th ventricle (btw pons/ cerebellum) made of tracts/ nuclei
ventral region:
- relay station for white matter tracts connecting cerebral/ cerebellar hemispheres (coordination of voluntary movement)
dorsal region:
- ascending sensory/ descending motor tracts
- cranial nerves nuclei: trigeminal, abducens, facial, vestibulocochlear
medulla oblongata: location/ white matter
btw pons/ spinal cord (foramen magnum), similar to spinal cord
white matter:
- ascending/ descending tracts
- 2 anterior protrusions: pyramids (motor tracts)
- decussation of pyramids 90% of axons on both sides cross to other side
- olives: relay impulses from proprioceptors to cerebellum- lateral to the pyramids
medulla oblongata: grey matter
cardiovascular centre, rhythmicity area (breathing), reflexes for vomiting, sneezing, coughing
- cranial nerves: vestibulocochlear, glossopharyngeal, vagus, accessory, hypoglossal
reticular formation:
network of neuronal cell bodies dispersed within white matter, from diencephalon, through brain stem to upper part of spinal cord
- helps maintain consciousness
cranial nerves: general info
12 pairs:
- sensory
- motor
- mixed
passes through foramina in cranial base
list all cranial nerves I-XII
I Olfactory II Optic III occulomotor IV trochlear V trigeminal VI abducens VII facial VIII vestibulocochlear IX glossopharyngeal X vagus XI accessory XII hypoglossal
list cranial nerves whether they are sensory, motor or both:
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Olfactory: features/ function/ location
I: sensory
- smell receptors in nasal cavity
- olfactory bulbs/ tracts
optic: features/ function/ location
II: sensory
- retina
- optic chiasm, optic tract
occulomotor: features/ function/ location
III: motor
moving upper eyelid/ eyeball, autonomic (parasympathetic)
- lens and pupil
trochlear: features/ function/ location
IV: motor
movement of eyeball
trigeminal: features/ function/ location
V: both
- sensory (touch, proprioception, temp, pain)
- motor (muscles of mastication)
- ophthalmic
- maxillary
- mandibular
abducens: features/ function/ location
VI: motor
movement of eyeball
facial: features/ function/ location
VII: both
- sensory (taste, proprioception)
- motor (m. facial expression)
- parasympathetic (salivary/ lacrimal glands)
vestibulocochlear: features/ function/ location
VIII: sensory
equilibrium and hearing
glossopharyngeal: features/ function/ location
IX: both
- sensory (baroreceptors, chemoreceptors, taste, proprioception)
- motor (stylopharyngeus)
- parasympathetic (parotid gland)
vagus: features/ function/ location
X: both
- sensory (chemoreceptors, baroreceptors, taste, visceral organs or thorax/ abdomen)
- motor (muscles of pharynx, larynx, soft palate)
- parasympathetic (heart, lungs, glands, smooth muscle of visceral organs)
accessory: features/ function/ location
XI: motor
sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles
hypoglossal: features/ function/ location
XII: motor