Bones Flashcards
What is bone tissue?
rigid, well vascularised with high mineral content, collagen fibres
types of bone tissue and brief info:
- compact (dense), hard outer portion
- spongy (cancellous trabecular), porous highly vascularised inner portion
bone function: and eg.
- support/ framework: for attachment of soft tissue (muscles) for movement
- protection: of soft tissue/organs (cranium, vertebral column, rib cage, pelvis)
- hematopoiesis: blood cell formation, red bone marrow
- fat and mineral storage: (medullary cavity, yellow bone marrow) (calcium, phosphorus)
how many bones at birth vs adult?
infants: 270
adult: 206 (approx.)
define sutural bones
small bones from fusing of bones (eg. in skull)
define sesamoid bones: and eg.
bones developed in tendons responding to physical stress
- not completely ossified eg. patella, pisiform
eg of each classification of bone:
long: humerus
short: trapezoid
flat: sternum
irregular: vertebra
sesamoid: patella
long bones: main features and function
longer than wide, main bone of limbs, often curved
- used to sustain weight, provide levers for muscles,
list main long bones of the body (9):
humerus, radius, ulna, metacarpals, femur, tibia, fibula, metatarsals, phalanges
shaft of long bone:
- cylinder of compact bone around inner cavity, outer surface is surrounded by layer connective tissue (periosteum)
- most long bones have nutrient foramen (hole) for arteries
medullary cavity:
yellow bone marrow, lined with connective tissue layer (endosteum)
end of bone, with spongy tissue, red bone marrow and articular cartilage (prevent friction)
between diaphysis/ epiphysis, fusion point
- growing bone: has epiphyseal (growth) plate of hyaline cartilage (longitudinal growth) = epiphyseal line
short bones: features, function, eg.
equal length/width or cuboidal, covered by thin layer of compact bone
- transfer forces of movement
- carpal (wrist), tarsal (ankle) bones
short bones: features/ function/ eg.
equal length/width or cuboidal, covered by thin layer of compact bone
- transfer forces of movement
- carpal (wrist), tarsal (ankle) bones
flat bones: features/ function/eg
- broad surface: for muscle attachment, protection
- irregularly articular surface
- spongy bone (dipploë) between compact bone layers (external/ internal table)
- cranial (skull) bones, ribs, scapular
irregular bones: features/ function/ eg.
varied complex, peculiar shape
- many surfaces for muscle attachment/ articulation
- varied amount of spongy/ compact bone
- eg. vertebrae, calcaneus (heel bone), some skull bones
axial skeleton: function
provide axis (midline) of body/ support, protecting organs of head, neck and trunk
axial skeleton bones:
skull, auditory ossicles, hyoid, rib cage, sternum, vertebral column
appendicular skeleton: function
bones of free upper and lower limbs, and girdles connecting to axial
appendicular skeleton bones:
- pectoral girdle (clavicle, scapular),
- free upper limb (humerus, radius, ulna, carpals, metacarpals, phalanges),
- pelvic girdle (coxa),
- free lower limb (femur, patella, tibia, fibula, tarsals, metatarsals, phalanges)
list cranial bones: (paired?)
frontal (1), parietal (2), temporal (2), occipital (1), sphenoid (1), ethmoid (1)
list facial bones: (paired?)
lacrimal (2), nasal (2), maxillae (2), zygomatic (2), palatine (2), inferior nasal conchae (2), mandible (1), vomer (1)
frontal bone: features
front of cranium, contain frontal sinus (paranasal sinus)- covered in mucus membrane
parietal bone: features
upper sides/ roof of skull, coronal suture (btw. frontal/ parietal), sagittal (btw. parietal bones)
list temporal bone parts:
squamous, tympanic, styloid process, mastoid process, petrous
squamous part: features
zygomatic process, zygomatic arch
tympanic part:
external acoustic meatus (ear canal)
styloid process:
thin bone projects inferiorly
mastoid part:
mastoid process, bone behind ear
petrous part:
floor of cranium: transverse plane
occipital bone: features
posterior/ base of skull, separated by lambdoid suture (btw. parietals)
- foramen magnum (hole for spinal cord)
- occipital condyles (crests) covered in articular cartilage
sphenoid bone:
butterfly shape, anterior/ middle base of skull,
- (sphenoidal sinus) paranasal sinus
- greater and lesser wing
ethmoid bone:
between your eyes/orbits,
anterior portion of floor, part of eye, septum
- ethmoid sinus (paranasal)
- superior/ middle nasal conchae
cranial base section:
anterior cranial fossa, middle cranial fossa, posterior cranial fossa
anterior cranial fossa: bones
frontal (anteriorly)
ethmoid (middle)
body + lesser wings of sphenoid (posteriorly)
middle cranial fossa: bones
- sella turcica- pituary gland (medially)
- greater wings (sphenoid)
- sqaumous (laterally)
- petrous (posteriorly)
posterior cranial fossa: bones
mainly occipital
facial bones: upper jaw
(alveolar process) support teeth, hard palate, nasal cavity, orbits, large maxillary sinus
facial bones: palatine
posterior of hard palate, part of orbit and nasal cavity
facial bones: zygomatic
zygomatic process + temporal process, zygomatic arch
lateral contours of face, of orbit
facial bones: lacrimal
btw. ethmoid and nasal/maxilla bone
medial wall of the orbit
facial bones: nasal
nose bridge
facial bones: inferior nasal concha
scroll-like bone projecting horizontally/medially from lateral wall of nasal cavity
- humidifies air, traps particles
lower part of nose, flat, part of septum
lower jaw,
ramus, body, angle
condylar process (covered in articular cartiliage) part of joint
coronoid process (beak-like)
list skull cavities: and brief function
- cranial (1 300-1 350 cubic cm)
- nasal: nasal fossae (divided by nasal septum), 4 paranasal sinus (in bones) lessen skull weight, resonance chambers (voice)
- middle/inner ear cavities,
- orbits,
- oral (buccal) cavity
define/list fontanels: and locations
soft spots of infant skull, plates of cartilage (mesenchyme)
- anterior (1) btw. parietal/ frontal
- posterior (1) btw. parietal/ occipital
- anterolateral (2) btw. frontal, parietal, temporal, sphenoid
- posterolateral (2) parietal, occipital, temporal
auditory ossicles:
transmit sound impulses
- malleus, incus, stapes (hammer, anvil, stirrup)
hyoid bone:
not attached to other bone, inferior to mandible
suspended from styloid process by stylohyoid muscles/ ligaments, supporting the tongue
how many vertebrae in vertebral column?
33 -> 26 vertebrae
vertebral column regions + no. of bones in each:
cervical (7) thoracic (12) lumbar (5) sacrum (5 joined up) coccyx (4 joined up)
list vertebral column curves:
cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral
primary vertebral curves
CONCAVE: posterior
thoracic, sacral
secondary vertebral curves:
CONVEX: anterior
cervical, lumbar
vertebral curve: function
increase strength, maintain balance in upright position, absorb shocks, protect vertebrae from breaks
vertebrae main features: superior view
- spinous process (posterior),
- body (anterior) hold most of weight, vertebral foramen,
- transverse process (attaching ligaments etc.),
- lamina,
- pedicle (btw. transverse/ body)
vertebrae: superior/inferior articular facet
articulate/ connect to rest of the vertebrae,
vertebrae main features: lateral view (excl. superior view mentioned)
- superior/ inferior vertebral notch
- superior/ inferior articular facet
- superior facet
- inferior demifacet
- facet for articular part of tubercle of rib (only in thoracic)
list atypical vertebrae:
Atlas (C1)
Axis (C2)
Atlas differences:
- larger vertebral foramen + 2 transverse foramen in t. processes (only in cervical vertebrae)
- flat at base of skull
- lateral mass (with condyles)
Axis difference:
bony dens (allow rotation of head) - short
characteristics of vertebrae: cervical
small, 1 vertebral + 2 transverse foramen, often bifid (split into 2) spinous process, no facets for ribs, thick intervertebral discs relative to body size
characteristics of vertebrae: thoracic
larger, 1 vertebral foramen, long spinous process (most project inferiorly), has articular facets for ribs, thin intervertebral discs relative to body sixe
characteristics of vertebrae: lumbar
largest vertebrae, 1 vertebral foramen, short/blunt spinous process, no articular facets for ribs, massive intervertebral discs
thoracic cage: features
both bone and cartilaginous structures
- 12 pairs of ribs
- costal cartilage
- 12 thoracic vertebrae
- sternum
ribs: division features
true (1-7): direct attachment to sternum -> by costal cartilage
false (8-10): cartilage attached to rib superior
floating (11-12): no connection -> muscle and tissue
typical rib features:
head, neck, tubercle, shaft
- costal groove: muscle attachment
- body: main large part
- superior/ inferior facets
sternum features:
- manubrium (only rib 1 connects here)
- body
- xiphoid process
pectoral girdle: list/ which skeleton?
appendicular: clavicle and scapula
pelvic girdle: list/ which skeleton?
appendicular: os coxae
scapula main parts:
spine (posteriorly), supraspinous fossa, infraspinous fossa, coracoid process, acromion, superior/inferior angle, glenoid cavity (lateral) (connects to humerus)
clavicle main parts:
sternal end (flat), acromial end (thinner), conoid tubercle
humerus main parts:
head (assos. glenoid cavity) or usually articulation point, anatomical neck (head-> shaft), surgical neck, deltoid tuberosity (rough, attach- muscle), medial/lateral condyle (has art. cartliage),
radius main parts:
thumb side, thicker
- flat side head
- neck
- radial tuberosity
- styloid process
ulna main parts:
pinky side, looks thinner anteriorly
- head opposite radius
- trochlear notch (U-shaped)
- olecranon
- styloid process
- ulnar tuberosity
list carpal bones/ how many:
8, trapezoid, trapezium, pisiform, lunate, scaphoid, capitate, triquetrum
list metacarpal bones/ how many
5 (I - V from thumb)
list phalanges/ how many:
14, singular- phalanx
- 2 for thumb
- 3 for rest of fingers
pair of os coxae, connected to sacrum and coccyx by cartilage
os caxae bones: and main parts
ilium. ischium, pubis
- acetabulum: articulate with femur
- sciatic notch
femur main parts:
shaft, neck, head, medial/ lateral condyles, medial/ lateral epicondyles, greater/ lesser trochanter (ONLY in femur)- large bony projection,
tibia main parts:
- most medial
- head
- medial malleolus (larger styloid process)
- interosseous membrane btw.
- anterior border (crest)
fibular main parts:
- most lateral
- lateral malleolus (larger v- styloid process)
- interosseous membrane btw.
foot bones: and how many
- tarsal bones (7): calcaneus, talus-> tibia,
- metatarsal bones (5)
- phalanges (14): 2 for big toe, 3 in other digits